Occupational therapists develop individual and group programs with people affected by illness, injury, developmental disorders, emotional or psychological problems and ageing to maintain, restore or increase their ability to care for themselves and to engage in work, school or leisure. They also develop and implement health promotion programs with individuals, community groups and employers. They are employed in health care facilities, in schools, and by private and social services agencies, or they may be self-employed.
临床职业治疗师 clinical occupational therapist
社区职业治疗师 community occupational therapist
职业疗法专家 occupational therapist (OT)
职业案例管理治疗师 occupational therapist, case manager
职业研究和发展治疗师 occupational therapist, research and development occupational
治疗康复顾问 therapy rehabilitation consultant
Analyse clients' capabilities and expectations related to life activities through observation, interviews and formal assessments
Develop intervention programs to address clients' needs related to self-care, work and leisure activities
Maintain clients' records
Establish personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team
Consult and advise on health promotion programs to prevent disabilities and to maximize independent function in all activities of life
May supervise support personnel and students and provide training.
Occupational therapists may specialize in working with specific populations such as children or adults, or persons with distinct problems such as dementia, traumatic brain injury and chronic pain, or provide special interventions such as return-to-work programs.
A university degree in occupational therapy including supervised fieldwork is required or Graduation from an occupational therapy program approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) is accepted in some provinces.
Completion of the national certification examination may be required.
Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces.
Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, is required in some provinces.
Occupational therapists may obtain expertise in a particular area through additional training or experience.
Occupational therapists may progress to management or administrative positions through further training and experience.
职业治疗主任 Directors of occupational therapy (in 0311(0311) Managers in health care )
角色取向和流动性指导 Orientation and mobility instructors (in 4215(4215) Instructors of persons with disabilities)
个案经理及职业治疗师 case manager occupational therapist
临床职业治疗师 clinical occupational therapist
临床职业治疗专家 clinical occupational therapy specialist
社区职业治疗师 community occupational therapist
社会实践职业治疗师 community practice occupational therapist
家庭护理职业治疗师 home care occupational therapist
职业治疗师 occupational therapist (OT)
职业治疗师及职业评估员 occupational therapist vocational evaluator
职业治疗师及个案经理 occupational therapist, case manager
社区职业治疗师 occupational therapist, community
社会实践职业治疗师 occupational therapist, community practice
家庭护理职业治疗师 occupational therapist, home care
职业研究治疗师 occupational therapist, research
职业研究和开发治疗师 occupational therapist, research and development
职业治疗康复顾问 occupational therapy rehabilitation consultant
职业治疗师 OT (occupational therapist)
职业治疗康复顾问 rehabilitation consultant, occupational therapy
职业研究和发展治疗师 research and development occupational therapist
研究职业治疗师 research occupational therapist
职业临床治疗专家 specialist, clinical occupational therapy
职业评估治疗师 vocational evaluator occupational therapist
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