Occupation ceiling values are based on a percentage of stock employment figures for each occupation. Stock employment figures are provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and represent the number of people employed in Australia in each occupation.
* For 2016-17, the percentage of stock employment for Accountants has been calculated as 4777 across the entire skilled migration programme.
职业配额是每一个职业目前就业数量乘以一定百分比计算得来的。就业数量(Stock Employment Figures)由澳大利亚统计局提供,代表了目前澳大利亚从事此职业的人数。
* 2016-17财年基于会计就业人数基础之上算出来的整个技术移民项目(包含了独立技术移民和雇主担保类别)的会计配额为4777。
Occupation ceilings for the 2016-17 programme year
Occupation ID | Description | Occupation Ceiling Value 2016-2017 |
1331 | Construction Managers | 5289 |
1332 | Engineering Managers | 1407 |
1335 | Production Managers | 3368 |
1341 | Child Care Centre Managers | 1000 |
1342 | Health and Welfare Services Managers | 1177 |
2211 | Accountants* | 2500 |
2212 | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers | 1413 |
2241 | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | 1000 |
2245 | Land Economists and Valuers | 1035 |
2312 | Marine Transport Professionals | 1000 |
2321 | Architects and Landscape Architects | 1391 |
2322 | Cartographers and Surveyors | 1000 |
2331 | Chemical and Materials Engineers | 1000 |
2332 | Civil Engineering Professionals | 2174 |
2333 | Electrical Engineers | 1254 |
2334 | Electronics Engineers | 1000 |
2335 | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | 1539 |
2339 | Other Engineering Professionals | 1000 |
2341 | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | 1000 |
2346 | Medical Laboratory Scientists | 1602 |
2347 | Veterinarians | 1000 |
2349 | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 1000 |
2411 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 1822 |
2414 | Secondary School Teachers | 8032 |
2415 | Special Education Teachers | 1126 |
2512 | Medical Imaging Professionals | 1000 |
2514 | Optometrists and Orthoptists | 1000 |
2519 | Orthotist or Prosthetist | 1000 |
2521 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths | 1000 |
2524 | Occupational Therapists | 1000 |
2525 | Physiotherapists | 1345 |
2526 | Podiatrists | 1000 |
2527 | Speech Professionals and Audiologists | 1000 |
2531 | General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers | 3495 |
2532 | Anaesthetists | 1000 |
2533 | Internal Medicine Specialists | 1000 |
2534 | Psychiatrists | 1000 |
2535 | Surgeons | 1000 |
2539 | Other Medical Practitioners | 1315 |
2541 | Midwives | 1017 |
2544 | Registered Nurses | 16346 |
2611 | ICT Business and Systems Analysts | 1482 |
2613 | Software and Applications Programmers | 5662 |
2631 | Computer Network Professionals | 1426 |
2633 | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | 1000 |
2711 | Barristers | 1000 |
2713 | Solicitors | 5154 |
2723 | Psychologists | 1532 |
2725 | Social Workers | 1783 |
3122 | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 |
3123 | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1000 |
3132 | Telecommunications Technical Specialists | 1000 |
3211 | Automotive Electricians | 1000 |
3212 | Motor Mechanics | 5597 |
3222 | Sheetmetal Trades Workers | 1000 |
3223 | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | 4466 |
3232 | Metal Fitters and Machinists | 6677 |
3233 | Precision Metal Trades Workers | 1000 |
3241 | Panelbeaters | 1000 |
3311 | Bricklayers and Stonemasons | 1751 |
3312 | Carpenters and Joiners | 7718 |
3322 | Painting Trades Workers | 2871 |
3331 | Glaziers | 1000 |
3332 | Plasterers | 2149 |
3334 | Wall and Floor Tilers | 1475 |
3341 | Plumbers | 5169 |
3411 | Electricians | 9345 |
3421 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | 1701 |
3422 | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers | 1000 |
3423 | Electronics Trades Workers | 1993 |
3513 | Chefs | 2854 |
3941 | Cabinetmakers | 1568 |
3991 | Boat Builders and Shipwrights | 1000 |