    昆士兰担保职业清单( Master's Graduate)


    Queensland Skilled Occupation List for Master's  Graduate


    Effective 2017年1月18日

    Note #1: 241411 – Specialist teachers in the subjects of Maths, Physics, Graphics, Design and LOTE only.


    PhD graduates may be eligible for the Skilled Nomination (Permanent) visa (subclass 190), allowing you to live and work in Queensland permanently.

    To be eligible your occupation must be listed on the DIBP’s CSOL.


    ANZSCO codeOccupationsubclass 190
    224112数学家 Mathematician√
    224113统计学家 Statistician√
    224213卫生信息管理员 Health Information Manager√
    224512估价师 Valuer√
    232212测量员 Surveyor√
    233211土木工程师 Civil Engineer√
    233213工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor√
    233214结构工程师 Structural Engineer√
    233215交通工程师 Transport Engineer√
    233311电气工程师 Electrical Engineer√
    233914工程技师 Engineering Technologist√
    233915环境工程师 Environmental Engineer√
    233999其他工程专业人员 Engineering Professionals nec√
    234111农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant√
    234112农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist√
    234113林务员 Forester√
    234312环境顾问 Environmental Consultant√
    234313环境研究科学家 Environmental Research Scientist√
    234399其他环境科学家 Environmental Scientists nec√
    234611医学实验室科学家 Medical Laboratory Scientist√
    234914物理学家 Physicist√ Medical Physcists only
    234999其他自然和物理科学专业人员 Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec√
    241111幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 Early Childhood√
    241213小学教师 Primary School Teacher√ Must be a LOTE teacher
    241411中学教师 Secondary School Teacher√ See note #1 for additional details
    241511特殊需求教师 Special Needs Teacher√
    241512听障教师 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired√
    251211医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer√
    251214超声波检验师 Sonographer√
    251411验光师 Optometrist√
    251412视觉矫正师 Orthoptist√
    251912义肢矫形师 Orthotist or Prosthetist√
    252112整骨师 Osteopath√
    252511物理治疗师 Physiotherapist√
    252611足病诊疗师 Podiatrist√
    252712语言病理学家 Speech Pathologist√
    253917诊断和介入放射科专家Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist√
    254111助产士 Midwife√
    254411执业护师 Nurse Practitioner√
    254422注册护士(心理健康)Registered Nurse (Mental Health)√
    272511社工 Social Worker√
    272613福利工作者 Welfare Worker√