Library assistants and clerks issue and receive library materials, sort and shelve books and provide general library information to users. They also perform clerical functions. Library clerks are employed by libraries or other establishments with library services.
流通业务员 - 图书馆 circulation clerk – library
馆际互借业务员 interlibrary loan clerk
图书馆助理 library assistant
图书馆男管理员 library page
期刊业务员 periodicals clerk
参考书记职员 reference clerk
上架职员 - 图书馆 shelving clerk – library
图书馆助理和办事员执行部分或全部下列职责:Library assistants and clerks perform some or all of the following duties:
Issue and receive library books and other materials
Sort and reshelve books and other library materials
Perform clerical activities such as manual and electronic filing and record payments received
Maintain journal subscriptions
Assist library users in accessing library materials and online resources, and in making interlibrary loans.
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
Progression to more senior positions is possible with experience and post-secondary education related to library science.
图书管理员 Librarians 5111(5111)
图书馆的技术人员(图书馆和公共档案技师) Library technicians (in 5211(5211) Library and public archive technicians )
主管,图书馆,信函和相关的信息工作者 Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers 1213(1213)
助手,图书馆 aide, library
艺术系图书馆职员 art department library clerk
助理,图书馆 assistant, library
还书职员 - 图书馆 book returns clerk – library
流动图书馆业务员 bookmobile clerk
盲文和有声读物图书馆员 braille and talking books library clerk
分支图书馆员 branch library clerk
流通助理 circulation assistant
流通业务员 - 图书馆 circulation clerk – library
职员,图书馆 clerk, library
文件管理器,图片 - 图书馆 filer, photographs – library
电影和录音图书馆员 films and recordings library clerk
馆际互借业务员 interlibrary loan clerk
图书馆助理 library aide
图书馆助理 library assistant
图书馆业务员 library clerk
图书馆文件管理员 library filer
图书馆男管理员 library page
音乐图书馆助理 music library assistant
呼叫图书馆助理 on call library assistant
男管理员,图书馆 page, library
期刊业务员 periodicals clerk
期刊业务员 - 图书馆 periodicals clerk – library
照片文件管理员 - 图书馆 photograph filer – library
创图书馆助理 record library assistant
录音图书馆员 recordings library clerk
参考助手 - 图书馆 reference aide – library
参考助理 - 图书馆 reference assistant – library
参考职员 reference clerk
参考职员 - 图书馆 reference clerk – library
上架职员 - 图书馆 shelving clerk – library
技术服务职员 - 图书馆 technical services clerk – library
图书馆职员 - 电影资料图书馆 vault clerk – film library
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