0012 高级政府管理官员 Senior Government Managers and Officials
政府高级管理人员和官员通过中层管理人员对城市或地区的政府或省,地区或联邦部门,议会,仲裁委员会或有关代理机构的主要活动进行计 划,组织,指挥,控制和评估。他们依据民选代表或立法机构的立法和政策建立了这些组织应遵从的原则。
Senior government managers and officials plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the major activities of municipal or regional governments or of provincial, territorial or federal departments, boards, agencies or commissions. They establish the direction to be taken by these organizations in accordance with legislation and policies made by elected representatives or legislative bodies.
副部长 assistant deputy minister
人权委员会主席 chairperson, Human Rights Commission
行政人员 - 区域直辖市 chief administrative officer – regional municipality
首席统计员 - 政府服务 chief statistician – government services
城市管理员 city administrator
副部长 deputy minister
总干事 - 政府服务 director general – government services
执行董事 - 政府服务 executive director – government services
高级专员 high commissioner
Senior government managers and officials perform some or all of the following duties:
Establish objectives for the organization in accordance with government legislation and policy, formulate or approve and evaluate programs and procedures alone or in conjunction with senior government committees
Advise elected representatives on policy questions and refer major policy matters to these representatives for final decision
Recommend, review, evaluate and approve documents, briefs and reports submitted by middle managers and senior staff members
Ensure appropriate systems and procedures are developed and implemented to provide budgetary control
Co-ordinate department activities with other senior government managers and officials
Make presentations to legislative and other government committees regarding policies, programs or budgets. 0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员的任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC
A university degree or college diploma is usually required.
A graduate degree in a related field may be required.
Several years of managerial experience in the public or private sector are required.
0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员附加信息 Additional information
高级管理岗位的相关人士亦可。 There is mobility among senior management occupations.
0012 政府高级管理人员和政府官员其他分类 Classified elsewhere :
立法会议员 Legislators
政府中层管理人员 Middle managers in government
大使 ambassador
助理首席统计学家 - 政府服务 assistant chief statistician – government services
副部长 assistant deputy minister
副部长 - 政府服务 assistant deputy minister – government services
助理执行董事 - 政府服务 assistant executive director – government services
总经理助理董事 - 政府服务 assistant general director – government services
助理副国务卿 assistant undersecretary of state
乐队经理 - 联合国 band manager – First Nations
董事长/女人 - 政府服务 chairman/woman – government services
主席 - 政府服务 chairperson – government services
人权委员会主席 chairperson, Human Rights Commission
首席 - 灾害管理 chief – disaster management
行政人员 - 政府服务 chief administrative officer – government services
行政人员 - 区域直辖市 chief administrative officer – regional municipality
总选举事务主任 chief electoral officer
首席统计员 - 政府服务 chief statistician – government services
城市管理员 city administrator
市政府店员 city hall clerk
城市管理者 city manager
城市管理者 city superintendent
业务员下议院 clerk of the House of Commons
枢密院书记 Clerk of the Privy Council
专员 - 政府服务 commissioner – government services
查询处长 commissioner of inquiries
专员查询 - 政府服务 commissioner of inquiries – government services
专员,领土 commissioner, territorial
加拿大总审计长 comptroller general of Canada
领事 consul * 会议秘书 - 政府服务 council secretary – government services
县委书记 county clerk
副处长 - 政府服务 deputy commissioner – government services
副部长 deputy minister
副部长 - 政府服务 deputy minister – government services
副市级书记 deputy municipal clerk
副省委书记 - 政府服务 deputy provincial secretary – government services
总干事 - 政府服务 director general – government services
就业保险上诉委员会主席 employment insurance appeals board chairperson
就业保险业监理专员 employment insurance commissioner
执行管理者 - 政府机构 executive administrator – government agency
行政管理员 - 政府部门 executive administrator – government department
执行董事 - 应急准备 executive director – emergency preparedness
执行董事 - 政府服务 executive director – government services
消防元帅 fire marshal
第一民族乐队经理 First Nations band manager
总经理 - 政府服务 general manager – government services
总书记 - 政府服务 general secretary – government services
政府机构专员 government agency commissioner
政府机构总裁 government agency president
政府机构高级管理员 government agency senior administrator
粮食专员 grain commissioner
卫生专员 health commissioner
高级专员 high commissioner
公路专员 highway commissioner
人权委员会主席 Human Rights Commission chairperson
金融机构的监察长 inspector general of financial institutions
白酒专员 liquor commissioner
地方政府经理 local government manager
经理 - 第一民族 manager – First Nations
市政管理员 municipal administrator
监察员 - 政府服务 ombudsperson – government services
男/女假释委员会主席 parole board chairman/woman
总统 - 政府服务 president – government services
铁路专员 railroad commissioner
加拿大接收器一般 receiver general for Canada
区域直辖市总导演 regional municipality general director
市政局秘书 - 政府服务 secretary to the council – government services
高级管理者,政府机构 senior administrator, government agency
警卫官,下议院 sergeant-at-arms, House of Commons
对金融机构的管理者 superintendent of financial institutions
领土专员 territorial commissioner
镇书记 town clerk
乡镇书记 township clerk
欧盟贸易专员 trade commissioner
副国务卿 undersecretary of state
副领事 vice-consul
副总裁 - 政府服务 vice-president – government services
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