186 和 187 雇主担保申请时, 80表不再是必需的材料, 如果需要可以等移民局通知后再递交。
Dear Registered Migration Agent
The following information is provided by Permanent Employer Sponsored Entry and is for Registered Migration Agents only. This information is not for external distribution or publication. Please forward all enquiries directly to the email address provided below.
ENS/RSMS Applications
Form 80 is no longer a standard requirement when lodging a sub-class 186 and 187 visa application. Case officers may request a Form 80 to be completed to satisfy the delegate regarding information provided.
Any queries about the information provided above can be directed to the PESE mailbox: nsw.pse@immi.gov.au
Permanent Employer Sponsored Entry
Department of Immigration and Border Protection