




MLTSSLMedium and Long-term Strategic Skills List
STSOLShort-term Skilled Occupation List
ROLRegional Occupation List

GENERAL SKILLED VISA 189                                                       无资格

Assessing Authority:    TRA

StateCapitalVisa subclass 190Visa subclass 491
ACTAustralian Capital TerritoryCanberraYes Yes
NSWNew South WalesSydney           Yes
NTNorthern TerritoryDarwin Yes Yes
QLDQueensland(Offshore list)Brisbane                 
SASouth AustraliaAdelaide    Yes
TASTasmania (Category 1)HobartYesYes
VICVictoriaMelbourne Yes

Western Australia

(General stream)



Yes:有资格Occupation may be Eligible

Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业  Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"

Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请


州担保情况 - ANZSCO 342311


ACCESS LISTAccess list - NSW Government website
StatusState/RegionType VisaExplanation/Additional Requirements
ClosedNew South WalesVisa subclass 190
OpenNew South WalesVisa subclass 491 (regional)



ACCESS LISTAccess list - ACT Government website


You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria. 


ACCESS LISTAccess list - NT Government website 
StatusEnglish RequirementsComments
OpenThe applicant will be required to demonstrate a level of English either sufficient to meet licensing / registration or a minimum IELTS 6.0 score in each band, whichever is higher.  


ACCESS LISTAccess list - SA Government website
AvailabilityExplanationAdditional Requirements


Low nomination

Low nomination places left

Competent English; Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only (see 3.5)

This occupation is in the State Occupation List

The State Occupation List is available to all applicants, including international graduates of South Australia. Please review theskilled nomination requirements before applying.

If you are an international graduate of South Australia, you should also review the following page: International graduate occupation and waiver requirements


ACCESS LISTAccess list - TAS Government website 
StatusImportant Information

342311 商业机械技工职业描述 Job description

Installs, maintains and repairs electronic business equipment such as multi-function devices, photocopiers, scanners, fax machines and cash registers.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 431513 Business Machine Mechanic

342311 商业机械技工职位别名

342311 办公设备技 Office Equipment Technician 
342311 办公机器技工 Office Machine Technician 
342311 复印机技工 Photocopier Technician 




342311 商业机械技工技术等级 Skill level

商业机械技工的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。



342311 商业机械技工所属职业列表

澳洲MLTSSL职业列表 Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List 



342311 商业机械技工澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority

TRA - 澳大利亚职业技术认证中心 Trades Recognition Australia:大陆技术移民申请的绝大部分职业都是通过该类别评估。TRA移民技术评估类别申请的条件为具有澳洲要提名职业相对等的资格(一般是AQFIII,IV或 Diploma),至少3年的全职提名职业作经验,近2年内至少1年全职带薪提名职业工作经验。对于在获得等同AQF相关资质之前的工作要获得认可的话,需之前至少5年提名职业或者提名职业相关全职工作经验。


342312 通信运营商 Communications Operator
342313  电子设备行业工人 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker
342314 电子仪器行业工人(普通) Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
342315 电子仪器行业工人(特别类) Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class)

3423 电子行业技工

ANZSCO 3423 电子行业技工职责概述

• 维护、调整和修理电子设备、如商业和办公设备、视频和音频设备、电子仪器和控制系统、传输和接收广播信息。ELECTRONICS TRADES WORKERS maintain, adjust and repair electronic equipment such as commercial and office machines, video and audio equipment, and electronic instruments and control systems, and transmit and receive radio messages

ANZSCO 3423 电子行业技工技能要求 Indicative 技术等级 Skill Level  
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF证书3级,包括至少2年的在职培训或AQF证书IV级(ANZSCO技术3级)In Australia: AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 在新西兰:NNZ资格证4级(ANZSCO技术3级)In New Zealand: NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 至少3年的工作经验可以代替上述的资格证。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above.
• 有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required

ANZSCO 3423 电子行业技工主要职责 Tasks Include  
• 检查并测试机器、设备、仪器和控制系统来确定故障。examining and testing machines, equipment, instruments and control systems to diagnose faults
• 调整、修理和更换磨损和残次部件,进行配线,维护机器、设备和仪器。adjusting, repairing, and replacing worn and defective parts and wiring, and maintaining machines, equipment and instruments
• 对设备重装、测试和调整。reassembling, test operating and adjusting equipment
• 告知用户正确的操作程序以防止发生故障。advising users of correct operating procedures to prevent malfunctions
• 接收代码,并将其转换为纯语言信息,书写和键入传输信息。receiving messages by interpreting code and converting to plain language, and writing and typing messages for transmission
• 监控无线电通信,传输和接受语音信息。monitoring radio traffic, and transmitting and receiving voice messages
• 安装电子仪器和控制系统。installing electronic instruments and control systems
• 应用电气、电子、机械、液压和气动原理方面的知识,试运行和维护控制系统。applying knowledge of electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic principles in commissioning and maintaining control systems
