MLTSSL | Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List | |
STSOL | Short-term Skilled Occupation List |
Assessing Authority: VETASSESS
State | Capital | Visa subclass 190 | Visa subclass 491 | |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | ||
NSW | New South Wales | Sydney | ||
NT | Northern Territory | Darwin | ||
QLD | Queensland | Brisbane | ||
SA | South Australia | Adelaide | ||
TAS | Tasmania | Hobart | ||
VIC | Victoria | Melbourne | ||
WA | Western Australia | Perth |
Yes有资格Occupation may be Eligible
Yes 补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
州担保详情 - ANZSCO 272211
Status | Explanation | |
Closed | You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you have close ties (job offer or close family) to Canberra and you meet the nomination criteria |
List | Explanation | Additional Requirements |
Supplementary Skilled List | Occupations only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here | Competent English |
Status | Important Information | |
Closed |
Performs spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of a religious faith, and provides motivation, guidance and training in religious life for the people of a congregation or parish, and the wider community. This occupation requires high levels of personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications or experience. Registration or licensing may be required.
272211 原住民典礼司仪神父 Aboriginal Ceremonial Celebrant
272211 牧师 Chaplain
272211 伊玛目 Imam
272211 修道士 Monk
272211 神父 Priest
272211 法师 Rabbi
272211 救世军官员 Salvation Army Officer
传教士的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
移民澳洲时,272211 传教士 Minister of Religion 属于 VETASSESS B类职业,需要本科或更高级学位(Qualification/s assessed at Australian Bachelor degree or Australian higher degree level),如果取得学位的专业与提名职业相关需要近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验。如果学位专业不是高度相关,但有相关专业专业的专科,高级专科,副学士或研究生学历,需要近五年内至少二年本科毕业后相关工作经验。如果学位专业不是高度相关且没有其他相关专业学历,则需要近五年内至少三年毕业后相关工作经验。职业评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。本科毕业前的工作经验符合条件的也可以算作有效工作经验。
2722 宗教部长
ANZSCO 2722 宗教部长职责概述
MINISTERS OF RELIGION perform spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of religious faiths, and provide motivation, guidance and training in religious life for the people of congregations and parishes, and the wider community.
ANZSCO 2722 宗教部长技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。这一职业需要个人对工作的执着和兴趣,或有任职资格或经验(ANZSCO 1级水平)。需要注册和许可证。
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. The occupation in this unit group requires high levels of personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications or experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing may be required.
ANZSCO 2722 宗教部长主要职责 Tasks Include
准备并执行公共礼拜 preparing and conducting services of public worship and acknowledgments of faith
准备并发表布道辞、训诫及特别的演说;选择背景音乐 preparing and delivering sermons, homilies and special talks, and planning music for services
参与社区的社会福利活动,鼓励人们提高责任感,并组织他们参与社区项目 participating in the social and welfare activities of communities, encouraging people to be aware of their responsibilities, and organising participation in community projects
传播宗教分类,管理祷告和讨论组、务虚会和研讨会 conducting classes of religious instruction, and supervising prayer and discussion groups, retreats and seminars
开展婚前及家庭辅导,必要时将人员介绍到专业的服务机构 conducting premarital and family counselling and referring people to professional service agencies where necessary
根据习俗、教会法及民法主持结婚、葬礼和特殊追思礼仪 performing marriages, funerals and special memorial services according to tradition and ecclesiastical and civil law
到家庭、医院及其他机构拜访社区成员,提供忠告及虔诚的安慰 visiting members of the community in their homes, hospitals and other institutions to provide advice and religious comfort
根据教会或民法的要求做好记录 keeping records as required by the church and civil law
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