





MLTSSL Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List
STSOL Short-term Skilled Occupation List
ROL Regional Occupation List

Assessing Authority:    AIMS

GENERAL SKILLED VISA 189               无资格
State Capital Visa subclass 190 Visa subclass 489
ACT Australian Capital Territory Canberra   Yes
NSW New South Wales Sydney   Yes   
NT Northern Territory Darwin     Yes   
QLD Queensland(Offshore list) Brisbane         
SA South Australia Adelaide   Yes
TAS Tasmania Hobart    Yes
VIC Victoria Melbourne      Yes
WA Western Australia Perth   Yes  




Yes: 有资格Occupation may be Eligible

Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业  Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"

Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请



州担保详情 - ANZSCO 311216



ACCESS LISTAccess list - NT Government website  
Status English Requirements Comments
Open Minimum of IELTS 6 in each band or equivalent  



ACCESS LISTAccess list - SA Government website  
List Explanation Additional Requirements



Nominations available

Competent Plus English (or Proficient Overall);

Provisional 489 visa only;

This occupation is in the State Occupation List

The State Occupation List is available to all applicants, including international graduates of South Australia. Please review theskilled nomination requirements before applying.

If you are an international graduate of South Australia, you should also review the following page: International graduate occupation and waiver requirements



ACCESS LISTAccess list - TAS Government website  
Status Important Information


311216 病理收集员 职业描述 Job description

病理收集员 提取、收集、标注并保存患者的血液和其他标本,供实验室分析。
Extracts, collects, labels and preserves blood and other specimens from patients for laboratory analysis.


311216 病理收集员 职位别名

311216 抽血者 Phlebotomist
311216 标本接收员 Specimen Collector 
311216 血液收集者 Blood Collector 


311216 病理收集员技术等级 Skill level

病理收集员的技能等级为3ANZSCO Skill Level 3)


311216 病理收集员所属职业列表

Regional Occupation List

311216 病理收集员 澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority

AIMS - 澳大利亚医学科学家评估 Australian Institute of Medical Scientists:雅思考试总分7.0或以上(A类G类都可以,雅思成绩有效期3年),如果符合请提供你的研究生专业的医学实验室工作经验(审核你的工作年限)。


AIMS: A valid IELTS report form showing an overall band score of 7.0 or better (Academic or General). AIMS considers an IELTS report to be current for three years from the date of issue. Please provide evidence of your postgraduate diagnostic laboratory professional work experience( which state verification of your dates of employment)if applicable.




311211 麻醉技术员 Anaesthetic Technician
311212 心脏技术员 Cardiac Technician
311213 医学实验室技术员 Medical Laboratory Technician
311214 手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician
311215 药房技术员 Pharmacy Technician
311299 其他医疗技师 Medical Technicians nec

3112 医学技师

ANZSCO 3112 医学技师职责概述
• 负责执行麻醉、心脏病治疗、做手术、操作医疗检测设备,进行和协助实验室测试,和开具药方,以支持健康专业人士MEDICAL TECHNICIANS operate anaesthetic, cardiac, operating theatre and medical testing equipment, perform and assist with laboratory tests, and fill prescriptions in support of Health Professionals.

ANZSCO 3112 医学技师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中的大多数职业有与如下资历相当的技能水平。 Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.
• 澳大利亚学历资格框架 大专学历,高级大专 或 (ANZSCO 2级水平) In Australia:AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 新西兰注册证书(ANZSCO 2级水平) In New Zealand:NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 至少3年的工作经验才能代替上述基本资格要求。在某些情况下,还需要相关工作经验和/或在职培训补充上述基本资格要求。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
• 也可能需要登记注册或获得许可。Registration or licensing may be required.
ANZSCO 3112 医学技师主要职责 Tasks Include
• 操作运用于心脏,肾脏,神经系统,听力,麻醉等方面的诊断检测设备 operating equipment used in diagnosing and monitoring disorders of the heart, kidneys, nervous system and hearing, and in anaesthesia
• 执行并协助医学分析程序以及协助麻醉师和外科医生团队 undertaking and assisting with medical analytical procedures and assisting Anaesthetists and surgical teams
• 记录能够测量心率、解读心跳模式和频率的心脏电活动 recording the electrical activity of the heart, from which the heart rate is measured and pattern and rhythm interpreted
• 准备并将幻灯片和组织切片染色,来研究学细胞,并作为组织学检查 preparing and staining slides and tissue sections to study the cells of blood and for histological examination
• 对组织或体液进行诊断试验,并分析血液,尿液,大便,组织等的化学成分 performing diagnostic tests on tissues and body fluids and analysing the chemical constituents of blood, urine, faeces and tissues
• 通过在样本中寻找抗体和有免疫反应的产品来对疾病进行测验 testing for diseases by looking for the presence of antibodies and the products of immune response in samples
• 安装,检测并维护手术室,麻醉室,生命维持仪以及相关设备 setting up, checking and maintaining operating theatres, anaesthetic workstations, life support machines and associated equipment
• 向药剂师咨询处方,协助准备药物 referring prescriptions to Pharmacists and assisting in preparing medications
