## 0433 加拿大部队士官 Commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces - LEVEL 0
This unit group consists of commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces who plan, organize, command and evaluate the activities of personnel in the Canadian Forces. All ranks of commissioned officers in the Air Force, Army, and Navy are included in this unit group.
## 0433 加拿大部队士官头衔范例 Example Titles
* 海军上将 admiral
* 炮兵军官 artillery officer
* 准将 brigadier general
* 陆军上校 colonel
* 准将 commodore
* 中尉指挥官 lieutenant commander
* 陆军少校 major
* 海军军校学生 naval cadet
* 军校学员 officer cadet
* 搜索和救援队队长 search and rescue captain
## 0433 加拿大部队士官主要职责 Main duties
* 加拿大军队的士官执行部分或全部下列职责:Commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces perform some or all of the following duties:
* 计划,组织和指挥的加拿大军队的作战部队,如装甲兵,炮兵和步兵营的活动
Plan, organize and command the activities of Canadian Forces combat units such as armour, artillery and infantry battalions
* 制定和实施基于部门功能和性能的详细知识的军事程序和政策
Develop and implement military procedures and policies based on detailed knowledge of units' capabilities and performance
* 指导下属的培训,按照军事惯例,统筹和指导部门活动,
Direct subordinates in training and co-ordinate and direct activities of units in accordance with military practices
* 负责部门的福利,士气与纪律
Assume responsibility for welfare, morale and discipline of units
* 审查和评估部门的性能,编写报告,并向上级汇报
Review and evaluate unit performance, prepare reports and provide briefings for superiors
* 指挥和牵头部门参与国内和国际非战争行动的救灾和人道主义和维持和平。
May command and lead units engaged in non-combat operations for disaster relief and humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts domestically and internationally.
## 0433 加拿大部队士官任职要求 Employment requirements
* 通常需要大学学位。
A university degree is usually required.
* 必需完成军事训练。
Completion of military training is required.
* 具有武装部队非现役成员的经验并且具有领导能力,没有大学学位也可以。
Experience as a non-commissioned member of the armed forces and demonstrated leadership ability may substitute for a university degree.
* 高级军衔,如上校,要求有多年的经验。
Senior ranks, such as colonel, require several years of experience.
## 0433 加拿大部队士官其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 加拿大部队非现役军衔 Non-commissioned ranks of the Canadian Forces 4313(4313)
## 0433 加拿大部队士官职称头衔 All titles
* 海军上将 admiral
* 炮兵军官 artillery officer
* 准将 brigadier general
* 队长 captain
* 队长 - 空军 captain – air force
* 队长 - 军 captain – army
* 队长 - 海军 captain – navy
* 陆军上校 colonel
* 指挥官 commander
* 准将 commodore
* 军事法庭法官 court martial judge
* 将军 general
* 步兵军官 infantry officer
* 陆军中尉 lieutenant
* 中尉 - 空军 lieutenant – air force
* 中尉 - 军队 lieutenant – army
* 海军中尉 - lieutenant – navy
* 中校 lieutenant colonel
* 中尉指挥官 lieutenant commander
* 中将 lieutenant general
* 物流人员 logistics officer
* 主要 major
* 大将军 major general
* 海军军校学生 naval cadet
* 军校学员 officer cadet
* 海军少将 rear admiral
* 搜索和救援队队长 search and rescue captain
* 少尉 second lieutenant
* 子中尉 sub-lieutenant
* 副海军上将 vice admiral
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