ANZSCO 233612 石油工程师 Petroleum Engineer
Plans and directs the engineering aspects of locating and extracting petroleum or natural gas from the earth. Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2127-13 Petroleum Engineer.
233612 岩石物理工程师 Petrophysical Engineer
ANZSCO 233612 石油工程师 Petroleum Engineer
233612 石油工程师职业描述 Job description
石油工程师负责规划和指导在地球上矿物的定位和提取工程方面的工作。可能需要注册或许可。Plans and directs the engineering aspects of locating and extracting petroleum or natural gas from the earth. Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2127-13 Petroleum Engineer.
233612 石油工程师职位别名
233612 泥浆工程师 Mud Engineer233612 岩石物理工程师 Petrophysical Engineer
233612 石油工程师技术等级 Skill Level
石油工程师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
233612 石油工程师所属职业列表