




ANZSCO 3312 木匠和工匠职责概述  
• 建造、安装更新和修理木材、胶合板、墙板和其它材料制成的结构和物件;切割、塑造和安装木材配件。CARPENTERS AND JOINERS construct, erect, install, renovate and repair structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials, and cut, shape and fit timber parts to form structures and fittings

ANZSCO 3312 木匠和工匠技能要求 Indicative 技术等级 Skill Level  
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF证书3级,包括至少2年的在职培训或AQF证书IV级(ANZSCO技术3级)In Australia: AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 在新西兰:NNZ资格证4级(ANZSCO技术3级)In New Zealand: NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 至少3年的工作经验可以代替上述的资格证。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above.
• 有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification

ANZSCO 3312 木匠和工匠主要职责 Tasks Include  
• 要就图纸和说明书来确定需要的材料、范围和安装步骤。studying drawings and specifications to determine materials required, dimensions and installation procedures
• 订购和选择木料,准备设计方案。ordering and selecting timbers and materials, and preparing layouts
• 切割材料,组装和固定已切割和成型的部分。cutting materials, and assembling and nailing cut and shaped parts
• 搭建框架和屋顶结构,铺设地板并确认廓形准确度。erecting framework and roof framing, laying sub-flooring and floorboards and verifying trueness of structures
• 固定面板、屋面望板,安装外墙覆盖层及门窗框架。nailing fascia panels, sheathing roofs, and fitting exterior wall cladding and door and window frames
• 组装准备好的木材并准备安装。assembling prepared wood to form structures and fittings ready to install
• 切割木材接头。cutting wood joints
• 可能要建造混凝土模板。may construct concrete formwork
• 可能要修理现存的配件。may repair existing fittings
• 可能要从事与层压塑料、有机玻璃和金属材料有关的工作。may work with plastic laminates, perspex and metals

ANZSCO 3312 木匠和工匠职位列表 List of occupations

331211 木匠和工匠 Carpenter And Joiner
• 构建和安装结构和工装的木材、胶合板、墙板、伤口、形状和适合木材部分结构形式及相关配件。可能要注册或许可。Constructs and installs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, and wallboard, and cuts, shapes and fits timber parts to form structures and fittings
• Registration or licensing may be required
• 技术级别 Skill Level: 3
• 职业方向 Specialisation:
• Shopfitter

331212 木匠 Carpenter
• 建造、安装、更新和修理木材、胶合板、墙板和其它材料制成的结构和物件。Constructs, erects, installs, renovates and repairs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials
• 可能要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required
• 技术级别 Skill Level: 3
• 职业方向 Specialisations:
• 安装木匠 Fixing Carpenter
• 样板木匠 Formwork Carpenter
• 支柱和布景生产工 Prop and Scenery Maker

331213 工匠 Joiner
• 在车间切割、塑型和安装木材部件并准备安装 Cuts, shapes and fits timber parts in workshops to form structures and fittings, ready for installation
• 可能要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required
• 技术级别 Skill Level: 3
• 职业方向 Specialisations:
• 细木工技工 Joinery Machinist
• 细木工打样师 Joinery Patternmaker
• 细木工安装工 Joinery Setter-out
