MLTSSL | Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List | |
STSOL | Short-term Skilled Occupation List |
Assessing Authority: TRA
State | Capital | Visa subclass 190 | Visa subclass 491 | |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | ||
NSW | New South Wales | Sydney | ||
NT | Northern Territory | Darwin | ||
QLD | Queensland | Brisbane | ||
SA | South Australia | Adelaide | ||
TAS | Tasmania | Hobart | ||
VIC | Victoria | Melbourne | ||
WA | Western Australia | Perth |
Yes :“有资格” Occupation may be Eligible
Yes:“补充技术清单”或“特殊情况适用”的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
州担保详情 - ANZSCO 399999
Status | Explanation | |
Closed | You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you have close ties (job offer or close family) to Canberra and you meet the nomination criteria |
List | Explanation | Additional Requirements |
Supplementary Skilled List | Occupations only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here | Competent English |
This occupation is in the Supplementary Skilled List
The Supplementary Skilled List reflects all occupations available on the Commonwealth’s Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL) that are not available on South Australia's State Occupation List. These occupations are only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here.
399999 其他未分类技术人员职业描述 Job description
This occupation group covers Technicians and Trades Workers not elsewhere classified.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:
4982-13 Glass Blower
4999-79 Tradesperson and Related Workers (nec).
399999 空运电子分析员(空军) Airborne Electronics Analyst (Air Force)
399999 建筑模型制作工 Architectural Model Maker
399999 划艇制作工 Canoe Maker
399999 咖啡机技术员 Coffee Machine Technician
399999 纤维复合技术 Fibre Composite Technician
399999 玻璃吹制工 Glass Blower
399999 皮革分选工 Hide and Skin Classer
399999 皮划艇制作工 Irrigation Designer
399999 Kayak Maker
399999 挤奶机技术员 Milking Machine Technician
399999 叠伞员 Parachute Rigger
399999 珍珠技术员 Pearl Technician
399999 烟火师 Pyrotechnician
399999 Ski Technician
399999 浪板制作工 Surfboard Maker
其他未分类技术人员的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
CSOL - 澳洲CSOL移民职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List
TRA - 澳大利亚职业技术认证中心 Trades Recognition Australia:大陆技术移民申请的绝大部分职业都是通过该类别评估。TRA移民技术评估类别申请的条件为具有澳洲要提名职业相对等的资格(一般是 AQFIII,IV或 Diploma),至少3年的全职提名职业作经验,近2年内至少1年全职带薪提名职业工作经验。对于在获得等同AQF相关资质之前的工作要获得认可的话, 需之前至少5年提名职业或者提名职业相关全职工作经验。
399911 潜水员 Diver
399912 室内装潢师 Interior Decorator
399913 眼镜配制技师 Dispensing Optician
399914 光学技工 Optical Mechanic
399916 塑料技术员 Plastics Technician
399917 羊毛分级员 Wool Classer
399918 消防设备技术员 Fire Protection Equipment Technician
3999 其他方面技术员和技工
ANZSCO 3999 其他方面技术员和技工职责概述
• 本组职位包括在其他地方未分类的技术员和技工。This unit group covers Technicians and Trades Workers not elsewhere classified.
• 包括潜水员、室内设计师、配镜师、光控机械工、摄影助理、塑料技师、羊毛分级工。 It includes Divers, Interior Decorators, Optical Dispensers / Dispensing Opticians, Optical
Mechanics, Photographer's Assistants, Plastics Technicians and Wool Classers.
ANZSCO 3999 其他方面技术员和技工技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications
and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF证书3级,包括至少2年的在职培训或AQF证书IV级(ANZSCO技术3 级)In Australia: AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on- the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 在新西兰:NNZ资格证4级(ANZSCO技术3级)In New Zealand: NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 至少3年的工作经验可以代替上述的资格证。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed
• 有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。In some instances relevant experience and /or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required.
• 室内设计师需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。The occupation Interior Decorator has a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications
and experience outlined below.
• 在澳洲:AQF大专文凭、高级文凭、或文凭(ANZSCO技术2级)In Australia: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 在新西兰:NZ登记证书(ANZSCO技术2级)In New Zealand: NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 至少3年的工作经验可以代替上述的资格证。有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。 At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed
above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
全国400咨询电话:400-622-8284 Email 咨询: zixun@feac.cn QQ咨询:4006228284
微博咨询: Andy移民网 微信咨询:Andy移民网
1)广州总公司:广州市天河区林和西路 耀中广场A栋 3505
澳洲公司:1352/17 Gould Road Herston 4006 QLD Australia
加拿大邮寄地址:PO Box 43084 Richmond Centre Richmond BC V6Y 3Y3
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