1211 主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员 Supervisors, General Office and Administrative Support Workers
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in minor groups: General Office Workers 141(141) and Office Equipment Operators 142(142). They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.
文书主管 clerical supervisor
数据录入主管 data entry supervisor
备案文员主管 filing clerks supervisor
医院承认办事员主管 hospital admitting clerks supervisor
人事文员主管 personnel clerks supervisor
记录办公室主管 records office supervisor
注册表主管 registry supervisor
主管,总机接线员 supervisor, switchboard operators
主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
Co-ordinate, assign and review the work of clerks engaged in the following duties: word processing; record keeping and filing; operating telephones and switchboards; data entry; desktop publishing; and other activities involving general office and administrative skills
Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work units or departments
Resolve work-related problems and prepare and submit progress and other reports
Train workers in job duties, safety procedures and company
Requisition supplies and materials
Ensure smooth operation of office equipment and machinery, and arrange for maintenance and repair work
May perform the same duties as workers supervised.
Completion of secondary school is required.
Completion of college courses related to area supervised is usually required.
Experience in the occupation supervised is usually required.
办公室经理 行政人员 Office managers (in 1221(1221) Administrative officers )
主管,金融和保险的上班族 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers 1212(1212)
主管,图书馆,信函和相关的信息工作者 Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers 1213(1213)
主管,邮件和消息分发的职业 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations 1214(1214)
主管,供应链,跟踪和调度协调职业 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations 1215(1215)
行政服务主管 administrative services supervisor
考勤记录监督员 attendance records supervisor
文书主管 clerical supervisor
合同办事员主管 contract clerks supervisor
协调员,文字处理服务 co-ordinator, word processing service
数据控制主管 data control supervisor
数据录入员主管 data entry clerks supervisor
数据录入主管 data entry supervisor
桌面出版主管 desktop publishing supervisor
桌面出版系统主管 desktop publishing system supervisor
EDP电子数据处理单位 - 主管 EDP (electronic data-processing) unit – supervisor
电子数据处理EDP单位 - 主管 electronic data-processing (EDP) unit – supervisor
备案文员主管 filing clerks supervisor
报税服务主管 filing service supervisor
一般办公室文员主管 general office clerks supervisor
医院承认办事员主管 hospital admitting clerks supervisor
夜间主管,电话系统 night supervisor, telephone system
护理注册表主管 nursing registry supervisor
办公室文员主管 office clerks supervisor
办公设备运营主管 office machine operators supervisor
办公室服务主管 office services supervisor
办公室主任 office supervisor
业务主管 operations supervisor
人事文员主管 personnel clerks supervisor
影印单位主管 photocopy unit supervisor
价格信息员主管 price information clerks supervisor
接待员和空姐主管 receptionists and hostesses supervisor
接待员主管 receptionists supervisor
记录员主管 records clerks supervisor
记录管理服务主管 records management services supervisor
档案管理主管 records management supervisor
记录办公室主管 records office supervisor
登记单位主管 registration unit supervisor
注册表主管 registry supervisor
主管,考勤记录 supervisor, attendance records
主管,合同员 supervisor, contract clerks
主管,数据控制 supervisor, data control
主管,数据录入员 supervisor, data entry clerks
主管,桌面出版运营 supervisor, desktop publishing operators
主管,桌面出版系统 supervisor, desktop publishing system
主管,EDP电子数据处理单元 supervisor, EDP (electronic data-processing) unit
主管,电子数据处理EDP单位 supervisor, electronic data processing (EDP) unit
主管,备案文员; supervisor, filing clerks
主管,报税服务 supervisor, filing service
主管,总经理办公室文员 supervisor, general office clerks
主管,医院承认办事员 supervisor, hospital admitting clerks
主管,护理注册表 supervisor, nursing registry
主管,办公室文员 supervisor, office clerks
主管,办公室机器操作员 supervisor, office machine operators
主管,办公服务 supervisor, office services
主管,人事部文员 supervisor, personnel clerks
主管,影印机 supervisor, photocopy unit
主管,价格信息文员 supervisor, price information clerks
主管,接待员 supervisor, receptionists
主管,接待员和空姐 supervisor, receptionists and hostesses
主管,记录员 supervisor, records clerks
主管,记录办公室 supervisor, records office
主管,登记单位 supervisor, registration unit
主管,总机接线员 supervisor, switchboard operators
主管,电话运营商 supervisor, telephone operators
主管,部文员 supervisor, unit clerks
主管,文字处理单元 supervisor, word processing unit
总机接线员主管 switchboard operators supervisor
电话运营主管 telephone operators supervisor
电话服务主管 telephone service supervisor
电话系统之夜主管 telephone system night supervisor
电话系统监控 telephone system supervisor
主管单位办事员 unit clerks supervisor
文字处理服务协调员 word processing service co-ordinator
文字处理单元主管 word processing unit supervisor
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