UNIT GROUP 1113 LEGISLATORS立法者---Andy技术移民网(www.andyyimin.com)
ANZSCO 1113 立法者职责概述
立法者代表人民团体作为国家,州和地区议会和地方政府机关选举产生的成员的利益。LEGISLATORS represent the interests of people in constituencies as elected members of national, state and territory parliaments and local government authorities.
ANZSCO 1113 立法者技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
大部分职业要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验可以代替正规资格要求。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历。(ANZSCO 1级水平)Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 1113 立法者主要职责 Tasks Include
• 制定国家,州,地区或当地政府的政策,以及制定,修改和废除法律和附则. developing national, state, territory or local government policy, and formulating, amending and repealing legislation and by-laws
•帮助三方成员提供一系列的问题,特别是在有关政府和地方机构事宜helping constituents with a range of problems particularly with regard to matters concerning government and local agencies
•调查公众关注的特定的个人和群体的事项investigating matters of concern to the public and to particular persons and groups
•为政府行动和公众代表和选举利益提出建议introducing proposals for government action and representing public and electoral interests
•为政府部门拟定政策方向,行使对当地政府部门的控制issuing policy directions to government departments and exercising control over local government authorities
•参加社区功能和本地组提供服务社会的会议,听取公众意见,并提供有关政府计划的信息attending community functions and meetings of local groups to provide service to the community, gauge public opinion and provide information on government plans
•可作为对议会委员会和查询会员may serve as a member on parliamentary committees and inquiries
•可能会出现请愿代表关注团体may present petitions on behalf of concerned groups
ANZSCO 1113 立法者职位列表 List of occupations
111311地方政府立委111311 Local Government Legislator
111312国会议员111312 Member of Parliament
111399立法者未分类111399 Legislators nec
备选标题:Alternative Titles:
郡长(AUS)Alderman (Aus)
代表的人在一个选区作为他们选出的当地政府机关的成员的利益。Represents the interests of people in a constituency as their elected member of a local government authority.
技能等级: 1 Skill Level: 1
社区委员会成员( NZ )Community Board Member (NZ)
备选标题:Alternative Title:
Represents the interests of people in a constituency as their elected member to national, state or territory parliament. 代表的人在一个选区作为他们选出的成员国家,州或领地议会的利益。
技能等级: 1 Skill Level: 1
首席部长(澳大利亚)Chief Minister (Aus)
政府部长 Government Minister
立法会议员(澳洲) Member of the Legislative Assembly (Aus)
立法会议员(澳洲) Member of the Legislative Council (Aus)
总理Prime Minister
参议员(AUS)Premier (Aus)
总理(AUS)Senator (Aus)
这个职业组包括立法者未分类。This occupation group covers Legislators not elsewhere classified.
技能等级: 1 Skill Level: 1
在本组的职业包括:Occupations in this group include:
原住民社区理事会成员(澳大利亚)Aboriginal Community Council Member (Aus)
议员,土著土地理事会(澳大利亚)Councillor, Aboriginal Land Council (Aus)
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