Survey interviewers contact individuals to gather information for market research, public opinion polls or election and census enumeration. Statistical clerks code and compile interview and other data into reports, lists, directories and other documents. Workers in this unit group are employed by market research and polling firms, government departments and agencies, utility companies, contact centres and other establishments. This unit group also includes clerks who observe and record information on traffic flow.
普查员 census enumerator
编码员 - 统计 coding clerk – statistics
选举人口调查员 election enumerator
面试职员 interview clerk
投票职员 poll clerk
舆论面试官 public opinion interviewer
统计员 statistical clerk
调查面试官 survey interviewer
电话调查员 telephone survey clerk
调查采访员执行部分或全部下列职责:Survey interviewers perform some or all of the following duties:
Contact individuals by telephone or in person and explain the purpose of the interview
Ask questions following the outlines of questionnaires and surveys
Record responses on paper or enter responses directly into a computer database through computer-assisted interviewing systems.
统计文员执行部分或全部下列职责:Statistical clerks perform some or all of the following duties:
Check information gathered for completeness and accuracy
Code information according to established coding manuals and enter data onto computers
Conduct routine statistical analysis of data
Compile interview and other data into reports and lists.
Completion of secondary school may be required.
Experience in the operation of a computer may be required.
On-the-job training is usually provided.
May require driver's licence.
通信,刊物和监管的文员 Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks 1452(1452)
其他客户和信息服务代表 Other customer and information services representatives 6552(6552)
统计官员和相关的研究支持职业 Statistical officers and related research support occupations 1254(1254)
电话销售员(其他销售相关的职业) Telemarketers (in 6623(6623) Other sales related occupations )
普查职员 census clerk
普查员 census enumerator
普查员 census taker
人口普查工作人员 census worker
图表职员 chart clerk
编码员 - 统计 coding clerk – statistics
选举人口调查员 election enumerator
人口调查员 enumerator
面试职员 interview clerk
面试官 - 调查或投票表决 interviewer – survey or poll
抄表员 meter reader
投票职员 poll clerk
舆论集收集员 public opinion collector
舆论面试官 public opinion interviewer
统计助理 statistical assistant
统计员 statistical clerk
调查编译 survey compiler
调查面试官 survey interviewer
调查接受者 survey taker
调查队记录员 survey team notekeeper
技术助理 - 统计 technical assistant – statistics
电话调查员 telephone survey clerk
交通检查员 traffic checker
流量计数员 traffic counter
车辆计数员 vehicle counter
全国400咨询电话:400-622-8284 Email 咨询: zixun@feac.cn QQ咨询:4006228284
微博咨询: Andy移民网 微信咨询:Andy移民网
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