Western Australian skilled migration occupation list 2016 - 2017
updated 2017-02-04
Notes on using the WASMOL
Occupations may have the following status:
Available = occupation is available for nomination
Restricted = occupation is under review and invitations to apply for State nomination will be limited pending the outcome of the review
Closed = occupation is closed for invitations
The occupations identified on WASMOL do not relate to any specific job vacancies, nor represent any guarantee of a job, but rather identify occupations that are considered a priority for the State. It is recommended that you research employment opportunities in Western Australia (in your occupation) before making the decision to migrate.
The WASMOL is made up of two schedules.
Schedule 1
Schedule 1 is the highest priority occupations, with occupations being assessed as critical to the State and having unmet demand.
Applicants must demonstrate Australian or overseas work experience in their nominated occupation. This is a mandatory requirement for nomination by the Western Australian Government, which is over and above the minimum requirements set for the State Nominated program by the Commonwealth Government.
To determine your eligibility to apply, consult the Criteria for State nomination.
ANZSCO code* | Skilled occupation | Assessing authority | Status |
Managers | |||
121214 | Grain, oilseed or pasture grower(粮食,油籽草种植者) | VETASSESS | Available |
121312 | Beef cattle farmer(肉牛农民) | VETASSESS | Available |
121313 | Dairy cattle farmer(奶牛农民) | VETASSESS | Available |
121322 | Sheep farmer(绵羊饲养员) | VETASSESS | Available |
121411 | Mixed crop and livestock farmer(混合作物和牲畜农民) | VETASSESS | Available |
149411 | Fleet manager(车队经理) | VETASSESS | Available |
Professionals | |||
231111 | Aeroplane pilot(飞机飞行员) | CASA | Available |
231113 | Flying instructor(飞行教练) | VETASSESS | Available |
233912 | Agricultural engineer(农业工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
251214 | Sonographer(超声波检验师) | ASMIRT | Available |
253312 | Cardiologist(心脏病学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253315 | Endocrinologist(内分泌学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253316 | Gastroenterologist(肠胃病学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253318 | Neurologist(神经学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253322 | Renal medicine specialist(肾脏医学专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253323 | Rheumatologist(风湿病学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253411 | Psychiatrist(精神科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253511 | Surgeon (general)(外科医生(普通)) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253512 | Cardiothoracic surgeon(心胸外科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253513 | Neurosurgeon(神经外科专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253514 | Orthopaedic surgeon(矫形外科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253515 | Otorhinolaryngologist(耳鼻喉科专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253518 | Urologist(泌尿科医师) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253521 | Vascular surgeon(血管外科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253911 | Dermatologist(皮肤科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253913 | Obstetrician and gynaecologist(妇产科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253914 | Ophthalmologist(眼科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253915 | Pathologist(病理学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253917 | Diagnostic and interventional radiologist(诊断和介入放射科专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253918 | Radiation oncologist(放射肿瘤科专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
Technicians and trades workers | |||
361112 | Horse trainer(驯马师) | TRA | Available |
Schedule 2
Schedule 2 includes those occupations which are critical to the State, and while not having evidence of unmet demand at a whole of State level, these occupations may have pockets of unmet demand at an industry sector or regional level. In these circumstances there is often a need for demonstrated experience in lead or highly specialised roles and where new graduates cannot satisfy this experience requirement.
Intending migrants nominating an occupation from Schedule 2 are required to provide evidence of an employment contract in that occupation and applicants must demonstrate relevant Australian or overseas work experience in their nominated occupation. This is a mandatory requirement for nomination by the Western Australian Government, which is over and above the minimum requirements set for the State Nominated program by the Commonwealth Government.
To determine your eligibility to apply, consult the Criteria for State nomination.
ANZSCO code* | Skilled occupation | Assessing authority | Status |
Managers | |||
111111 | Chief executive or managing director(首席执行官或常务董事) | AIM | Available |
132311 | Human resource manager(人力资源经理) | AIM | Available |
133211 | Engineering manager(工程经理) | AIM / Engineers Australia | Available |
134111 | Child care centre manager(托儿所经理) | TRA | Available |
134211 | Medical administrator(医疗行政人员) | VETASSESS | Available |
134212 | Nursing clinical director(临床护理主任) | ANMAC | Available |
134311 | School principal(校长) | VETASSESS | Available |
135112 | ICT project manager(信息和通信技术项目经理) | ACS | Available |
139912 | Environmental manager(环境经理) | VETASSESS | Available |
141311 | Hotel or motel manager(酒店或汽车旅馆经理) | VETASSESS | Available |
Professionals | |||
222311 | Financial investment adviser(金融投资顾问) | VETASSESS | Available |
222312 | Financial investment manager(金融投资经理) | VETASSESS | Available |
231114 | Helicopter pilot(直升机飞行员) | CASA | Available |
231211 | Master fisher(渔船船长) | VETASSESS | Available |
231212 | Ship's engineer(轮机工程师) | AMSA | Available |
231213 | Ship's master(船长) | AMSA | Available |
231214 | Ship's officer(船舶主任) | AMSA | Available |
232611 | Urban and regional planner(城市和区域规划师) | VETASSESS | Available |
233111 | Chemical engineer(化学工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233112 | Materials engineer(材料工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233212 | Geotechnical engineer(岩土工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233213 | Quantity surveyor(工料测量师) | AIQS | Available |
233214 | Structural engineer(结构工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233311 | Electrical engineer(电器工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233411 | Electronics engineer(电子工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233511 | Industrial engineer(工业工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233512 | Mechanical engineer(机械工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233513 | Production or plant engineer(生产或工厂工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233611 | Mining engineer (excluding petroleum)(采矿工程师(石油除外)) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233612 | Petroleum engineer(石油工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233911 | Aeronautical engineer(航空工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233913 | Biomedical engineer(生物医学工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
233915 | Environmental engineer(环境工程师) | Engineers Australia | Available |
234111 | Agricultural consultant(农业顾问) | VETASSESS | Available |
234112 | Agricultural scientist(农业科学家) | VETASSESS | Available |
234211 | Chemist(化学家) | VETASSESS | Available |
234411 | Geologist(地质学家) | VETASSESS | Closed |
234412 | Geophysicist(地球物理学家) | VETASSESS | Available |
234514 | Biotechnologist(生物技术专家) | VETASSESS | Available |
234611 | Medical laboratory scientist(医学实验室科学家) | AIMS | Available |
234711 | Veterinarian(兽医) | AVBC | Available |
234912 | Metallurgist(冶金学家) | VETASSESS | Available |
241411 | Secondary school teacher(中学教师) | AITSL | Available |
241511 | Special needs teacher(特殊需求教师) | AITSL | Available |
241512 | Teacher of the hearing impaired(听障教师) | AITSL | Available |
241513 | Teacher of the sight impaired(视障教师) | AITSL | Available |
251211 | Medical diagnostic radiographer(医疗放射诊断技师) | ASMIRT | Available |
251212 | Medical radiation therapist(医疗放射治疗师) | ASMIRT | Available |
251213 | Nuclear medicine technologist(核医学技师) | ANZSNM | Available |
251311 | Environmental health officer(环境卫生官员) | VETASSESS | Available |
251411 | Optometrist(验光师) | OCANZ | Available |
251412 | Orthoptist(视觉矫正师) | VETASSESS | Available |
251511 | Hospital pharmacist(医院药剂师) | APharmC | Available |
251512 | Industrial pharmacist(工业药剂师) | VETASSESS | Available |
251912 | Orthotist or prosthetist(义肢矫正师) | VETASSESS | Available |
252112 | Osteopath(整骨师) | AOAC | Available |
252311 | Dental specialist(牙科专家) | ADC | Available |
252312 | Dentist(牙科医生) | ADC | Available |
252411 | Occupational therapist(职业治疗师) | OTC | Available |
252511 | Physiotherapist(物理治疗师) | APC | Available |
252611 | Podiatrist(足病诊疗师) | APodC / ANZPAC | Available |
252711 | Audiologist(听力学家) | VETASSESS | Available |
252712 | Speech pathologist(语言病理学家) | SPA | Available |
253111 | General practitioner(全科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253112 | Resident medical officer(驻院医务人员) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253211 | Anaesthetist(麻醉师) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253311 | Specialist physician (general medicine)(专科医师(综合内科)) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253313 | Clinical haematologist(专科医师(综合内科)) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253314 | Medical oncologist(医疗肿瘤学家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253317 | Intensive care specialist(重症监护专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253321 | Paediatrician(儿科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253324 | Thoracic medicine specialist(胸腔医学专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253399 | Specialist physicians nec(其他未分类专科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253516 | Paediatric surgeon(儿科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253517 | Plastic and reconstructive surgeon(整形外科医生) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253912 | Emergency medicine specialist(急诊医学专家) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
253999 | Medical practitioners nec(其他医疗执业人员) | Medical Board of Australia | Available |
254111 | Midwife(助产士) | ANMAC | Available |
254211 | Nurse educator( 护士教育家) | ANMAC | Available |
254311 | Nurse manager(护士长) | ANMAC | Available |
254411 | Nurse practitioner(执业护师) | ANMAC | Available |
254412 | Registered nurse (aged care)(注册护士(老年护理)) | ANMAC | Available |
254413 | Registered nurse (child and family health)(注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)) | ANMAC | Available |
254414 | Registered nurse (community health)(注册护士(社区卫生服务)) | ANMAC | Available |
254415 | Registered nurse (critical care and emergency) | ANMAC | Available |
254421 | Registered nurse (medical practice) | ANMAC | Available |
254422 | Registered nurse (mental health) | ANMAC | Available |
254423 | Registered nurse (perioperative) | ANMAC | Available |
254424 | Registered nurse (surgical) | ANMAC | Available |
262112 | ICT security specialist | ACS | Available |
263111 | Computer network and systems engineer | ACS | Available |
263112 | Network administrator | ACS | Available |
263113 | Network analyst | ACS | Available |
263311 | Telecommunications engineer | Engineers Australia | Available |
263312 | Telecommunications network engineer | Engineers Australia | Available |
272112 | Drug and alcohol counsellor | VETASSESS | Available |
272114 | Rehabilitation counsellor | VETASSESS | Available |
272311 | Clinical psychologist | APS | Available |
272399 | Psychologists nec | APS | Available |
272511 | Social worker | AASW | Available |
Technicians and trades workers | |||
311211 | Anaesthetic technician | VETASSESS | Available |
311214 | Operating theatre technician | VETASSESS | Available |
311215 | Pharmacy technician | VETASSESS | Available |
311312 | Meat inspector | VETASSESS | Available |
312113 | Building inspector | VETASSESS | Available |
312913 | Mine deputy | VETASSESS | Available |
323111 | Aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) | TRA | Available |
323112 | Aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical) | TRA | Available |
323113 | Aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) | TRA | Available |
323211 | Fitter (general) – including mechanical fitters and plant mechanics | TRA | Available |
342111 | Airconditioning and refrigeration mechanic | TRA | Available |
342211 | Electrical linesworker | TRA | Available |
342313 | Electronic equipment trades worker | TRA | Available |
342412 | Telecommunications cable jointer | TRA | Available |
342413 | Telecommunications linesworker | TRA | Available |
342414 | Telecommunications technician | TRA | Available |
351211 | Butcher or smallgoods maker | TRA | Available |
351311 | Chef** | TRA | Available |
Community and personal service workers | |||
451399 | Funeral workers nec | VETASSESS | Available |
nec means 'not elsewhere classified'.
*Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
**indicates that the occupation excludes positions in fast food or takeaway food service