Couriers, messengers and door-to-door distributors pick up and deliver letters, parcels, packages, newspapers, flyers and other items within and between establishments. They are employed by courier service companies and other establishments throughout the private and public sectors.
银行信使 bank messenger
快递员 courier
送货人 - 快递服务 delivery person – courier service
送货上门总代理 door-to-door distributor
传单分销商 - 快递服务 flyer distributor – courier service
报纸递送员 newspaper carrier
送信人 - 快递服务 runner – courier service
快递,信使和送货到门经销商执行部分或全部下列职责:Couriers, messengers and door-to-door distributors perform some or all of the following duties:
Pick up messages, letters, envelopes, parcels, airline tickets, legal documents, packages, bonds, cheques, securities and other items from customers, and hand-deliver them to addresses within an establishment or in other establishments by walking or cycling within prescribed time periods
Collect payment for items delivered
Keep record of items received and delivered using delivery information acquisition devices
* 向居民和企业递送报纸,传单,电话目录和类似物品。
Deliver newspapers, flyers, handbills, telephone directories and similar items to residences and businesses.
Secondary school education may be required.
Eligibility for bonding may be required.
Ability to navigate streets and follow directions is usually required.
Physical fitness is required for some occupations in this unit group.
There is some mobility into other delivery occupations such as delivery drivers.
There may be mobility to clerical occupations within the company.
Progression to supervisory positions may be possible with experience.
配送和快递服务司机 Delivery and courier service drivers (7514)
信件邮递员(1512) Letter carriers (1512)
主管,邮件和消息分发的职业(1214) Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations (1214)
广告投放者 - 快递服务 advertisement delivery person – courier service
广告项目送货人 - 快递服务 advertising item delivery person – courier service
公告投递员 - 快递服务 announcement deliverer – courier service
公告送货人 - 快递服务 announcement delivery person – courier service
银行信使 bank messenger
银行送信人 bank runner
票据分销商 bill distributor
传单分销商 - 快递服务 circular distributor – courier service
副本送信人 - 快递服务 copy runner – courier service
信使 courier
快递服务送货人 courier service delivery person
快递服务包裹投递员 courier service parcels deliverer
送货人,包裹 - 快递服务 deliverer, parcels – courier service
送货人 - 快递服务 delivery person – courier service
送货上门总代理 door-to-door distributor
传单分销商 - 快递服务 flyer distributor – courier service
传单传递员 - 快递服务 handbill passer – courier service
邮件快递 - 快递服务 mail courier – courier service
信息载体 message carrier
消息投递员 message deliverer
使者 messenger
信使,银行 messenger, bank
信使店员 messenger-clerk
新闻资料送货人 - 快递服务 news item delivery person – courier service
报纸载体 newspaper carrier
报纸载体 - 快递服务 newspaper carrier – courier service
报纸运营商和供应商 newspaper carrier and vendor
报纸投递员 newspaper deliverer
报纸分销商 - 快递服务 newspaper distributor – courier service
办公信使 office messenger
纸张男孩/女孩 - 快递服务 paper boy/girl – courier service
卖报童 paper boy/paper girl
包裹投递员,快递服务 parcels deliverer, courier service
公告送货人 - 快递服务 public notice delivery person – courier service
送信人 - 快递服务 runner – courier service
样品分销商 - 快递服务 sample distributor – courier service
全国400咨询电话:400-622-8284 Email 咨询: zixun@feac.cn QQ咨询:4006228284
微博咨询: Andy移民网 微信咨询:Andy移民网
1)广州总公司:广州市天河区林和西路 耀中广场A栋 3505
澳洲公司:1352/17 Gould Road Herston 4006 QLD Australia
加拿大邮寄地址:PO Box 43084 Richmond Centre Richmond BC V6Y 3Y3
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