MLTSSL | Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List | |
STSOL | Short-term Skilled Occupation List | |
ROL | Regional Occupation List |
Assessing Authority: VETASSESS
State | Capital | Visa subclass 190 | Visa subclass 491 | |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | Yes | |
NSW | New South Wales | Sydney | Yes | |
NT | Northern Territory | Darwin | ||
QLD | Queensland (Offshore list) | Brisbane | ||
SA | South Australia | Adelaide | Yes | |
TAS | Tasmania (Category 1) | Hobart | Yes | |
VIC | Victoria | Melbourne | Yes | |
WA | Western Australia (General stream) | Perth |
Yes:有资格Occupation may be Eligible
Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业 Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"
Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请
州担保详情- ANZSCO 224412
Status | State/Region | Type Visa | Explanation/Additional Requirements |
Closed | New South Wales | Visa subclass 190 | |
Open | New South Wales | Visa subclass 491 (regional) |
Status | Explanation | |
Closed | You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria. |
Status | English Requirements | Comments |
Closed | Minimum of IELTS 6 in each band or equivalent |
List | Explanation | Additional Requirements |
Supplementary Skilled List | Occupations only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Provisional 489 visa only |
This occupation is in the Supplementary Skilled List
The Supplementary Skilled List reflects occupations available on the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) that are not available on South Australia's State Occupation List. These occupations are only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here.
Status | Important Information | |
Open | |
Develops and analyses policies guiding the design, implementation and modification of government or commercial operations and programs.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2299-17 Policy Analyst.
ANZSCO 2244 情报与政策分析师职责概述
• 情报与政策分析师收集,分析信息与数据,录制情报,制定分析政策,为政府,商业机构等提供方案设计,修改等建议 INTELLIGENCE AND POLICY ANALYSTS collect and analyse information and data to produce intelligence and to develop and analyse policies guiding the design, implementation and modification of government and commercial operations and programs.
ANZSCO 2244 情报与政策分析师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 在澳大利亚和新西兰 In Australia and New Zealand:
• 这一类别大多数职业要求有本科或更高学位。至少5年的相关工作经验可以取代正式的学历要求。在一些情况下,除了正式的学历要求,同样需要相关的工作经验和 /或在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 2244 情报与政策分析师主要职责 Tasks Include
• 确定组织,客户情报需求 determining organisational and client intelligence requirements
• 组织,收集,分析数据,完善如电子监视等情报信息 organising, collecting, collating and analysing data, and developing intelligence information such as electronic surveillance
• 通过简报,图片,报告,其他途径实现情报的编译与传送 compiling and disseminating intelligence information using briefings, maps, charts, reports and other methods
• 确定搜集数据的可靠真实性 ascertaining the accuracy of data collected and reliability of sources
• 进行危险,风险评估和响应 conducting threat and risk assessments and developing responses
• 与程序负责人等其他相关群体联络,以确定政策需要 liaising and consulting with program administrators and other interested parties to identify policy needs
• 回顾已存在政策与立法,识别异常,过时条款 reviewing existing policies and legislation to identify anomalies and out-of-date provisions
• 调查社会,经济,工业趋势,提供客户期望的服务与项目 researching social, economic and industrial trends, and client expectations of programs and services provided
• 分析政策,准备政策选项,根据政策变化编写简报,并就首选方案提供咨询意见。 formulating and analysing policy options, preparing briefing papers and recommendations for policy changes, and advising on preferred options
• 评估项目和管理可行性政策相互影响和财政问题 assessing impacts, financial implications, interactions with other programs and political and administrative feasibility of policies
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