Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List
You must nominate an occupation from the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL) if you are nominated by a State or Territory Government, a direct entry stream Employer Nomination Scheme visa, a Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) or a Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402).
There will be a charge by the assessing authorities for the assessment.
职业 | Occupation | ANZSCO Code | Assessing Authority |
项目施工经理 | Construction Project Manager | 133111 | VETASSESS |
项目建造师 | Project Builder | 133112 | VETASSESS |
工程经理 | Engineering Manager | 133211 | Engineers Australia/AIM |
生产经理(采矿) | Production Manager (Mining) | 133513 | VETASSESS |
托儿所经理 | Child Care Centre Manager | 134111 | TRA |
医疗行政人员 | Medical Administrator | 134211 | VETASSESS |
临床护理主任 | Nursing Clinical Director | 134212 | ANMAC |
初级卫生机构管理者 | Primary Health Organisation Manager | 134213 | VETASSESS |
福利中心经理 | Welfare Centre Manager | 134214 | ACWA/VETASSESS |
会计师(普通) | Accountant (General) | 221111 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
管理会计师 | Management Accountant | 221112 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
税务会计师 | Taxation Accountant | 221113 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
外审 | External Auditor | 221213 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
内审 | Internal Auditor | 221214 | VETASSESS |
精算师 | Actuary | 224111 | VETASSESS |
土地经济学家 | Land Economist | 224511 | VETASSESS |
估价师 | Valuer | 224512 | VETASSESS |
轮机工程师 | Ship's Engineer | 231212 | AMSA |
船长 | Ship's Master | 231213 | AMSA |
船舶驾驶员 | Ship's Officer | 231214 | AMSA |
建筑师 | Architect | 232111 | AACA |
景观设计师 | Landscape Architect | 232112 | VETASSESS |
制图师 | Cartographer | 232213 | VETASSESS |
其他空间科学家 | Other Spatial Scientist | 232214 | VETASSESS |
测量员 | Surveyor | 232212 | SSSI |
城市和区域规划师 |
Urban and Regional Planner | 232611 | VETASSESS |
化学工程师 |
Chemical Engineer | 233111 | Engineers Australia |
材料工程师 | Materials Engineer | 233112 | Engineers Australia |
土木工程师 | Civil Engineer | 233211 | Engineers Australia |
岩土工程师 | Geotechnical Engineer | 233212 | Engineers Australia |
工料测量师 | Quantity Surveyor | 233213 | AIQS |
结构工程师 | Structural Engineer | 233214 | Engineers Australia |
交通工程师 | Transport Engineer | 233215 | Engineers Australia |
电气工程师 | Electrical Engineer | 233311 | Engineers Australia |
电子工程师 | Electronics Engineer | 233411 | Engineers Australia |
工业工程师 | Industrial Engineer | 233511 | Engineers Australia |
机械工程师 | Mechanical Engineer | 233512 | Engineers Australia |
生产或工厂工程师 | Production or Plant Engineer | 233513 | Engineers Australia |
采矿工程师(石油除外) | Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) | 233611 | Engineers Australia |
石油工程师 | Petroleum Engineer | 233612 | Engineers Australia |
航空工程师 | Aeronautical Engineer | 233911 | Engineers Australia |
农业工程师 | Agricultural Engineer | 233912 | Engineers Australia |
生物医学工程师 | Biomedical Engineer | 233913 | Engineers Australia |
工程技师 | Engineering Technologist | 233914 | Engineers Australia |
环境工程师 | Environmental Engineer | 233915 | Engineers Australia |
海军建筑师 | Naval Architect | 233916 | Engineers Australia |
农业顾问 |
Agricultural Consultant | 234111 | VETASSESS |
农业科学家 | Agricultural Scientist | 234112 | VETASSESS |
护林科学家 | Forester | 234113 | VETASSESS |
医学实验室科学家 | Medical Laboratory Scientist | 234611 | AIMS |
兽医 | Veterinarian | 234711 | AVBC |
冶金学家 | Metallurgist | 234912 | VETASSESS |
物理学家 | Physicist (Medical Physicist only) | 234914 | ACPSEM |
幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 | Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher | 241111 | AITSL |
中学教师 | Secondary School Teacher | 241411 | AITSL |
特殊需求教师 | Special Needs Teacher | 241511 | AITSL |
听障教师 | Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | 241512 | AITSL |
视障教师 | Teacher of the Sight Impaired | 241513 | AITSL |
特殊教育教师NEC |
Special Education Teachers nec | 241599 | AITSL |
医疗放射诊断技师 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | 251211 | AIR |
医疗放射治疗师 | Medical Radiation Therapist | 251212 | AIR |
核医学技师 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | 251213 | ANZSNM |
超声波检验师 | Sonographer | 251214 | AIR |
环境卫生官员 | Environmental Health Officer | 251311 | VETASSESS |
职业健康与安全顾问 | Occupational Health and Safety Adviser | 251312 | VETASSESS |
验光师 | Optometrist | 251411 | OCANZ |
脊椎按摩师 | Chiropractor | 252111 | CCEA |
整骨师 | Osteopath | 252112 | ANZOC |
牙科专家 | Dental Specialist | 252311 | ADC |
牙科医生 | Dentist | 252312 | ADC |
职业治疗师 | Occupational Therapist | 252411 | OTC |
物理治疗师 | Physiotherapist | 252511 | APC |
足病诊疗师 | Podiatrist | 252611 | APodC |
语言病理学家 | Speech Pathologist | 252712 | SPA |
全科医生 | General Practitioner | 253111 | Medical Board of Australia |
麻醉师 | Anaesthetist | 253211 | Medical Board of Australia |
专科医师(综合内科) | Specialist Physician (General Medicine) | 253311 | Medical Board of Australia |
心脏病专家 | Cardiologist | 253312 | Medical Board of Australia |
临床血液病医生 | Clinical Haematologist | 253313 | Medical Board of Australia |
医疗肿瘤学家 | Medical Oncologist | 253314 | Medical Board of Australia |
内分泌学家 | Endocrinologist | 253315 | Medical Board of Australia |
胃肠病医生 | Gastroenterologist | 253316 | Medical Board of Australia |
重症监护专家 | Intensive Care Specialist | 253317 | Medical Board of Australia |
神经学家 | Neurologist | 253318 | Medical Board of Australia |
儿科医生 | Paediatrician | 253321 | Medical Board of Australia |
肾内科专家 | Renal Medicine Specialist | 253322 | Medical Board of Australia |
风湿病专家 | Rheumatologist | 253323 | Medical Board of Australia |
胸科医学专家 | Thoracic Medicine Specialist | 253324 | Medical Board of Australia |
其他未分类专科医生 | Specialist Physicians nec | 253399 | Medical Board of Australia |
精神科医生 | Psychiatrist | 253411 | Medical Board of Australia |
外科医生(普通) | Surgeon (General) | 253511 | Medical Board of Australia |
心胸外科医生 | Cardiothoracic Surgeon | 253512 | Medical Board of Australia |
神经外科专家 | Neurosurgeon | 253513 | Medical Board of Australia |
矫形外科医生 | Orthopaedic Surgeon | 253514 | Medical Board of Australia |
耳鼻喉科专家 | Otorhinolaryngologist | 253515 | Medical Board of Australia |
儿科医生 | Paediatric Surgeon | 253516 | Medical Board of Australia |
整形外科医生 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon | 253517 | Medical Board of Australia |
泌尿科医师 | Urologist | 253518 | Medical Board of Australia |
血管外科医生 | Vascular Surgeon | 253521 | Medical Board of Australia |
皮肤科医生 | Dermatologist | 253911 | Medical Board of Australia |
急诊医学专家 | Emergency Medicine Specialist | 253912 | Medical Board of Australia |
妇产科医生 | Obstetrician and Gynaecologist | 253913 | Medical Board of Australia |
眼科医生 | Ophthalmologist | 253914 | Medical Board of Australia |
病理学家 | Pathologist | 253915 | Medical Board of Australia |
诊断和介入放射科专家 | Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist | 253917 | Medical Board of Australia |
放射肿瘤科专家 | Radiation Oncologist | 253918 | Medical Board of Australia |
其他医疗执业人员 | Medical Practitioners nec | 253999 | Medical Board of Australia |
助产士 | Midwife | 254111 | ANMAC |
执业护师 | Nurse Practitioner | 254411 | ANMAC |
注册护士(老年护理) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | 254412 | ANMAC |
注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) | Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | 254413 | ANMAC |
注册护士(社区卫生服务) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | 254414 | ANMAC |
注册护士(重症监护和紧急) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | 254415 | ANMAC |
注册护士(发展迟缓) | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | 254416 | ANMAC |
注册护士(残疾和康复) | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | 254417 | ANMAC |
注册护士(医学) | Registered Nurse (Medical) | 254418 | ANMAC |
注册护士(医疗实践) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | 254421 | ANMAC |
注册护士(心理健康) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | 254422 | ANMAC |
注册护士(围手术期) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | 254423 | ANMAC |
注册护士(手术) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | 254424 | ANMAC |
注册护士(儿科) | Registered Nurse (Paediatric) | 254425 | ANMAC |
其他注册护士 | Registered Nurses nec | 254499 | ANMAC |
ICT业务分析师 | ICT business Analyst | 261111 | ACS |
系统分析员 | Systems Analyst | 261112 | ACS |
程序分析员 | Analyst Programmer | 261311 | ACS |
开发程序员 | Developer Programmer | 261312 | ACS |
软件工程师 | Software Engineer | 261313 | ACS |
计算机网络和系统工程师 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | 263111 | ACS |
网络管理员 | Network Administrator | 263112 | ACS |
电信工程师 | Telecommunications Engineer | 263311 | Engineers Australia |
电信网络工程师 | Telecommunications Network Engineer | 263312 | Engineers Australia |
律师 | Barrister | 271111 | SLAA |
律师 | Solicitor | 271311 | SLAA |
临床心理学家 | Clinical Psychologist | 272311 | APS |
教育心理学家 | Educational Psychologist | 272312 | APS |
组织心理学家 | Organisational Psychologist | 272313 | APS |
心理治疗师 | Psychotherapist | 272314 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类心理学家 | Psychologists nec | 272399 | APS |
社工 | Social Worker | 272511 | AASW |
土木工程绘图员 | Civil Engineering Draftsperson | 312211 | Engineers Australia/ VETASSESS |
土木工程技术员 | Civil Engineering Technician | 312212 | VETASSESS |
电气工程绘图员 | Electrical Engineering Draftsperson | 312311 | Engineers Australia |
电气工程技术员 | Electrical Engineering Technician | 312312 | TRA |
无线电通信技术员 | Radio Communications Technician | 313211 | TRA |
电信领域工程师 | Telecommunications Field Engineer | 313212 | Engineers Australia |
电信网络规划师 | Telecommunications Network Planner | 313213 | Engineers Australia |
电信技术人员或技师 | Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist | 313214 | Engineers Australia |
汽车电工 | Automotive Electrician | 321111 | TRA |
汽车技工(普通 | Motor Mechanic (General) | 321211 | TRA |
柴油汽车技工 | Diesel Motor Mechanic | 321212 | TRA |
摩托车技工 | Motorcycle Mechanic | 321213 | TRA |
小型发动机技工 | Small Engine Mechanic | 321214 | TRA |
钣金行业工人 | Sheetmetal Trades Worker | 322211 | TRA |
金属构造工 | Metal Fabricator | 322311 | TRA |
压力焊工 | Pressure Welder | 322312 | TRA |
焊工 | Welder (First Class) | 322313 | TRA |
钳工(普通) | Fitter (General) | 323211 | TRA |
钳工和车床工 | Fitter and Turner | 323212 | TRA |
钳工,焊工 | Fitter-Welder | 323213 | TRA |
金属机械师(甲等) | Metal Machinist (First Class) | 323214 | TRA |
锁匠 | Locksmith | 323313 | TRA |
瓦工 | Bricklayer | 331111 | TRA |
石匠 | Stonemason | 331112 | TRA |
木工和细木工 | Carpenter and Joiner | 331211 | TRA |
木匠 | Carpenter | 331212 | TRA |
细木工 | Joiner | 331213 | TRA |
绘画工人 | Painting trades workers | 332211 | TRA |
玻璃工 | Glazier | 333111 | TRA |
纤维泥水匠 | Fibrous Plasterer | 333211 | TRA |
固体泥水匠 | Solid Plasterer | 333212 | TRA |
墙壁和地面磁砖工 | Wall and Floor Tiler | 333411 | TRA |
管道工(普通) | Plumber (General) | 334111 | TRA |
空调和机械服务水管工 | Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber | 334112 | TRA |
下水道工 | Drainer | 334113 | TRA |
煤气工 | Gasfitter | 334114 | TRA |
屋顶水暖工 | Roof plumber | 334115 | TRA |
电工(普通) | Electrician (General) | 341111 | TRA |
电工(特种) | Electrician (Special Class) | 341112 | TRA |
电梯维修工 | Lift Mechanic | 341113 | TRA |
空调和制冷技工 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic | 342111 | TRA |
电气接线员 | Electrical Linesworker | 342211 | TRA |
电缆接线技工 | Technical Cable Jointer | 342212 | TRA |
电子设备行业工人 | Electronic Equipment Trades Worker | 342313 | TRA |
电子仪器行业工人(普通) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) | 342314 | TRA |
电子仪器行业工人(特别类) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) | 342315 | TRA |
主厨 | Chef*** | 351311 | TRA |
船舶构造和维修工 | Boat Builder and Repairer | 399111 | TRA |
造船工人 | Shipwright | 399112 | TRA |
牙科保健员 | Dental Hygienist | 411211 | VETASSESS |
牙科修复学家 | Dental Prosthetist | 411212 | TRA |
牙科技师 | Dental Technician | 411213 | TRA |
牙科治疗师 | Dental Therapist | 411214 | VETASSESS |
首席执行官或常务董事 | Chief Executive or Managing Director | 111111 | AIM |
公司总经理 | Corporate General Manager | 111211 | AIM |
国防军高级官员 | Defence Force Senior Officer | 111212 | VETASSESS |
水产养殖农民 | Aquaculture Farmer | 121111 | VETASSESS |
棉农 | Cotton Grower | 121211 | VETASSESS |
花农 | Flower Grower | 121212 | VETASSESS |
水果或坚果种植者 | Fruit or Nut Grower | 121213 | VETASSESS |
谷物,油籽草种植者(澳洲) /大田作物种植者(新西兰) | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ) | 121214 | VETASSESS |
葡萄种植者 | Grape Grower | 121215 | VETASSESS |
混合作物农民 | Mixed Crop Farmer | 121216 | VETASSESS |
甘蔗种植者 | Sugar Cane Grower | 121217 | VETASSESS |
草坪种植者 | Turf Grower | 121218 | VETASSESS |
菜农 | Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ) | 121221 | VETASSESS |
未分类的弄作物农民 | Crop Farmers nec | 121299 | VETASSESS |
养蜂人 | Apiarist | 121311 | VETASSESS |
肉牛农民 | Beef Cattle Farmer | 121312 | VETASSESS |
奶牛农民 | Dairy Cattle Farmer | 121313 | VETASSESS |
鹿养殖农民 | Deer Farmer | 121314 | VETASSESS |
山羊饲养员 | Goat Farmer | 121315 | VETASSESS |
马饲养员 | Horse Breeder | 121316 | VETASSESS |
混合型畜牧业农民 | Mixed Livestock Farmer | 121317 | VETASSESS |
养猪农民 | Pig Farmer | 121318 | VETASSESS |
家禽饲养员 | Poultry Farmer | 121321 | VETASSESS |
绵羊饲养员 | Sheep Farmer | 121322 | VETASSESS |
未分类畜牧业农民 | Livestock Farmers nec | 121399 | VETASSESS |
混合作物和牲畜农民 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer | 121411 | VETASSESS |
销售市场经理 | Sales and Marketing Manager | 131112 | AIM |
广告管理 | Advertising Manager | 131113 | AIM |
公共关系经理 | Public Relations Manager | 131114 | AIM |
企业服务经理 | Corporate Services Manager | 132111 | VETASSESS |
财务经理 | Finance Manager | 132211 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
人力资源经理 | Human Resource Manager | 132311 | AIM |
政策和规划经理 | Policy and Planning Manager | 132411 | VETASSESS |
研发经理 | Research and Development Manager | 132511 | VETASSESS |
进口商或出口商 | Importer or Exporter | 133311 | VETASSESS |
批发商 | Wholesaler | 133312 | VETASSESS |
制造商 | Manufacturer | 133411 | VETASSESS |
生产经理(林业) | Production Manager (Forestry) | 133511 | VETASSESS |
生产经理(制造业) | Production Manager (Manufacturing) | 133512 | VETASSESS |
供应及分销经理 | Supply and Distribution Manager | 133611 | AIM |
采购经理 | Procurement Manager | 133612 | AIM |
未分类卫生和福利服务经理 | Health and Welfare Services Managers nec | 134299 | VETASSESS |
校长 | School Principal | 134311 | VETASSESS |
系主任 | Faculty Head | 134411 | VETASSESS |
区域教育经理 | Regional Education Manager | 134412 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类教育管理者 | Education Managers nec | 134499 | VETASSESS |
首席信息官 | Chief Information Officer | 135111 | ACS |
ICT项目经理 | ICT Project Manager | 135112 | ACS |
ICT技术经理 | ICT Managers nec | 135199 | ACS |
现役国防军官 | Commissioned Defence Force Officer | 139111 | VETASSESS |
现役消防官 | Commissioned Fire Officer | 139112 | VETASSESS |
现役警察 | Commissioned Police Officer | 139113 | VETASSESS |
高级非现役国防人员 | Senior Non-Commissioned Defence Force Member | 139211 | VETASSESS |
艺术类管理者或经理 | Arts Administrator or Manager | 139911 | VETASSESS |
环境经理 | Environmental Manager | 139912 | VETASSESS |
实验室经理 | Laboratory Manager | 139913 | VETASSESS |
质量保证经理 | Quality Assurance Manager | 139914 | VETASSESS |
体育管理员 | Sports Administrator | 139915 | VETASSESS |
专家经理NEC | Specialist Managers nec EXCEPT: · Ambassador · Archbishop · Bishop | 139999 | VETASSESS |
咖啡馆或餐厅经理 | Cafe or Restaurant Manager*** | 141111 | VETASSESS |
露营公园和露营地经理 | Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager | 141211 | VETASSESS |
酒店或汽车旅馆经理 | Hotel or Motel Manager | 141311 | VETASSESS |
持牌俱乐部经理持牌俱乐部经理 | Licensed Club Manager | 141411 | VETASSESS |
住宿加早餐管理人 | Bed and Breakfast Operator | 141911 | VETASSESS |
退休村经理 | Retirement Village Manager | 141912 | VETASSESS |
住宿和接待经理NEC | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec | 141999 | VETASSESS |
古董商 | Antique Dealer | 142112 | VETASSESS |
投注代理处经理 | Betting Agency Manager | 142113 | VETASSESS |
美发或美容院经理 | Hair or Beauty Salon Manager | 142114 | VETASSESS |
邮局经理 | Post Office Manager | 142115 | VETASSESS |
旅行社经理 | Travel Agency Manager | 142116 | VETASSESS |
娱乐中心经理 | Amusement Centre Manager | 149111 | VETASSESS |
健身中心经理 | Fitness Centre Manager | 149112 | VETASSESS |
体育中心经理 | Sports Centre Manager | 149113 | VETASSESS |
呼叫或联系中心经理 | Call or Contact Centre Manager | 149211 | VETASSESS |
客户服务经理 | Customer Service Manager | 149212 | VETASSESS |
会议和活动组织者 | Conference and Event Organiser | 149311 | VETASSESS |
车队经理 | Fleet Manager | 149411 | VETASSESS |
火车站经理 | Railway Station Manager | 149412 | VETASSESS |
运输公司经理 | Transport Company Manager | 149413 | VETASSESS |
宠物旅馆管理人 | Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator | 149911 | VETASSESS |
电影院或剧院经理 | Cinema or Theatre Manager | 149912 | VETASSESS |
设施经理 | Facilities Manager | 149913 | VETASSESS |
金融机构分公司经理 | Financial Institution Branch Manager | 149914 | VETASSESS |
设备租赁经理 | Equipment Hire Manager | 149915 | VETASSESS |
演员 | Actor | 211111 | VETASSESS |
舞蹈演员及编舞 | Dancer or Choreographer | 211112 | VETASSESS |
艺人或综艺艺术家 | Entertainer or Variety Artist | 211113 | VETASSESS |
演员,舞蹈家和其他艺人NEC | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nec | 211199 | VETASSESS |
作曲家 | Composer | 211211 | VETASSESS |
音乐总监 | Music Director | 211212 | VETASSESS |
音乐家(器乐) | Musician (Instrumental) | 211213 | VETASSESS |
歌手 | Singer | 211214 | VETASSESS |
专业音乐人 | Music Professionals nec | 211299 | VETASSESS |
摄影师 | Photographer | 211311 | VETASSESS |
画家(视觉艺术) | Painter (Visual Arts) | 211411 | VETASSESS |
陶艺或陶瓷艺术家 | Potter or Ceramic Artist | 211412 | VETASSESS |
雕塑家 | Sculptor | 211413 | VETASSESS |
其他未被划分的视觉艺术和手工艺品专业人员 | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals nec | 211499 | VETASSESS |
艺术总监 | Artistic Director | 212111 | VETASSESS |
媒体制作人(不含视频) | Media Producer (excluding Video) | 212112 | VETASSESS |
电台主持人 | Radio Presenter | 212113 | VETASSESS |
电视主持人 | Television Presenter | 212114 | VETASSESS |
作家 | Author | 212211 | VETASSESS |
图书或剧本编辑 | Book or Script Editor | 212212 | VETASSESS |
艺术总监(电影,电视或舞台) | Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) | 212311 | VETASSESS |
总监(电影,电视,广播或舞台) |
Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) | 212312 | VETASSESS |
摄影指导 | Director of Photography | 212313 | VETASSESS |
电影和视频剪辑 | Film and Video Editor | 212314 | VETASSESS |
项目总监(电视或电台) |
Program Director (Television or Radio) | 212315 | VETASSESS |
剧务 | Stage Manager | 212316 | VETASSESS |
技术总监 | Technical Director | 212317 | VETASSESS |
视频制作人 | Video Producer | 212318 | VETASSESS |
电影,电视,广播和舞台总监 |
Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nec | 212399 | VETASSESS |
文案 | Copywriter | 212411 | VETASSESS |
报纸或期刊编辑 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor | 212412 | VETASSESS |
报刊杂志记者 | Print Journalist | 212413 | VETASSESS |
电台记者 | Radio Journalist | 212414 | VETASSESS |
技术作家 | Technical Writer | 212415 | VETASSESS |
电视记者 | Television Journalist | 212416 | VETASSESS |
记者和其他作家NEC | Journalists and Other Writers nec | 212499 | VETASSESS |
公司秘书 | Company Secretary | 221211 | VETASSESS |
企业财务 | Corporate Treasurer | 221212 | CPAA/CA/IPA |
大宗商品交易商 | Commodities Trader | 222111 | VETASSESS |
金融经纪人 | Finance Broker | 222112 | VETASSESS |
保险经纪人 | Insurance Broker | 222113 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类金融经纪人 | Financial Brokers nec | 222199 | VETASSESS |
金融市场经销商 | Financial Market Dealer | 222211 | VETASSESS |
期货操盘手 | Futures Trader | 222212 | VETASSESS |
证券经纪交易商 | Stockbroking Dealer | 222213 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类金融交易商 | Financial Dealers nec | 222299 | VETASSESS |
金融投资顾问 | Financial Investment Adviser | 222311 | VETASSESS |
金融投资经理 | Financial Investment Manager | 222312 | VETASSESS |
人力资源顾问 | Human Resource Adviser | 223111 | VETASSESS |
招聘顾问 | Recruitment Consultant | 223112 | VETASSESS |
劳资关系顾问 | Workplace Relations Adviser | 223113 | VETASSESS |
ICT培训师 | ICT Trainer | 223211 | ACS |
培训和开发专员 | Training and Development Professional | 223311 | VETASSESS |
数学家 | Mathematician | 224112 | VETASSESS |
统计学家 | Statistician | 224113 | VETASSESS |
档案管理员 | Archivist | 224211 | VETASSESS |
画廊或博物馆馆长 | Gallery or Museum Curator | 224212 | VETASSESS |
卫生信息管理员 | Health Information Manager | 224213 | VETASSESS |
记录管理员 | Records Manager | 224214 | VETASSESS |
经济学家 | Economist | 224311 | VETASSESS |
情报官 | Intelligence Officer | 224411 | VETASSESS |
政策分析师 | Policy Analyst | 224412 | VETASSESS |
图书管理员 | Librarian | 224611 | VETASSESS |
管理顾问 | Management Consultant | 224711 | VETASSESS |
组织和方法分析师 | Organisation and Methods Analyst | 224712 | VETASSESS |
选举官员 | Electorate Officer | 224911 | VETASSESS |
联络官 | Liaison Officer | 224912 | VETASSESS |
移民顾问 | Migration Agent (Aus) | 224913 | VETASSESS |
专利审查员 | Patents Examiner | 224914 | VETASSESS |
信息和组织专业人员 | Information and Organisation Professionals nec | 224999 | VETASSESS |
广告专员 | Advertising Specialist | 225111 | VETASSESS |
市场研究分析师 | Market Research Analyst | 225112 | VETASSESS |
市场营销专员 | Marketing Specialist | 225113 | VETASSESS |
ICT客户经理 | ICT Account Manager | 225211 | VETASSESS |
ICT业务发展经理 | ICT Business Development Manager | 225212 | VETASSESS |
ICT销售代表 | ICT Sales Representative | 225213 | VETASSESS |
公共关系专员 | Public Relations Professional | 225311 | VETASSESS |
销售代表(工业产品) | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) | 225411 | VETASSESS |
销售代表(医药品) |
Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) | 225412 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类技术销售代表 |
Technical Sales Representatives nec | 225499 | VETASSESS |
飞机飞行员 | Aeroplane Pilot | 231111 | CASA |
空中交通管制员 | Air Traffic Controller | 231112 | VETASSESS |
飞行教练 | Flying Instructor | 231113 | VETASSESS |
直升机飞行员 | Helicopter Pilot | 231114 | CASA |
航空运输专业人员 | Air Transport Professionals nec | 231199 | VETASSESS |
渔船船长 | Master Fisher | 231211 | VETASSESS |
船舶检验员 | Marine Surveyor | 231215 | AMSA |
海洋运输专业人员 | Marine Transport Professionals nec | 231299 | VETASSESS |
时装设计师 | Fashion Designer | 232311 | VETASSESS |
工业设计师 | Industrial Designer | 232312 | VETASSESS |
珠宝设计师 | Jewellery Designer | 232313 | VETASSESS |
平面设计师 | Graphic Designer | 232411 | VETASSESS |
插图画师 | Illustrator | 232412 | VETASSESS |
多媒体设计师 | Multimedia Designer | 232413 | VETASSESS |
网页设计师 | Web Designer | 232414 | VETASSESS |
室内设计师 | Interior Designer | 232511 | VETASSESS |
其他工程专业人员 | Engineering Professionals nec | 233999 | Engineers Australia |
化学家 | Chemist | 234211 | VETASSESS |
食品工艺师 | Food Technologist | 234212 | VETASSESS |
酿酒师 | Wine Maker | 234213 | VETASSESS |
自然保护官员 | Conservation Officer | 234311 | VETASSESS |
环境顾问 | Environmental Consultant | 234312 | VETASSESS |
环境研究科学家 | Environmental Research Scientist | 234313 | VETASSESS |
护林员 | Park Ranger | 234314 | VETASSESS |
其他环境科学家 | Environmental Scientists nec | 234399 | VETASSESS |
地质学家 | Geologist | 234411 | VETASSESS |
地球物理学家 | Geophysicist | 234412 | VETASSESS |
水文地质学家 | Hydrogeologist | 234413 | VETASSESS |
生命科学家(普通) | Life Scientist (General) | 234511 | VETASSESS |
生物化学家 | Biochemist | 234513 | VETASSESS |
生物技术学家 | Biotechnologist | 234514 | VETASSESS |
植物学家 | Botanist | 234515 | VETASSESS |
海洋生物学家 | Marine Biologist | 234516 | VETASSESS |
微生物学家 | Microbiologist | 234517 | VETASSESS |
动物学家 | Zoologist | 234518 | VETASSESS |
其他生命科学家 | Life Scientists nec | 234599 | VETASSESS |
自然保护者 | Conservator | 234911 | VETASSESS |
气象学家 | Meteorologist | 234913 | VETASSESS |
物理学家 | Physicist | 234914 | VETASSESS |
运动生理学家 | Exercise Physiologist | 234915 | VETASSESS |
其他自然和物理科学专业人员 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec | 234999 | VETASSESS |
小学教师 | Primary School Teacher | 241213 | AITSL |
中学教师 | Middle School Teacher (Aus) / Intermediate School Teacher (NZ) | 241311 | AITSL |
大学讲师 | University Lecturer (Suitable for the position of Research Associate or Research Fellow in a University) | 242111 | VETASSESS |
大学导师 | University Tutor | 242112 | VETASSESS |
职业教育技师(非技工) | Vocational Education Teacher (Non Trades) | 242211 | VETASSESS |
职业教育技师(技工) | Vocational Education Teacher (Trades) | 242211 | TRA |
教育顾问 | Education Adviser | 249111 | VETASSESS |
教育评论家 | Education Reviewer | 249112 | VETASSESS |
美术教师(补习) | Art Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249211 | VETASSESS |
舞蹈老师(补习) | Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249212 | VETASSESS |
戏剧老师(补习) | Drama Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249213 | VETASSESS |
音乐教师(补习) | Music Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249214 | VETASSESS |
私人导师和教师 | Private Tutors and Teachers nec | 249299 | VETASSESS |
讲其他语言的学生英语教师 |
Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages | 249311 | VETASSESS |
营养师 | Dietitian | 251111 | DAA |
营养师 | Nutritionist | 251112 | VETASSESS |
视觉矫正师 | Orthoptist | 251412 | VETASSESS |
医院药剂师 | Hospital Pharmacist | 251511 | APharmC |
工业药剂师 | Industrial Pharmacist | 251512 | VETASSESS |
零售药剂师 | Retail Pharmacist | 251513 | APharmC |
健康推广主任 | Health Promotion Officer | 251911 | VETASSESS |
义肢矫形师 | Orthotist or Prosthetist | 251912 | VETASSESS |
其他健康诊断和推广专业人士 | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec | 251999 | VETASSESS |
针灸师 | Acupuncturist | 252211 | VETASSESS |
顺势疗法医师 | Homoeopath | 252212 | VETASSESS |
自然疗法医师 | Naturopath | 252213 | VETASSESS |
中国传统中医 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner | 252214 | Chinese Medicine Board Of Australia |
补充的性健康治疗师 | Complementary Health Therapists nec | 252299 | VETASSESS |
听力学家 | Audiologist | 252711 | VETASSESS |
驻院医务人员 | Resident Medical Officer | 253112 | Medical Board of Australia |
护士研究员 | Nurse Researcher | 254212 | ANMAC |
护士长 | Nurse Manager | 254311 | ANMAC |
护士教育员 | Nurse Educator | 254211 | ANMAC |
多媒体专家 | Multimedia Specialist | 261211 | ACS |
网页开发工程师 | Web Developer | 261212 | ACS |
软件测试员 | Software Tester | 261314 | ACS |
其他软件和应用程序员 | Software and Applications Programmers nec | 261399 | ACS |
数据库管理员 | Database Administrator | 262111 | ACS |
ICT安全专家 | ICT Security Specialist | 262112 | ACS |
系统管理员 | Systems Administrator | 262113 | ACS |
网络管理员 | Network Administrator | 263112 | ACS |
网络分析师 | Network Analyst | 263113 | ACS |
ICT质量保证工程师 | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer | 263211 | ACS |
ICT支持工程师 | ICT Support Engineer | 263212 | ACS |
ICT系统测试工程师 | ICT Systems Test Engineer | 263213 | ACS |
ICT支持和测试工程师 | ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | 263299 | ACS |
法官 | Judge* | 271211 | Agency that approves the appointment |
地方法官 | Magistrate* | 271212 | Agency that approves the appointment |
法庭成员 | Tribunal Member** | 271213 | Agencies that approve the appointment |
知识产权律师 | Intellectual Property Lawyer | 271214 | VETASSESS |
司法和其他法律专业人员 | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals nec | 271299 | VETASSESS |
置业顾问 | Careers Counsellor | 272111 | VETASSESS |
药物和酒精顾问 | Drug and Alcohol Counsellor | 272112 | VETASSESS |
家庭和婚姻顾问 | Family and Marriage Counsellor | 272113 | VETASSESS |
康复顾问 | Rehabilitation Counsellor | 272114 | VETASSESS |
学生辅导 | Student Counsellor | 272115 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类辅导员 | Counsellors nec | 272199 | VETASSESS |
传教士 | Minister of Religion**** | 272211 | VETASSESS |
历史学家 | Historian | 272411 | VETASSESS |
口译 | Interpreter | 272412 | NAATI |
笔译 | Translator | 272413 | NAATI |
考古学家 | Archaeologist | 272414 | VETASSESS |
社会专业人员 | Social Professionals nec | 272499 | VETASSESS |
社区艺术工作者 | Community Arts Worker | 272611 | VETASSESS |
娱乐协调官 | Recreation Officer | 272612 | VETASSESS |
福利工作者 | Welfare Worker | 272613 | ACWA |
农业技术员 | Agricultural Technician | 311111 | VETASSESS |
麻醉技术员 | Anaesthetic Technician | 311211 | VETASSESS |
心脏技术员 | Cardiac Technician | 311212 | VETASSESS |
医学实验室技术员 | Medical Laboratory Technician | 311213 | AIMS |
手术室技术员 | Operating Theatre Technician | 311214 | VETASSESS |
药房技术员 | Pharmacy Technician | 311215 | VETASSESS |
抽血员 | Pathology Collector (Aus) / Phlebotomist (NZ) | 311216 | AIMS |
其他医疗技师 | Medical Technicians nec | 311299 | VETASSESS |
渔业主任 | Fisheries Officer | 311311 | VETASSESS |
肉类检查员 | Meat Inspector | 311312 | VETASSESS |
检疫官员 | Quarantine Officer | 311313 | VETASSESS |
其他初级产品检查员 | Primary Products Inspectors nec | 311399 | VETASSESS |
化学技术员 | Chemistry Technician | 311411 | VETASSESS |
地球科学技术员 | Earth Science Technician | 311412 | VETASSESS |
生命科学技术员 | Life Science Technician | 311413 | VETASSESS |
学校实验室技术员 | School Laboratory Technician | 311414 | VETASSESS |
水文工作者 | Hydrographer | 311415 | VETASSESS |
其他科学技术员 | Science Technicians nec | 311499 | VETASSESS |
建筑绘图员 | Architectural Draftsperson | 312111 | VETASSESS |
建筑助理 | Building Associate | 312112 | VETASSESS |
建筑检查员 | Building Inspector | 312113 | VETASSESS |
建筑估算员 | Construction Estimator | 312114 | VETASSESS |
管道检查员 | Plumbing Inspector | 312115 | VETASSESS |
测量或空间科学技术员 | Surveying or Spatial Science Technician | 312116 | VETASSESS |
建筑,建造及测量技术员NEC | Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec | 312199 | VETASSESS |
电子工程绘图员 | Electronic Engineering Draftsperson | 312411 | Engineers Australia |
电子工程技术员 | Electronic Engineering Technician | 312412 | TRA |
机械工程绘图员 | Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson | 312511 | Engineers Australia |
机械工程技术员 | Mechanical Engineering Technician | 312512 | TRA |
安全检查员 | Safety Inspector | 312611 | VETASSESS |
维修规划员 | Maintenance Planner | 312911 | VETASSESS |
冶金或材料技术员 | Metallurgical or Materials Technician | 312912 | VETASSESS |
矿副 | Mine Deputy | 312913 | VETASSESS |
建筑及工程技术员NEC | Building and Engineering Technicians nec | 312999 | VETASSESS/Engineers Australia |
硬件技术员 | Hardware Technician | 313111 | TRA |
ICT客户支持 | ICT Customer Support Officer | 313112 | TRA |
网站管理员 | Web Administrator | 313113 | ACS |
ICT支持技术员NEC | ICT Support Technicians nec | 313199 | TRA |
铁匠 | Blacksmith | 322111 | TRA |
电镀工 | Electroplater | 322112 | TRA |
蹄铁匠 | Farrier | 322113 | TRA |
金属铸件工 | Metal Casting Trades Worker | 322114 | TRA |
金属抛光工 | Metal Polisher | 322115 | TRA |
飞机维修工程师(航空电子) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) | 323111 | TRA |
飞机维修工程师(机械) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) | 323112 | TRA |
飞机维修工程师(结构) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) | 323113 | TRA |
纺织品、衣服和鞋类机修工 | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic | 323215 | TRA |
金属钳工和机械师 | Metal Fitters and Machinists nec | 323299 | TRA |
雕刻工 | Engraver | 323311 | TRA |
枪械工 | Gunsmith | 323312 | TRA |
精密仪器制造和修理工 | Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer | 323314 | TRA |
电锯制造和修理工 | Saw Maker and Repairer | 323315 | TRA |
钟表制造和修理工 | Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer | 323316 | TRA |
工程制模工人 | Engineering Patternmaker | 323411 | TRA |
模具工人 | Toolmaker | 323412 | TRA |
钣金工 | Panelbeater | 324111 | TRA |
车身制造工 | Vehicle Body Builder | 324211 | TRA |
汽车翻修工 | Vehicle Trimmer | 324212 | TRA |
汽车喷漆工 | Vehicle Painter | 324311 | TRA |
地板工 | Floor Finisher | 332111 | TRA |
屋顶铺瓦工 | Roof Tiler | 333311 | TRA |
商业机械技工 | Business Machine Mechanic | 342311 | TRA |
通信运营商 | Communications Operator | 342312 | TRA |
线缆工(数据通信) | Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) | 342411 | TRA |
电信电缆接线员 | Telecommunications Cable Jointer | 342412 | TRA |
电信接线员 | Telecommunications Linesworker | 342413 | TRA |
电信技术员 | Telecommunications Technician | 342414 | TRA |
面包师 | Baker | 351111 | TRA |
面点师 | Pastrycook | 351112 | TRA |
屠夫和肉类加工者 | Butcher or Smallgoods Maker (Excluding the activity of slaughtering animals, or primarily boning, slicing or packaging meat in a non-retail setting.) | 351211 | TRA |
厨师 | Cook*** | 351411 | TRA |
驯犬师或训犬师 | Dog Handler or Trainer | 361111 | VETASSESS |
驯马师 | Horse Trainer | 361112 | TRA |
动物园管理员 | Zookeeper | 361114 | VETASSESS |
养犬手 | Kennel Hand | 361115 | VETASSESS |
动物服务员和教员NEC | Animal Attendants and Trainers nec | 361199 | VETASSESS |
剪切工 | Shearer | 361211 | VETASSESS |
兽医护士 | Veterinary Nurse | 361311 | VETASSESS |
花匠 | Florist | 362111 | TRA |
园丁(普通) | Gardener (General) | 362211 | TRA |
树艺师 | Arborist | 362212 | TRA |
园艺师 | Landscape Gardener | 362213 | TRA |
球场管理员 | Greenkeeper | 362311 | TRA |
托儿所职员 | Nurseryperson | 362411 | TRA |
理发师 | Hairdresser | 391111 | TRA |
打印装订工 | Print Finisher | 392111 | TRA |
丝网印刷工 | Screen Printer | 392112 | TRA |
图形印前行业工人 | Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker | 392211 | TRA |
印刷技工 | Printing Machinist | 392311 | TRA |
小型胶印印刷工 | Small Offset Printer | 392312 | TRA |
帆布制品加工商 | Canvas Goods Fabricator | 393111 | TRA |
皮革制品制造商 | Leather Goods Maker | 393112 | TRA |
帐篷厂商 | Sail Maker | 393113 | TRA |
鞋匠 | Shoemaker | 393114 | TRA |
裁缝 | Apparel Cutter | 393211 | TRA |
服装打样师 | Clothing Patternmaker | 393212 | TRA |
女装裁缝或男装裁缝 | Dressmaker or Tailor | 393213 | TRA |
服装行业工人 | Clothing Trades Workers nec | 393299 | VETASSESS |
家俱商 | Upholsterer | 393311 | TRA |
细木工 | Cabinetmaker | 394111 | TRA |
家具润饰工 | Furniture Finisher | 394211 | TRA |
画框制作者 | Picture Framer | 394212 | TRA |
木材机械工 | Wood Machinist | 394213 | TRA |
木材车床工 | Wood Turner | 394214 | TRA |
木工机械师和其他木材技工工人 | Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec | 394299 | TRA |
化工厂操作员 | Chemical Plant Operator | 399211 | TRA |
天然气或石油操作员 | Gas or Petroleum Operator | 399212 | TRA |
发电厂操作员 | Power Generation Plant Operator | 399213 | TRA |
画廊或博物馆技术员 | Gallery or Museum Technician | 399311 | TRA |
图书馆技术员 | Library Technician | 399312 | VETASSESS |
珠宝匠 | Jeweller | 399411 | TRA |
广播发射机操作员 | Broadcast Transmitter Operator | 399511 | TRA |
摄影师(电影、电视或录像) | Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) | 399512 | TRA |
灯光师 | Light Technician | 399513 | TRA |
化妆师 | Make Up Artist | 399514 | TRA |
乐器制造工或维修工 | Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer | 399515 | TRA |
录音师 | Sound Technician | 399516 | TRA |
电视设备操作工 | Television Equipment Operator | 399517 | TRA |
其他未分类演艺技工 | Performing Arts Technicians nec | 399599 | VETASSESS |
标牌撰写工 | Signwriter | 399611 | TRA |
潜水员 | Diver | 399911 | VETASSESS |
室内装潢师 | Interior Decorator | 399912 | VETASSESS |
眼镜配制技师 | Optical Dispenser | 399913 | TRA |
光学技工 | Optical Mechanic | 399914 | TRA |
塑料技术员 | Plastics Technician | 399916 | TRA |
羊毛分级员 | Wool Classer | 399917 | TRA |
消防设备技术员 | Fire Protection Equipment Technician | 399918 | TRA |
其他未分类技术人员 | Technicians and Trades Workers nec | 399999 | TRA |
救护主任 | Ambulance Officer | 411111 | VETASSESS |
救护车医务人员 | Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic | 411112 | VETASSESS |
康乐治疗师 | Diversional Therapist | 411311 | VETASSESS |
在编护士 | Enrolled Nurse | 411411 | ANMAC |
育儿护士 | Mothercraft Nurse | 411412 | VETASSESS |
土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民保健员 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker | 411511 | VETASSESS |
按摩治疗师 | Massage Therapist | 411611 | VETASSESS |
社工 | Community Worker | 411711 | VETASSESS |
残疾人服务主任 | Disabilities Services Officer | 411712 | VETASSESS |
家庭工作者 | Family Support Worker | 411713 | VETASSESS |
假释或缓刑主任 | Parole or Probation Officer | 411714 | VETASSESS |
安老院主任 | Residential Care Officer | 411715 | VETASSESS |
青年工作者 | Youth Worker | 411716 | VETASSESS |
国防军成员 - 其他职级 | Defence Force Member – Other Ranks | 441111 | VETASSESS |
紧急服务工作人员 | Emergency Service Worker | 441211 | VETASSESS |
消防战士 | Fire Fighter | 441212 | VETASSESS |
侦探 | Detective | 441311 | VETASSESS |
警官 | Police Officer | 441312 | VETASSESS |
监狱工作人员 | Prison Officer | 442111 | VETASSESS |
驾驶教练 | Driving Instructor | 451211 | VETASSESS |
殡仪馆馆长 | Funeral Director | 451311 | VETASSESS |
葬礼工人 | Funeral Workers nec | 451399 | VETASSESS |
空乘员 | Flight Attendant | 451711 | VETASSESS |
其他未分类旅游服务员 | Travel Attendants nec | 451799 | VETASSESS |
急救训练师 | First Aid Trainer | 451815 | VETASSESS |
潜水教练(开放水域) |
Diving Instructor (Open Water) | 452311 | VETASSESS |
体操教练或教员 | Gymnastics Coach or Instructor | 452312 | VETASSESS |
骑马教练或教员 | Horse Riding Coach or Instructor | 452313 | VETASSESS |
雪上运动指导员 | Snowsport Instructor | 452314 | VETASSESS |
游泳教练或教员 | Swimming Coach or Instructor | 452315 | VETASSESS |
网球教练 | Tennis Coach | 452316 | VETASSESS |
其他体育教练或教员 | Other Sports Coach or Instructor | 452317 | VETASSESS |
赛狗或赛马官员 | Dog or Horse Racing Official | 452318 | VETASSESS |
体育发展主任 | Sports Development Officer | 452321 | VETASSESS |
体育裁判 | Sports Umpire | 452322 | VETASSESS |
其他体育官员 | Other Sports Official | 452323 | VETASSESS |
足球运动员 | Footballer | 452411 | VETASSESS |
高尔夫球运动员 | Golfer | 452412 | VETASSESS |
骑师 | Jockey | 452413 | TRA |
其他未分类体育运动员 | Sportspersons nec | 452499 | VETASSESS |
合同管理员 | Contract Administrator | 511111 | VETASSESS |
计划或项目管理员 | Program or Project Administrator | 511112 | VETASSESS |
财产转让员 | Conveyancer | 599111 | VETASSESS |
法律行政 | Legal Executive | 599112 | VETASSESS |
法院法警 | Court Bailiff or Sheriff (Aus) / Court Collections Officer (NZ) | 599212 | VETASSESS |
保险调查员 | Insurance Investigator | 599611 | VETASSESS |
保险理赔员 | Insurance Loss Adjuster | 599612 | VETASSESS |
保险风险测量师 | Insurance Risk Surveyor | 599613 | VETASSESS |
临床编码员 | Clinical Coder | 599915 | VETASSESS |
拍卖员 | Auctioneer | 611111 | VETASSESS |
股票及站长代理 | Stock and Station Agent | 611112 | VETASSESS |
保险代理人 | Insurance Agent | 611211 | VETASSESS |
商业经纪人 | Business Broker | 612111 | VETASSESS |
物业经理 | Property Manager | 612112 | VETASSESS |
地产代理持牌人 | Real Estate Agency Principal | 612113 | VETASSESS |
房地产代理 | Real Estate Agent | 612114 | VETASSESS |
房地产代表 | Real Estate Representative | 612115 | VETASSESS |
零售采购员 | Retail Buyer | 639211 | VETASSESS |
羊毛采购员 | Wool Buyer | 639212 | VETASSESS |
钻工 | Driller | 712211 |