ANZSCO 234611 医学实验室科学家 Medical Laboratory Scientist
Conducts medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2115-11 Medical Scientist.
234611 医务科学主任 Medical Scientific Officer
234611 IVF胚胎学家 IVF Embryologist
ANZSCO 234611 医学实验室科学家 Medical Laboratory Scientist
234611 医学实验室科学家职业描述 Job description
医学实验室科学家负责进行医学化验, 协助诊断疾病,治疗并预防疾病。Conducts medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2115-11 Medical Scientist.
234611 医学实验室科学家职位别名
234611 医院科学家 Hospital Scientist234611 医务科学主任 Medical Scientific Officer
234611 IVF胚胎学家 IVF Embryologist
234611 医学实验室科学家技术等级 Skill Level
医学实验室科学家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
234611 医学实验室科学家所属职业列表