1. 递交签证申请时,年龄小于45周岁;
2. 算上190州担保加的5分,EOI打分达到65分;
3. 有效的职业评估报告,职业在移民局技术移民职业列表上;
4. 英语水平达到雅思4个6或同等语言水平,或持有英国、爱尔兰、美国、加拿大、新西兰的护照。
1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住(需要提供证明材料)。
1. 在递交TAS州担保申请前,申请人必须在TAS州工作满6个月并且每周工作时长不得少于20小时,TAS雇主能为申请人提供提名职业的雇佣合同;
2. 主申和副申请((如有)目前居住在塔州,打算未来也居住在塔州,并且没有亲属居住在澳大利亚的其他州或领地;
3. 工作职位与提名职业相关,并在TSOL清单上;
4. 申请人递交提名申请时与雇主企业需要有至少12个月的合同,且长度剩余至少为3个月。
备注: 1)雇主企业必须是过去12个月运行良好的塔州老牌企业;
3) 申请人的提名职业对企业来说必须为真实欠缺。
第三类:海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1. 有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer;
2. 申请人及家属过去12个月没有在澳洲其他州居住;
3. 提供雇用文件证明:雇主必须在过去12个月积极经营TAS生意;
5. 雇佣工作必须为真实需求:
6. 如果您的职业是按摩治疗师,工作场所必须是医院、老年护理机构或专职医疗机构。
提醒:此类别已于2019年11月15日11:59pm AEDT关闭。
1. 在塔州居住至少3年,并且不在塔州居住的时长不超过澳洲居住总时长的一半;
2. 满足下列条件之一:
a-工作职业为ANZSCO1-3相关,且在过去24个月累积1工作时长超过12个月(平均工作时长每周20小时以上) ;
b-工作职业为ANZSCO4-5相关,且在过去3年累积工作时长超过18个月(平均工作时长每周20小时以上) ;
C-运营生意至少2年, 且应税年收入(taxable earnings)达到53,900澳币。
1. 递交签证申请时,年龄小于45周岁;
2. 算上491州担保加的15分,EOI打分达到65分;
3. 有效的职业评估报告,职业在移民局技术移民职业列表上;
4. 英语水平达到雅思4个6或同等语言水平,或持有英国、爱尔兰、美国、加拿大、新西兰的护照。
1. 在TAS高校完成CRICOS注册课程,已毕业。对于课程的要求是:
2. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
3. 在学习期间,申请人必须在塔斯马尼亚州居住满12个月(需要提供证明材料)。
1. 在递交州担保申请前,申请人在TAS有连续6个月(平均每周至少20个小时)的提名职业工作时长,TAS雇主能为申请人提供提名职业的合同;
2. 工作为全职工作(35小时/周),或等同于全职的多个兼职;
3. 雇主在过去的12个月积极经营TAS生意,工作必须为真实需求:
4. 目前申请人和其附申请(配偶和子女)在TAS居住,并且能够提供证据证明准备持续在TAS州生活和居住(需要提供证明材料);
5. 如果你在TAS的雇佣职位在ANZSCO技术水平4级或以下,你必须提供证据表明在TAS州没有本地人能填补这个职位空缺。
1. 在递交州担保申请前,申请人在TAS有连续6个月( 下财年将变为12个月)平均每周至少20个小时的提名职业工作时长;
4. 该职位必须真实存在且当地招聘困难,并且雇主需要发布声明,详细解释招聘的必要性; .
5. 必须具有符合ANZSCO对该职位的定义的相关资格或经验;
6. 雇主需要出具证明,表明未来有职业发展机会。
1. 提名职业在塔州OSOP职业清单上;
2. 该类别是被动获邀类别,需要Migration Tasmania书面联系您在Migration Tasmania Gateway上注册;
3. 您或您的任何受抚养人在过去十二个月内,没有居住在另一个州或领地;
4. 证明有足够资产可在塔州生活6个月以上;
5. 如果被邀请提名,必须提供与至少2名经营企业12个月以上的塔州雇主联系并对您到企业工作感兴趣的证据;
6. 如果被邀请提名,必须提供6周内至少2个提名职位空缺信息;
7. 如果被邀请提名,发表声明自证可以满足上述企业要求。
第三类B:海外申请人(有Job Offer):
1. 有与提名职业相关的塔州雇主的正式Job Offer;
2. 申请人及家属过去12个月没有在澳洲其他州居住;
3. 雇主必须在过去12个月积极经营TAS生意;
4. 雇佣工作必须为真实需求:
5. 如果您的职业是按摩治疗师,工作场所必须是医院、老年护理机构或专职医疗机构。
1. 在塔州居住至少2年,并且不在塔州居住的时长不超过澳洲居住总时长的一半;
a)工作职业为ANZSCO1-3相关,且在过去12个月累积工作时长超过6个月(平均工作时长每周20小时以上) ;
b)工作职业为ANZSCO4- 5相关, 且在过去18个月累积工作时长超过12个月(平均工作时长每周20小时以上)。
1. 在塔州经营企业,并且证明您已在塔斯马尼亚州建立和经营(独资或与配偶合资经营)企业至少12个月;
2. 该企业应税年收入(taxable earnings)达到45,815澳币;
3. 参加并完成有关员工公平工作相关知识的在线学习。
4. 分包企业不能申请该类别。
1. 向DIBP递交EOI,选择TAS为担保州。
2. 使用EOI号码,在TAS官网在线申请州担保,上传文件。
3. 州担保成功后,EOI收到递交签证邀请,60天内向DIBP递交签证申请。
1. 填好并提交移民局EOI表格
2. 职业评估
4. 近3年的认可的英语成绩单
5. 向塔州做出承诺的陈述信
6. 个人信息文件
7. 雇佣文件
8.可雇佣性证明(190类别不需要 )
由澳洲机构颁发的证书须持证书原件和复印件,在澳洲当地找Justice of the Peace(太平绅士)在复印件上签字;
The Tasmanian Skilled Occupations List (TSOL) identifies skills that are currently in demand in Tasmania and is derived from the list of eligible occupations for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491), as defined by the Australian Government. The occupations listed have been identified by the Tasmanian Government as areas of skills shortage in the State, based on the extent of evidence currently available.
Some occupations are designated as “High Demand” in the list below. Applicants for nomination under the ‘Overseas Applicant Category (3A)’ for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) do not need to provide employability research and evidence if they meet the experience, English requirements and any other items specified for that occupation.
Occupation |
Status |
Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category 3A Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
职业治疗师Occupational Therapist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current Stage | skills assessment from Occupational Therapy Board of Australia, 3 years post qualification work experience |
物理治疗师Physiotherapist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA Registration or Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited Certificate of Substantial Equivalence or Final Certificate 3 years post qualification work experience |
254111 | 助产士 Midwife | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient |
Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. 2 years post qualification work experience |
254211 | 护士教育家 Nurse Educator | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | 5 years post qualification work experience |
254212 | 护士研究员 Nurse Researcher | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | 3 years post qualification work experience |
254411 | 执业护师 Nurse Practitioner | Open for all nomination categories | ANMAC | Proficient | 5 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(老年护理)Registered Nurse (aged care) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRAregistration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(儿童和家庭健康)Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(社区卫生服务) Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(重症监护和急救)Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(发展迟缓)Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(残疾和康复)Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(医学)Nurse (Medical) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(医疗实践)Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(围手术期)Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(手术)Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
注册护士(儿科)Registered Nurse (Paediatric) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
其他注册护士 Registered Nurses nec |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current AHPRA registration (in principle registration accepted) 2 years post qualification work experience |
Occupation |
Status |
Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
施工项目经理 Construction Project Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
项目建造师 Project Builder |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312111 | 建筑绘图员 Architectural Draftsperson | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312112 | 建筑助理 Building Associate | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312113 | 建筑检查员 Building Inspector | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
建筑估算员 construction estimator |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312115 | 管道检查员 Plumbing Inspector | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
312116 | 测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
建筑,建造及测量技术员Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
汽车技工(普通) Motor Mechanic (General) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
柴油汽车技工 Diesel Motor Mechanic |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
摩托车技工 Motorcycle Mechanic |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
小型发动机技工 Small Engine Mechanic |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322111 | 铁匠 Blacksmith | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322112 | 电镀工 Electroplater | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322113 | 蹄铁匠 Farrier | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322114 | 金属铸件工 Metal Casting Trades Worker | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
322211 | 钣金行业工人 Sheetmetal Trades Worker | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
金属构造工 Metal Fabricator |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
焊工(甲等) Welder (First Class) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
钳工(普通) Fitter (General) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
钳工和车床工 Fitter and Turner |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
钳工和焊工 Fitter-Welder |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323215 | 纺织品、衣服和鞋类机修工 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323299 | 金属钳工和机械师 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323311 | 雕刻工 Engraver | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323312 | 枪械工 Gunsmith | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323313 | 锁匠 Locksmith | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323314 | 精密仪器制造和修理工 Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323315 | 电锯制造和修理工 Saw Maker and Repairer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
323316 | 钟表制造工和修理工 Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
瓦工 Bricklayer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
石匠 Stonemason |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
木工和细木工 Carpenter and Joiner |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
木匠 Carpenter |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
细木工 Joiner |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
绘画工人 Painting trades workers |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
玻璃工 Glazier |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
纤维泥水匠 Fibrous Plasterer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
固体泥水匠 Solid Plasterer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
屋顶铺瓦工Roof Tiler |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
管道工(普通) Plumber (General) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
空调和机械服务水管工 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
下水道工 Drainer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
煤气工 Gasfitter |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
屋顶水暖工 Roof plumber |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
电工 Electrician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
341112 | 电工(特种) Electrician (Special Class) | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
341113 | 电梯维修工 Lift Mechanic | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
细木工 Cabinetmaker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394211 | 家具润饰工 Furniture Finisher | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394212 | 画框制作者 Picture Framer | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394213 | 木材机械工 Wood Machinist | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394214 | 木材车床工 Wood Turner | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
394299 | 木工机械师和其他木材技工工人 Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec | Open for all nomination categories | TRA | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
临床护理主任 Nursing Clinical Director |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
初级卫生机构管理者 Primary Health Organisation Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
福利中心经理 Welfare Centre Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251213 | 核医学技师 Nuclear Medicine Technologist | Open for all nomination categories | ANZSNM | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
超声波检验师 Sonographer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
医院药剂师 Hospital Pharmacist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient) 2 years related post qualification work experience |
251512 | 工业药剂师 Industrial Pharmacist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Current full AHPRA registration (in-principle or provisional registration is not sufficient) 2 years related post qualification work experience |
251911 | 健康推广主任 Health Promotion Officer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
义肢矫形师 Orthotist or Prosthetist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
251999 | 其他健康诊断和推广专业人 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
听力学家 Audiologist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
执业护师 Nurse Practitioner |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
全科医生 General Medical Practitioner |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
驻院医务人员Resident Medical Officer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
临床心理学家 Clinical Psychologist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
心理治疗师 Psychotherapist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
其他未分类心理学家 Psychologists nec |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
社工 Social Worker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
麻醉技术员Anaesthetic Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
福利工作者Welfare Worker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
心脏技术员Cardiac Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
医学实验室技术员Medical Laboratory Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
药房技术员Pharmacy Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
病理收集员 Pathology Collector / Phlebotomist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
其他医疗技师Medical Technicians nec |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
康乐治疗师Diversional Therapist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience | ||
社工Community Worker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
残疾人服务主任Disabilities Services Officer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
安老院主任Residential Care Officer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
Occupation |
Status |
Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
咖啡馆或餐厅经理Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 3 years post qualification management experience in large scale restaurant |
酒店或汽车旅馆经理Hotel or Motel Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Management experience in a large, international hotel operation |
面包师Baker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
面点师Pastrycook |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
主厨 Chef |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen |
厨师Cook |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience in large-scale kitchen |
Occupation |
Status |
Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
工程经理 Engineering Manager | Open for all nomination categories | IML/EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience | |
生产经理(制造业)Production Manager (Manufacturing) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
建筑师 Architect |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
景观设计师 Landscape Architect |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
平面设计师Graphic Designer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
插图画家Illustrator |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
多媒体设计师 Multimedia Designer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
网页设计师Web Designer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
233111 | 化学工程师 Chemical Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
233112 | 材料工程师 Materials Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
土木工程师 Civil Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
岩土工程师 Geotechnical Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
结构工程师 Structural Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
交通工程师Transport Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience; plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
电气工程师 Electrical Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233511 | 工业工程师 Industrial Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 5 years post qualification experience plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
生产或工厂工程师 Production or Plant Engineer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
Qualifications and experience must be directly linked to another Engineering occupation listed on TSOL. At least 5 years post qualification experience plus Eligibility to be registered on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer (i.e., completion of the competency assessment) OR Registration on Engineers Australia's National Engineering Register as a Professional Engineer OR Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia* *If gained more than three years ago, evidence that CPD requirements met |
233611 | 采矿工程师(石油除外) Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) | Open for all nomination categories | EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
233612 | 石油工程师 Petroleum Engineer | Open for all nomination categories | EA | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
建筑绘图员Architectural Draftsperson |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 3 years post qualification experience |
Occupation |
Status |
Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
水产养殖农民 Aquaculture Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
养蜂人Apiarist |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience |
肉牛农民 Beef Cattle Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
奶牛农民 Dairy Cattle Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 2 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121314 | 鹿养殖农民 Deer Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
121315 | 山羊养殖农民 Goat Farmer | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Competent | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
马饲养员 horse breeder |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
混合型畜牧业农民 Mixed Livestock Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
养猪农民 Pig Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
家禽饲养员Poultry Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
绵羊饲养员 Sheep Farmer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
其他未分类畜牧业农民 Livestock Farmers nec |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
酿酒师 Wine Maker |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
林务员 Forester |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
234114 | 农林科学家 Agricultural Research* Scientist | Open for all nomination categories | VETASSESS | Proficient | at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood (PrePrimary School) Teacher |
Open for all nomination categories |
IELTS Overall: 7.5 Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241213 | 小学教师 Primary School Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241311 | 中学教师 Middle School Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241411 | 中学教师 Secondary School Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241511 | 特殊需求教师 Special Needs Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241512 | 听障教师 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241513 | 视障教师 Teacher of the Sight Impaired | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
241599 | 特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers nec | Open for all nomination categories | AITSL |
Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 |
At least 3 years post qualification experience in an English language school environment |
大学讲师 University Lecture |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
At least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
242211 | 职业教育教师 Vocational Education Teacher | Open for all nomination categories | TRA / VETASSESS | Proficient | At least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
ANZSCO | Occupation | Status | Assessing Authority |
English Proficiency (Category2, 3A,3B Only) |
Other requirements and notes (Category 3A Only) |
供应及分销经理Supply and Distribution Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 5 years post-qualification workforce experience |
质量保证经理Quality Assurance Manager |
Open for all nomination categories |
Proficient |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience experience and employability research must be related to engineering or industrial production |
驯犬师或训犬师Dog Handler or Trainer |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience | ||
园丁(普通)Gardener (General) |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |
理发师Hairdresser |
Open for all nomination categories |
Competent |
at least 3 years post-qualification workforce experience |