1. 递交签证申请时,年龄小于45周岁;
2. 算上190州担保加的5分或491州担保加的15分,EOI打分达到65分;
3. 有效的职业评估报告,职业在移民局职业列表上;
4. 英语水平达到雅思4个6或同等语言水平。
1. 英语水平:符合提名职业列表中规定的英语语言要求,至少达到雅思4个6
2. 提名职业:190州担保提名职业需在VIC州担保职业列表或VIC本州毕业生职业列表上,部分职业需满足额外的工作经验,英文或专业注册等要求;491州担保提名职业只要在移民局技术移民职业列表即可
在Target Sectors特定行业领域工作,申请190需要是STEMM Skill Level 1和2的职业; 提名职业是Target Sectors范围,申请491可以是STEMM Level 3的职业
3. 职业评估:通过提名职业的职业评估
4. 雇主Offer:以下申请人需要提供VIC雇主Offer,雇主Offer需要有ABN和联系信息:
491州担保:所有491申请人必须提供一份为期12个月的来自维州偏远地区雇主的正式工作Offer,工作需为提名职业,全职工作每周至少38小时,接受non-ongoing offer
5. 190州担保:目前居住在维州; 491州担保:目前已经居住在维州偏远地区
6. 财务状况:因所有人必须已经在维州居住,所以没有之前的安家资金要求
7. 对VIC的承诺:同意签证批准后在VIC居住并工作至少2年(491签证申请人必须居住在偏远地区)
(1) VIC国际毕业生:提名职业在VIC本州毕业生职业列表上,如果有工作经验也可以使用VIC州担保职业列表,满足职业规定的工作经验和英语要求(如果目前在VIC做提名职业工作至少6个月,可以豁免英语高分要求,满足雅思4个6即可)
(2) VIC或海外博士毕业生:需要满足VIC州担保职业列表上的职业注册要求、有提名职业的技术评估函、英语水平达到雅思4个6或同等语言水平、无需工作经验,但有的评估机构要求有12个月的工作经验来满足评估要求
① 近5年内在VIC大学完成了博士学位,可以申请移民局技术移民职业列表上的任何与专业相关的职业;
② 近5年内在海外大学完成了博士学位,并且评估机构对你的博士学位认定为等同于澳洲博士level,可以申请VIC州担保职业列表上任何与专业相关的职业。
Target Sectors 特定行业领域
1) Health医疗工作,护理相关,或者是护理领域下工作人员(比如在医院里工作的软件工程师software developer/software engineer)
Midwife助产士- 254111
Registered Nurse (Aged Care)注册护士(老年护理) - 254412
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)注册护士(重症监护和急诊) - 254415
Registered Nurse (Mental Health)注册护士(心理健康) - 254422
Registered Nurse (Perioperative)注册护士(围手术期) - 254423
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 注册护士(儿科) - 254425
Occupational Therapists - 252411
Social Workers社工- 272511
Clinical Psychologists临床心理学家- 272311
Psychologists (NEC)其他未分类心理学家272399
Hospital Pharmacists医院药剂师- 251511
Physiotherapists物理治疗师- 252511
Medical L aboratory Scientists 医学实验室科学家- 234611
1. 向DIBP递交EOI,选择VIC为担保州。
2. 等VIC州政府邀请。
3. 收到邀请后,14天内完成在线州担保申请。
4. VIC通过邮件skilled@liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au通知州担保结果。
5. 州担保成功后,收到EOI邀请的60天内,向DIBP递交签证申请。
6. 签证批准以及到达VIC都需要通知州政府。
1. 向DIBP递交EOI,选择VIC为担保州。
2. 使用EOI申请号,在VIC官网递交在线州担保申请,上传所需文件。
3. VIC通过邮件skilled@liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au通知州担保结果
4. 州担保成功后,收到EOI邀请的60天内,向DIBP递交签证申请。
5. 签证批准以及到达VIC都需要通知州政府。
1. 190提供签字的Skilled Declaration表,491提供签字的Skilled Regional Declaration表;
2. 所有申请人护照首页;
3. 技术职业评估通过信;
4. 英语能力考试成绩单(如果申请人目前在VIC做提名职业的工作,并且工作了至少6个月,可以豁免更高英语水平的要求);
5. 学历证书,包括毕业证,学位证,成绩单;
6. 完整的简历;
7. VIC雇主合同(如需要), 以及VIC雇主的雇佣确认表格(点击下载Confirmation of Employment Form)(如需要);
8. 如果是457转190州担保,还需要提供457签证批准信,以及VIC雇主的雇佣确认表格(点击下载Confirmation of Employment Form)。
由澳洲机构颁发的证书须持证书原件和复印件,在澳洲当地找Justice of the Peace(太平绅士)在复印件上签字;
Phone:+0613 9651 9756
Skilled and Business Migration Program
Department of Economic Development,Jobs,Transport and Resources
State Government of Victoria
GPO Box 4509
VIC 3001
ANZSCO code |
Occupation |
Minimum IELTS (or equivalent) requirement |
Minimum work experience |
Specialisations and other requirements |
Engineering and Building 工程和建筑相关职业 |
土木工程师 Civil Engineer |
Five years |
土木工程绘图员Civil Engineering Draftsperson |
Five years |
电气工程师 Electrical Engineer |
Five years |
电气工程绘图员Electrical Engineering Draftsperson |
Five years |
机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer |
Five years |
工程技师 Engineering Technologist |
Five years in civil or mechanical engineering |
Only work experience in the civil or mechanical engineering disciplines is eligible. |
Biotechnology and Science生物工程与科学相关职业 |
数学家 Mathematician |
Two years |
农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant |
Two years |
农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist |
Two years |
兽医 Veterinarian |
Three years |
Must be registered with the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria. |
Human Resources Management人力资源管理相关职业 |
人力资源经理 Human Resource Manager |
Five years |
Information and Communications Technology 信息与通讯技术相关职业 Applications for ICT occupations have a new application process. For more information, see How to apply for Victorian visa nomination: ICT nursing, engineering and building occupations on the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) page. |
信息和通信技术项目经理 ICT Project Manager |
Three years |
ICT业务分析师 ICT business Analyst |
Five years |
系统分析师 Systems Analyst |
Three years |
程序分析员 Analyst Programmer |
Three years |
开发程序员 Developer Programmer |
Three years |
软件工程师 Software Engineer |
Three years |
软件测试员 Software Tester |
Three years |
数据库管理员 Database Administrator |
Three years |
信息和通信技术安全专家 ICT Security Specialist |
Three years |
计算机网络和系统工程师Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
Three years |
Applications in the following specialisations are not currently accepted: |
- Web Designer |
- Help Desk Operator |
- Help Desk Manager. |
Tourism and Hospitality旅游和酒店管理相关职业 |
主厨 Chef |
Five years |
酒店或汽车旅馆经理 Hotel or Motel Manager |
Five years |
Must have experience in a large, international firm and managerial experience. |
See the Trades section for information on Hospitality Trades. |
Health医疗与医护相关职业 Applications for Nursing occupations have a new application process. All other Health occupations remain unaffected by this new process. For more information, see How to apply for Victorian visa nomination: ICT nursing, engineering and building occupations on the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) page. |
卫生信息管理员 Health Information Manager |
Two years |
Must have a qualification accredited by the Health Information Management Association of Australia. |
Higher education transcripts and certificates required. |
助产士 Midwife |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
执业护师 Nurse Practitioner |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(老年护理)Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
Must be registered as both a nurse and a midwife. |
注册护士(社区卫生服务) Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(重症监护和急救)Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(发展迟缓)Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(残疾和康复)Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(医学)Registered Nurse (Medical) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(医疗实践)Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(围手术期)Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(手术)Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
其他注册护士 Registered Nurses nec |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
临床心理学家 Clinical Psychologist |
7.0 in each band (Academic IELTS only) |
Two years |
Must have general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia. |
营养师 Dietitian |
Two years |
职业治疗师 Occupational Therapist |
Ten years |
Must have experience in mental health care. |
物理治疗师 Physiotherapist |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. |
足病诊疗师 Podiatrist |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Podiatry Board of Australia. |
社工 Social Worker |
Two years |
Preferred specialisations: |
Mental Health Workers |
Skilled Children and Family Workers |
Child Protection (must have a minimum of two years statutory child protection practice and Australian Association of Social Workers accreditation). |
超声波检验师 Sonographer |
Two years |
语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist |
Two years |
物理学家 Physicist |
Two years |
Must have experience in diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology. |
核医学技师 Nuclear Medicine Technologist |
Two years |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia. |
Education教育相关职业 |
幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood |
Two years |
Must have ACECQA certification. |
托儿所经理 Child Care Centre Manager |
Two years |
Must have ACECQA certification (note that certification focuses on education qualifications not management qualifications). |
小学教师 Primary School Teacher |
Two years |
Must be registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. |
Must have experience teaching at least one of the following languages: |
Chinese |
Indonesian |
Japanese |
Korean |
French |
German |
Italian |
Greek |
Spanish |
Turkish |
Arabic |
Vietnamese. |
中学教师 Secondary School Teacher |
Two years |
Must be registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. |
Must specialise in at least one of the following fields: |
Mathematics or Physics |
Technology (Food, Metal, Wood or Auto) |
Languages |
General science |
Special education |
Information technology. |
口译 Interpreter |
Two years |
Must have NAATI “professional” accreditation. |
Trades贸易相关职业 |
Construction Trades |
空调和机械服务水管工 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber |
Five years |
细木工 Cabinetmaker |
Five years |
下水道工 Drainer |
Five years |
煤气工 Gasfitter |
Five years |
屋顶水暖工 Roof plumber |
Five years |
Engineering Trades |
金属构造工 Metal Fabricator |
Five years |
钣金行业工人 Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
Five years |
焊工(甲等) Welder (First Class) |
Five years |
金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class) |
Five years |
Electrical/Electronic/Communications Trades |
空调和制冷技工 Airconditioning and refrigeration mechanic |
Five years |
电子设备行业工人 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker |
Five years |
电信接线员 Telecommunications Linesworker |
Five years |
Hospitality Trades |
面包师 Baker |
Five years |
厨师 Cook |
Five years |
面点师 Pastrycook |
Five years |
ANZSCO code |
Occupation |
Minimum IELTS (or equivalent) requirement |
Specialisations and other requirements |
PhD Graduates相关职业 |
博士毕业生 PhD Graduates |
PhD has been completed within the past five years in Victoria in a specialist field relating to any occupation on DIBP's Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) - Schedule 1 and 2. Applicants with a PhD are not required to meet any work experience requirements. |
Biotechnology and Science相关职业 |
数学家 Mathematician |
工程技师 Engineering Technologist |
Must have either:
农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant |
Must have either:
农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist |
Must have either:
兽医 Veterinarian |
Must have either:
Must be registered with the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria. |
Health 相关职业 |
卫生信息管理员 Health Information Manager |
Must have a qualification accredited by the Health Information Management Association of Australia. Higher education transcripts and certificates required. |
助产士 Midwife |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
执业护师 Nurse Practitioner |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(老年护理)Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(社区卫生服务) Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(重症监护和急救)Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(发展迟缓)Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(残疾和康复)Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(医学)Registered Nurse (Medical) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(医疗实践)Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(围手术期)Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
注册护士(手术)Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
其他注册护士 Registered Nurses nec |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
职业治疗师 Occupational Therapist |
物理治疗师 Physiotherapist |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. |
足病诊疗师 Podiatrist |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Podiatry Board of Australia. |
超声波检验师 Sonographer |
语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist |