









Agriculture and Forestry

Apiarist (121311)

New Zealand Certificate in Apiculture (NZQF Level 4) AND
a minimum of two years’ relevant post-qualification work experience in a commercial environment
a minimum of five years' work experience as an apiarist in a commercial environment

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Arborist (362212)

One of the following qualifications:
- Diploma in Arboriculture (NZQF Level 6)
- National Certificate in Horticulture (Arboriculture) (NZQF Level 4)
- Certificate in Arboriculture (NZQF Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Services (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strand is Arboriculture)
a minimum of two years’ relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Beef Cattle Farmer (Farm Manager) (121312), Dairy
Cattle Farmer (Farm Manager) (121313)

One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Agriculture (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Beef Cattle Farming or Dairy Farming)
- New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Dairy Farming or Livestock Farming)
- National Certificate in Agriculture (Production Management) (NZQF Level 4 or 5) (Relevant strands are Cattle Farming or Dairy Farming)
- New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Production Management (NZQF Level 5) (Relevant strand is Livestock Production)
- Diploma in Agriculture (NZQF Level 5)
- Diploma in Farm Management (NZQF Level 6) AND
a minimum of three  years’ relevant work experience

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Dairy Cattle Farmer (Assistant Farm Manager) (121313)

One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Agriculture (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Beef Cattle Farming or Dairy Farming)
- New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Dairy Farming or Livestock Farming)
- National Certificate in Agriculture (Production Management) (NZQF Level 4 or 5) (Relevant strands are Cattle Farming or Dairy Farming)
- New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Production Management (NZQF Level 5) (Relevant strand is Livestock Production)
- Diploma in Dairy Technology (NZQF Level 5)
- Diploma in Agriculture (NZQF Level 5)
- Diploma in Farm Management (NZQF Level 6) AND
a minimum of two years’ relevant work experience

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Poultry Farmer (121321)


One of the following qualifications:
- Diploma in Agriculture (NZQF Level 5)
- Diploma in Farm Management (NZQF Level 6)
- National Certificate in Poultry Management (NZQF Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Poultry Management (NZQF Level 4) AND
a minimum of three years' work experience in a management role on chicken farms
a minimum of five years' work experience in a management role on chicken farms

Auckland/Upper North Island, Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Central North Island, Canterbury/ Upper South Island

Agriculture and Forestry

Market Gardener (Crop Production/ Agronomist Manager) (121221)

One of the following qualifications:
- Bachelor of AgriScience (Agriculture) (NZQF Level 7)
- Bachelor of AgriScience (Horticulture) (NZQF Level 7)
- Bachelor of Agriculture (NZQF Level 7) (with relevant papers)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science (NZQF Level 7) (with relevant papers)
- Diploma in Horticulture Management (NZQF Level 6)
- Diploma in Horticulture (NZQF Level 5)
- MIT Diploma in Horticulture (NZQF Level 5)
- RBC Diploma in Horticulture (NZQF Level 5)
- New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Production (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Fruit Production, Indoor Production, Outdoor Vegetable Production or Nursery Production)
- National Certificate in Horticulture (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Fruit Production, Nursery Production,Production Horticulture or Vegetable Production)
- National Certificate in Horticulture (Advanced) (NZQF Level 4) (Relevant strands are Fruit Production, Nursery Production, Production Horticulture or Vegetable Production)
a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Pig Farmer (Farm Manager) (121318), Pig Farmer (Stock/Herd Manager) (121318), Pig Farmer (Department/Unit Manager) (121318)

One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Pork Production (Husbandry) (NZQF Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Advanced Husbandry) (NZQF Level 4)
a minimum of three years’ relevant on-farm work experience

All regions

Agriculture and Forestry

Winemaker (Viticulturist/ Specialist positions – not pickers) (234213)(已被移除)

One of the following qualifications:
- Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology (NZQF Level 7)
- Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology (NZQF Level 7)
- Bachelor of Wine Science (NZQF Level 7)
- Bachelor of Viticulture (NZQF Level 7)
- Graduate Diploma in Oenology (NZQF Level 7)
- Graduate Diploma in Viticulture (NZQF Level 7) OR
a minimum of five years' relevant work experience

Canterbury/ Upper South Island, Otago/Southland

EducationEarly Childhood (Preprimary School) Teacher (241111)One of the following NZQF level 7 qualifications, or higher, or a comparable qualification at the same level: - Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) - Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Early Childhood - Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) AND NZ registration with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand AND a provisional practising certificate AND a minimum of two years’ post-qualification work experience with children up to five years of age, including babies and toddlers 
EducationPrimary School Teacher (241213)NZ registration with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand AND a provisional practising certificate AND a minimum of two years’ relevant post-qualification work experience 
EducationSecondary School Teacher (241411)NZ registration with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand AND a provisional practising certificate AND a minimum of two years’ relevant post-qualification work experience 


Post-Doctoral Fellow (classified under 242111 University Lecturer)

Doctor of Philosophy (NZQF Level 10)

All regions


University Lecturer (242111 )

Doctor of Philosophy (NZQF Level 10) or a Research Masters Degree (NZQF Level 9)

All regions


Civil Engineering Draughtsperson (312211), Electrical Engineering Draughtsperson (312311)(已被移除)

One of the following qualifications in the relevant occupation speciality:
- National Diploma in Engineering (NZQF Level 6) (strand in Mechanical Engineering)
- National Diploma in Engineering (Electrotechnology) (NZQF Level 6)
- National Diploma in Civil Engineering (Applied ) (NZQF Level 6)
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (specialities are Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering) (NZQF Level 6)
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (NZQF Level 6)

All regions

EngineeringMechanical Engineering Draughtsperson (312511)A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 6)


Mechanical Engineering Technician (312512)(已被移除)

One of the following:
- Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Mechanical Engineering) (NZQF Level 8)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering) (NZQF Level 7)
- A Washington Accord or a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering (listed - see Note 3)
- A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from IPENZ certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand in the field of Mechanical Engineering
- NZ registration in the field of Mechanical Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand
a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification  work experience

Canterbury/ Upper South Island, Otago/Southland

Finance/ BusinessAccountant (221111)A letter from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand or CPA Australia certifying that the applicant's degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards CAANZ professional status in New Zealand or CPA Australia membership AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

Health and Social Services

Anaesthetic Technician (311211)

NZ registration in the Anaesthetic Technician scope of practice with the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand
a minimum of two years' post-qualification work experience in anaesthesia

All regions

Health and Social ServicesMedical Technicians nec (Dialysis Technician) (311299)NZ registration as a Clinical Physiologist (Dialysis) with the Clinical Physiologist Registration Board AND a minimum of two years’ relevant post–qualification work experienceAll regions
Health and Social ServicesMidwife (254111)

NZ registration in the midwifery scope of practice with the Midwifery Council of New Zealand


a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions
Health and Social ServicesResident Medical Officer (excluding First and Second Year Resident Medical Officers) (253112)NZ registration within a relevant provisional general, general or special purpose scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
Health and Social Services

Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (254412)


NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of New Zealand


a minimum of three years’ work experience in adult hospital care

All regions

Health and Social Services

Dental Technician (411213)


NZ registration as a Dental Technician with the Dental Council of New Zealand

All regions

Health and Social Services

Dentist (252312)


NZ registration as a Dentist or Dental Specialist with the Dental Council of New Zealand

Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Central North Island, Wellington, Canterbury/ Upper South Island, Otago/Southland

Health and Social Services

Medical Laboratory Technician (Phlebotomy and Histology Technicians) (311213)


NZ registration in the Medical Laboratory Technician scope of practice with the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand AND
a minimum of 12 months' relevant post–qualification  work experience in a medical laboratory or a blood donor centre

All regions

Health and Social Services

Registered Nurse (Mental Health) (254422)


NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of New Zealand
three years’ experience working as a Registered Nurse in Mental Health nursing

All regions

Health and Social Services

Resident Medical Officer (excluding First and Second Year Resident Medical Officers) (253112), Specialist Physician (General Medicine) (253311), Cardiologist (253312),
Paediatrician (253321), Specialist Physicians nec (253399), Emergency Medicine Specialist (253912),
Ophthalmologist (253914), Medical Practitioners nec (253999)

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of specialist practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand

All regions

Health and Social Services

Pharmacy Technician (311215)


One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Pharmacy (Technician) with strands in Hospital and Community (NZQF Level 5)
- New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy (Pharmacy Technician) (NZQF Level 5)

Auckland/Upper North Island, Wellington

Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism

Horse Trainer (Stallion Master) (361112)


A minimum of four years'relevant work experience

Waikato/Bay of Plenty

Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism

Horse Trainer (Stud Groom) (361112)


A minimum of three years'relevant work experience, including at least one year's experience as a stud groom and one year's yearling preparation experience

Waikato/Bay of Plenty

Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism

Jockey (Trackwork Rider) (452413)

Completed an Apprenticeship under the Rules of Racing in their country of origin
a minimum of three years’ relevant work experience

All regions

Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism

Outdoor Adventure Guide (Skydive Tandem Master) (452299)

Tandem Master Rating AND
a minimum of 1000 jumps

Auckland/Upper North Island, Central North Island, Canterbury/ Upper South Island, Otago/Southland

Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism

Snowsport Instructor (including Technicians) (452314)

National Certificate in Snowsport Equipment (NZQF Level 4) AND
a minimum of two years’ relevant post-qualification work experience in a ski/snowboard repair workshop

All regions


Baker (351111)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Baking (Generalist) or the New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking (Plant or Craft) (Level 4) AND a minimum of two years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions


Bricklayer (331111)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the Brick and Block Laying strand of the New Zealand Certificate in Trowel Trades (Level 4)


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the Bricklaying and Blocklaying Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW done within the scope of a Bricklaying and Blocklaying Licence Class OR the duties of the Bricklayer will not include RBW

Auckland/ Upper North Island

Carpenter (331212)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the Carpentry Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW work done within the scope of the Carpentry Licence Class OR the duties of the Carpenter will not include RBW

All regions

Carpenter and Joiner (331211)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry (NZQF Level 4)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one strand of the New Zealand Certificate in Joinery (Level 4)


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the Carpentry Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW work done within the scope of the Carpentry Licence Class OR the duties of the Carpenter will not include RBW

All regions
TradesComposite Technician (399999)A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Composites (Level 4)All regions


Electronic Equipment Trades Worker (342313)

NZ registration as an Electrical Service Technician or Electrical Appliance Serviceperson with the Electrical Workers Registration Board

All regions


Fibrous Plasterer (333211)


A minimum of three years’ relevant work experience


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the External Plastering Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW work done within the scope of the External Plastering Licence Class OR the duties of the Fibrous Plasterer will not include RBW

All regions

Floor Finisher (332111)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one strand in the National Certificate in Flooring (Level 4)Auckland/ Upper North Island, Waikato/ Bay of Plenty


Glazier (333111)


One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Glazing (NZQF Level 4)
- National Certificate in Glass and Glazing (NZQF Level 4) AND
a minimum of two years' relevant post-qualification work experience
evidence that the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) who is licensed to supervise relevant Restricted Building Work (RBW) OR that  the duties of the Glazier will not include RBW

Auckland/ Upper North Island, Canterbury/ Upper South Island


Joiner (331213)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one strand of the New Zealand Certificate in Joinery (Level 4)All regions


Metal Casting Trades Worker (Foundry Moulder) (322114)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the metal forming strand in the New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Trade) (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions


Metal Fabricator (322311)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one strand in the New Zealand Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Trade) (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions


Metal Machinist (First Class) (CNC Machinist) (323214)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the Fitting and Machining or the Machining strands in the New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Trade) (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions


Motor Mechanic (General) (Automotive Air Conditioning Technician) (321211)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions

TradesMotor Mechanic (General) (Automotive Air Conditioning Technician) (321211)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the Automotive Heating, Ventilation or Air Conditioning strands in the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Specialist Engineering) (Level 4)


a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions
TradesPanelbeater (324111)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair (Non-structural Repair) (Level 4)


a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions


Plastics Technician (399916)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Plastics Engineering (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions


Plastics Technician (Plastics Engineer) (399916)

A certificate at NZQF Level 5, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Plastics Engineering Technology (Level 5) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post–qualification work experience

All regions


Roof Tiler (333311), Roof Plumber (334115)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one strand of the New Zealand Certificate in Roofing (Installation) (Level 4)


a minimum of three years’ relevant work experience


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the Roofing Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW work done within the scope of the Roofing Licence Class OR the duties of the Roof Tiler will not include RBW

Auckland/ Upper North Island, Waikato/ Bay of Plenty, Canterbury/ Upper South Island, Otago/ Southland


Scaffolder (821712)


One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Intermediate Scaffolding (NZQF Level 4)
- National Certificate in Advanced Scaffolding (NZQF Level 5)
- New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (NZQF Level 4)
- New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (NZQF Level 5) AND
a minimum of two years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions


Sheetmetal Trades Worker (322211)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one of the strands of the New Zealand Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Trade) (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions


Solid Plasterer (333212)


A minimum of three years’ relevant work experience


Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) licence to do Restricted Building Work (RBW) within the scope of the External Plastering Licence Class, EXCEPT IF the work will be done under the supervision of an appropriately LBP who is licensed to supervise RBW work done within the scope of the External Plastering Licence Class OR the duties of the Solid Plasterer will not include RBW

All regions

Stonemason (331112)


A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one of the strands of the New Zealand Certificate in Stonemasonry (Level 4)Auckland/ Upper North Island
TradesVehicle Painter (324311)

A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Refinishing (Level 4)


a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience

All regions


Upholsterer (393311)


One of the following qualifications:
- National Certificate in Furniture (NZQF Level 4) with strand in Advanced Upholstery
- New Zealand Certificate in Furniture (NZQF Level 4) with strand in Upholstery
a minimum of two years’ relevant post–qualification  work experience

All regions

Note 1: Qualifications listed (unless an exception is stated) are New Zealand awarded qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Overseas qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed or a qualification listed in the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education. Overseas qualifications therefore require an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority stating the comparable NZQF qualification.


Note 2: Where post-qualification work experience is included as a requirement it applies to all qualifications listed for the occupation (unless otherwise indicated).


Note 3: Where a Washington Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country.

To determine if an engineering degree awarded is Washington Accord accredited, please refer to the links from the International Engineering Alliance on their website: http://www.ieagreements.org/Washington-Accord/Accredited.cfm .
Where a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering technology degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country.

To determine if an engineering technology degree awarded is Sydney Accord accredited, please refer to the links from the International Engineering Alliance on their website: http://www.ieagreements.org/Sydney/signatories.cfm .