MLTSSL | Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List |  |
STSOL | Short-term Skilled Occupation List |  |
Assessing Authority: VETASSESS
State | Capital | Visa subclass 190 | Visa subclass 491 |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra |
| |
NSW | New South Wales | Sydney | | |
NT | Northern Territory | Darwin | | |
QLD | Queensland | Brisbane | | |
SA | South Australia | Adelaide | |
TAS | Tasmania | Hobart | | |
VIC | Victoria | Melbourne | | |
WA | Western Australia | Perth | | |
Yes “有资格” Occupation may be Eligible
Yes “补充技术清单”或“特殊情况适用”的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
州担保详情 - ANZSCO 311414
Status | Explanation |
Closed | You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you have close ties (job offer or close family) to Canberra and you meet the nomination criteria |
List | Explanation | Additional Requirements |
Supplementary Skilled List | Occupations only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here | Competent English |
This occupation is in the Supplementary Skilled List
The Supplementary Skilled List reflects all occupations available on the Commonwealth’s Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL) that are not available on South Australia's State Occupation List. These occupations are only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here.
311414 学校实验室技术员职业描述 Job description
Prepares experiments and demonstrations, makes up solutions, prepares slides, orders books and equipment, and tidies up laboratories in support of teaching chemistry, earth sciences, life sciences and physical sciences.
311414 学校实验室技术员技术等级 Skill level
学校实验室技术员的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。
311414 学校实验室技术员
CSOL - 澳洲CSOL移民职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List
311414 学校实验室技术员澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority
移民澳洲时,311414 学校实验室技术员 School Laboratory Technician 属于 VETASSESS C类职业,需要专科以上学历(A qualification assessed at AQF Diploma/AQF Advanced Diploma/Australian Associate Degree level),如果专业高度相关则需要近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验;如果专业不是高度相关,则需要近五年内至少二年毕业后相关工作经验。毕业前 的工作经验符合条件的也可以算作有效工作经验。评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。
311411 化学技术员 Chemistry Technician
311412 地球科学技术员 Earth Science Technician
311413 生命科学技术员 Life Science Technician
311499 其他科学技术员 Science Technicians nec
3114 科学技术员
ANZSCO 3114 科学技术员职责概述
• 科学技术员进行测试和实验,为化学、地学、生命科学、物理科学的研究,设计,生产和教学提供技术支持SCIENCE TECHNICIANS perform tests and experiments, and provide technical support functions to assist with research, design, production and teaching in chemistry, earth sciences, life sciences, and physical sciences.
ANZSCO 3114 科学技术员技术要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中的大多数职业有与如下资历相当的技能水平。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.
• In Australia:
• 澳大利亚学历资格框架 大专学历,高级大专 或 (ANZSCO 2级水平)AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• In New Zealand:
• 新西兰注册证书(ANZSCO 2级水平)NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 至少3年的工作经验才能代替上述基本资格要求。在某些情况下,还需要相关工作经验和/或在职培训补充上述基本资格要求。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
ANZSCO 3114 科学技术员主要职责 Tasks Include
• 准备实验材料,比如冷冻并切取样本切片,混合化学物等 preparing materials for experimentation such as freezing and slicing specimens and mixing chemicals
• 收集信息和样本 collecting information and samples
• 进行实地实验和实验室实验,测试和分析 conducting field and laboratory experiments, tests and analyses
• 准备地图,图标,草图,图解,报告等图像或表格的形式来演示实验结果 presenting results in graphic and written form by preparing maps, charts, sketches, diagrams and reports
• 进行日常的数学计算和测量 performing routine mathematical calculations, and computations of measurements
• 通过对测试样品及监测使用效果来对实验室用品的质量和数量进行管理 controlling the quality and quantity of laboratory supplies by testing samples and monitoring usage
• 检查,校正并维护实验设备 checking, calibrating and maintaining test equipment
• 安装并校正实验设备以符合精确要求 participating in fabricating, installing and modifying equipment to ensure that critical standards are met
• 为科学课堂准备实验和演示 preparing experiments and demonstrations for science classes