



121315: 山羊养殖农民 GOAT FARMER SKILL LEVEL 1


MLTSSL Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List
STSOL Short-term Skilled Occupation List
ROL Regional Occupation List

Assessing Authority:     VETASSESS

GENERAL SKILLED VISA 189               无资格
State Capital Visa subclass 190 Visa subclass 491
ACT Australian Capital Territory Canberra     Yes
NSW New South Wales Sydney   Yes
NT Northern Territory Darwin          Yes 
QLD Queensland(Offshore list) Brisbane         
SA South Australia Adelaide    Yes
TAS Tasmania (Category 1) Hobart          Yes 
VIC Victoria Melbourne          Yes 

Western Australia

(General stream)




Yes:有资格Occupation may be Eligible

Yes:补充技术清单或特殊情况适用的职业  Occupation in the "Supplementary Skilled List" or "Special Conditions Apply"

Yes:职业不在"State Occupation List"或职业状态为“Closed”,但若满足条件仍有机会申请


州担保详情 - ANZSCO 121315


ACCESS LISTAccess list - NSW Government website  
Status State/Region Type Visa Explanation/Additional Requirements
Closed New South Wales Visa subclass 190  
Open New South Wales Visa subclass 491 (regional)  




ACCESS LISTAccess list - ACT Government website  
Status Explanation


You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria.



ACCESS LISTAccess list - NT Government website  
Status English Requirements Comments
Open Minimum of IELTS 6 in each band or equivalent  




ACCESS LISTAccess list - SA Government website  
List Explanation Additional Requirements
Supplementary Skilled List Occupations only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here Competent English;Provisional 489 visa only

This occupation is in the Supplementary Skilled List

The Supplementary Skilled List reflects occupations available on the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) that are not available on South Australia's State Occupation List. These occupations are only available if you meet the additional requirements listed here



ACCESS LISTAccess list - TAS Government website  
Status Important Information



121315 山羊养殖农民职业描述 Job description


Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise goats for fibre, milk, meat and breeding stock.


121315 山羊养殖农民技术等级 Skill level

山羊养殖农民的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)


121315 山羊养殖农民所属职业列表

 Regional Occupation List


121315 山羊养殖农民澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - im

移民澳洲时, 121315 山羊养殖农民 Goat Farmer 属于 VETASSESS B类职业,需要本科或更高级学位(Qualification/s assessed at Australian Bachelor degree or Australian higher degree level),如果取得学位的专业与提名职业相关需要近五年内最少有一年毕业后相关工作经验。如果学位专业不是高度相关,但有相关专业的专科,高级专科,副学士或研究生学历,需要近五年内至少二年本科毕业后相关工作经验。如果学位专业不是高度相关且没有其他相关专业学历,则需要近五年内至少三年毕业后相关工作经验。评估不需要雅思,评估函有效期为3年。本科毕业前的工作经验符合条件的也可以算作有效工作经验。



121311 养蜂家 Apiarist
121312 肉牛农民 Beef Cattle Farmer
121313 奶牛农民 Dairy Cattle Farmer
121314 鹿养殖农民 Deer Farmer
121316 马饲养员 Horse Breeder
121317 混合型畜牧业农民 Mixed Livestock Farmer
121318 养猪农民 Pig Farmer
121321 家禽饲养员 Poultry Farmer
121322 绵羊饲养员 Sheep Farmer
121399 未分类畜牧业农民 Livestock Farmers nec





家畜饲养农民负责计划,组织,控制,协调和执行农业经营繁殖和饲养牲畜。LIVESTOCK FARMERS plan, organise, control, coordinate and perform farming operations to breed and raise livestock.

技能要求 Indicative Skill Level:

• 大部分职业要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验可以代替正规资格要求。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历。(ANZSCO 1级水平) In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).


主要职责 Tasks Include:

l  繁殖和饲养牲畜生产的蜂蜜,肉,奶,皮,鸡蛋和羊毛breeding and raising livestock for the production of honey, meat, milk, skins, eggs and wool

l  监控和维护家畜的健康状况monitoring and maintaining the health and condition of livestock

l  提供的牧场和饲料,以维持适当的营养水平providing pastures and fodder to maintain appropriate nutritional levels

l  移动畜牧业优化摄食机会moving livestock to optimise feeding opportunities

l  组织和进行农事操作,如追赶,淋和家畜挤奶,杀菌机,并收集,分级和包装生产organising and conducting farming operations such as catching, drenching and milking livestock, sterilising machines, and collecting, grading and packaging produce

l  指导和监督一般的农事活动,如维持钢笔,大棚和网箱,施肥,控制害虫和杂草,以及不断增长的饲料directing and overseeing general farming activities such as maintaining pens, sheds and cages, fertilising, controlling pests and weeds, and growing fodder

l  维护栅栏,设备和供水系统maintaining fences, equipment and water supply systems

l  组织牲畜的销售,购买,运输和生产organising the sale, purchase and transportation of livestock and produce

l  维护和评估的农事活动记录,监察市场活动,并相应地规划生产maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity and planning production accordingly

l  管理业务资金,包括预算,税收,债务和贷款管理managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management

l  选择,培训和监督员工和承包商may select, train and supervise staff and contractors



