MLTSSL | Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List |  |
STSOL | Short-term Skilled Occupation List |  |
ROL | Regional Occupation List |  |
Assessing Authority: VETASSESS
State | Capital | Visa subclass 190 | Visa subclass 491 |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | | Yes |
NSW | New South Wales | Sydney | | Yes |
NT | Northern Territory | Darwin | | Yes |
QLD | Queensland (Offshore list) | Brisbane | | Yes |
SA | South Australia | Adelaide | | Yes |
TAS | Tasmania (Category 1) | Hobart | | Yes |
VIC | Victoria | Melbourne | | Yes |
WA | Western Australia (General stream) | Perth | | |
Yes:有资格Occupation may be Eligible
Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请
州担保详情 - ANZSCO 312911
Status | State/Region | Type Visa | Explanation/Additional Requirements |
Closed | New South Wales | Visa subclass 190 |
Open | New South Wales | Visa subclass 491 (regional) |
Status | Explanation |
Closed | You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria. |
This occupation is in the State Occupation List
The State Occupation List is available to all applicants, including international graduates of South Australia. Please review theskilled nomination requirements before applying.
If you are an international graduate of South Australia, you should also review the following page: International graduate occupation and waiver requirements
312911 维修规划员职业描述 Job description
Develops maintenance planning strategies, and schedules, coordinates and monitors the maintenance of all plant equipment.
312911 维修规划员职位别名
312911 维修调度 Maintenance Scheduler
312911 关机协调员 Shutdown Coordinator
312911 关机规划员 Shutdown Planner
312911 维修规划员技术等级 Skill level
维修规划员的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。
312911 维修规划员所属职业列表
Regional Occupation List
312911 维修规划员澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority
移民澳洲时,312911 维修规划员 Maintenance Planner 属于 VETASSESS C 类职业,需要专科以上学历(A qualification assessed at AQF Diploma/AQF Advanced Diploma/Australian Associate Degree level),如果专业高度相关则需要近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验;如果专业不是高度相关,则需要近五年内至少二年毕业后相关工作经验。毕业前 的工作经验符合条件的也可以算作有效工作经验。评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。
312912 冶金或材料技术员 Metallurgical or Materials Technician
312913 矿副 Mine Deputy
312999 建筑及工程技术员NEC Building and Engineering Technicians nec
3129 其他建筑工程技术人员
ANZSCO 3129 其他建筑工程技术人员职责概述
• 此单元组包括未分类的建筑和工程和技术人员。有维修规划者,冶金或材料的技术人员和采矿代理 This unit group covers Building and Engineering Technicians not elsewhere classified.It includes Maintenance Planners, Metallurgical or Materials Technicians, and Mine Deputies.
ANZSCO 3129 其他建筑工程技术人员技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 这个组里的大部分职业需要与下列大纲所列的资历和经验同等的技能 Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.
• 在澳大利亚 In Australia:
• 澳大利亚学历资格体系相关学位,高级 或者技能水平2级 AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 在新西兰 In New Zealand:
• 新西兰技能水平2级注册 NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 至少3年以上相关工作经验可能代替上面列举的正式资格证书。在某些情况下,除了正式的资格证书外,相关经验或在职培训也是需要的。需要必要的登记和注册。 At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. Registration or licensing may be required.