

2014年4月28号起,TRA评估的  Offshore Skills Assessment Program新增不少职业,需要参加技能面试的职业更多了。请仔细查看以下列表。


New occupations and passport countries required to be assessed under the Offshore Skills Assessment Program

17 March 2014

Trades Recognition Australia has extended the range of occupations and assessment locations for the Offshore Skills Assessment Program.

From Monday 28 April 2014, applicants seeking a skills assessment for migration purposes must apply for the Offshore Skills Assessment Program and be assessed by a TRA-approved RTO if they:

Further information about the Offshore Skills Assessment Program, including how to apply can be found here.

Applicants seeking a skills assessment for an occupation that is not listed or who hold a passport from another country, and who are not applying for the Job Ready Program or the 457 skills assessment program, are required to apply for an assessment under the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program.

New Countries and Occupations are indicated with an asterix (*) in the table below.

OSAP Nominated Occupation

OSAP Nominated Countries

Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 34211

India, Ireland, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom

Automotive Electrician 321111*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines* , Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Baker 351111*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Bricklayer 331111

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Cabinetmaker 394111*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India *, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*


Carpenter 331212

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Carpenter and Joiner 331211

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Chef 351311*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Cook 351411*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Diesel Motor Mechanic 321212

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Driller 712211*

Fiji*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*

Electrical Linesworker 342211

India, Ireland, Philippines, South Africa, United Kingdom

Electrician (General) 341111

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Electrician (Special Class) 341112

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Electronic Equipment Tradesworker

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Fitter (General) 323211*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Fitter and Turner 323212*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, Sri Lanka*, South Africa*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Fitter – Welder 323213*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, Sri Lanka*, South Africa*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*


Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Joiner 331213

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Metal Fabricator 322311

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Metal Machinist (First Class)323214*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Metal Fitters and Machinists (not elsewhere classified) 323299*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*


Motor Mechanic (General) 321211

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Motorcycle Mechanic 321213*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea, South Africa*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Panelbeater 324111*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Pastrycook 351112*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Plumber (General) 334111

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Pressure Welder 322312*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka*, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*,Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Sheetmetal Trades Worker 322211

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Small Engine Mechanic 321214*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Technical Cable Jointer 342212

India, Ireland, Philippines, United Kingdom

Toolmaker 323412*

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau)*, Fiji*, India*, Iran*, Ireland*, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines*, Republic of Korea*, South Africa*, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates*, United Kingdom*, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Vehicle Painter 324311

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Welder (First Class) 322313

Brazil*, China (incl Hong Kong and Macau), Fiji, India, Iran, Ireland, Papua* Guinea*, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand*, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam*, Zimbabwe*

Prior to Monday 28 April 2014 individuals seeking a skills assessment for one of the new (*) occupations and/or countries may elect to apply for the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program or approach a TRA-approved RTO for an opt-in assessment under the Offshore Skills Assessment Program. Please note this does not apply for individuals applying for the 457 Skills Assessment Program or the Job Ready Program.

From Monday 28 April 2014 skills assessments in the above occupations/countries will only be available from a TRA-approved RTO under the Offshore Skills Assessment Program. TRA Migration Skills Assessment Programapplications nominating these countries and occupations that are postmarked 28 April 2014 or later will not be accepted by TRA and will be returned to the applicant.

Applicants seeking a skills assessment for an occupation that is not listed or who hold a passport from another country, and who are not applying for the Job Ready Program or the 457 skills assessment program, are required to apply for an assessment under the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program.