Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List |
Short-term Skilled Occupation List |
Regional Occupation List |
Assessing Authority: VETASSESS
State |
Capital |
Visa subclass 190 |
Visa subclass 491 |
Australian Capital Territory |
Canberra |
Yes |
Yes |
New South Wales |
Sydney |
Yes |
Yes |
NT |
Northern Territory |
Darwin |
Yes |
Yes |
Queensland (Offshore list)
Brisbane |
SA |
South Australia |
Adelaide |
Yes |
Tasmania (Category 1) |
Hobart |
Yes |
Yes |
Victoria |
Melbourne |
Yes |
Yes |
WA |
Western Australia
(General stream)
Perth |
Yes: 有资格Occupation may be Eligible
Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请
州担保情况 - ANZSCO 224112
Status |
State/Region |
Type Visa |
Explanation/Additional Requirements |
Open |
New South Wales |
Visa subclass 190 |
Open |
New South Wales |
Visa subclass 491 (regional) |
Status |
Explanation |
You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria.
Status |
English Requirements |
Comments |
Open |
Minimum of IELTS 6 in each band or equivalent |
This occupation is in the State Occupation List
The State Occupation List is available to all applicants, including international graduates of South Australia. Please review the skilled nomination requirements before applying.
If you are an international graduate of South Australia, you should also review the following page: International graduate occupation and waiver requirements
Status |
Minimum IELTS (or equivalent) requirement |
Minimum work experience |
Specialisations and other requirements |
Open |
6.0 in each band |
Two years |
224112 数学家职业描述 Job description
Develops and applies mathematical principles and techniques to solve problems in all areas of the sciences, engineering, technology, social sciences, business, industry and commerce.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2293-11 Mathematician.
224112 数学家职位别名
224112 运筹学分析家 Operations Research Analyst
224112 数学家技术等级 Skill level
数学家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
224112 数学家所属职业列表
Short-term Skilled Occupation List
224112 数学家澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority
移民澳洲时,224112 数学家 Mathematician 属于 VETASSESS A类职业(Moved from Group B to Group A),需要本科或更高级学位,专业与提名职业高度相关且近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验,不认可学位前工作经验。职业评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。
224111 精算师 Actuary
224113 统计学家 Statistician
2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家
ANZSCO 2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家职责概述
• 精算师,数学家和统计学家主要负责将精算,数学,统计,数量原则和技巧应用于解决一些领域的问题,如贸易和金融,科学和社会研究以及工程学。计量经济学家 不属于此类职业,它包含在ANZSCO 2243经济学家类别中。ACTUARIES, MATHEMATICIANS AND STATISTICIANS develop and apply actuarial, mathematical, statistical and quantitative principles and techniques to solve problems in a range of fields such as business and finance, scientific and social research, and engineering. Econometricians are excluded from this unit group. Econometricians are included in Unit Group ANZSCO 2243 Economists.
ANZSCO 2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 澳大利亚和新西兰 In Australia and New Zealand:
• 这一类别大多数职业要求有本科或更高学位。至少5年的相关工作经验可以取代正式的学历要求。在一些情况下,除了正式的学历要求,同样需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。可能需要注册和工作许可。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing may be required.
ANZSCO 2241 精算师,数学家和统计学家主要职责 Tasks Include
• 确立,分析和解决关于一些领域的复杂的财务和商业问题,如保险金,养老金,养老基金,退休金和股息 defining, analysing and solving complex financial and business problems relating to areas such as insurance premiums, annuities, superannuation funds, pensions and dividends
• 为一般保险公司,金融公司,政府和其他组织进行财务预测审核 examining financial projections for general insurance companies, finance companies, government and other organisations
• 制定新类型的政策,评估风险并分析在人寿保险,养老保险,医疗保险,互助会,金融市场和其他领域的投资 designing new types of policies, assessing risks and analysing investments in life insurance, superannuation funds, health insurance, friendly societies, financial markets and other areas
• 设计数学模型以模仿进程 formulating mathematical models to simulate processes
• 将模型应用于实验观察并调整和重铸模型 applying models to experimental observations, and adjusting and recasting the models
• 使用数值分析方法来完善算法并进行计算 using numerical analysis methods to develop algorithms and perform computations
• 与管理人和客户进行沟通以决定调研和核查的主要问题和涉及到的领域 liaising with management and clients to determine the subject or area to be surveyed or examined
• 指定需要搜集的数据和搜集分析数据时使用的方法 specifying the data to be collected, and the methodology to be used in collection and analysis
• 评估和具体描述信息来源的可靠性和实用性 evaluating and describing the reliability and utility of source information
• 分析和解释数据并制作相应的统计资料以描述和推断特定的发展趋势和类型 analysing and interpreting data, and producing relevant statistics to describe and infer particular trends and patterns