187签证MLTSSL职业列表 (共216个职业)
187签证ROL职业列表 (共457个职业)
Regional Occupation List List(ROL)
序号 | 职业代码 | 职业名称 | 评估机构 | 备注 |
1 | 111212 | 国防军高级官员 defence force senior officer | VETASSESS | |
2 | 111311 | 当地政府立法委员 local government legislator | ||
3 | 111312 | 下议院会员 member of parliament | ||
4 | 111399 | 立法委员未分类 legislators (nec) | ||
5 | 121111 | 水产养殖农民 aquaculture farmer | VETASSESS | |
6 | 121211 | 棉农 cotton grower | VETASSESS | |
7 | 121212 | 花农 flower grower | VETASSESS | |
8 | 121213 | 水果或坚果种植者 fruit or nut grower | VETASSESS | |
9 | 121214 | 粮食,油籽草种植者 grain, oilseed or pasture grower (Aus) / field crop grower (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
10 | 121215 | 葡萄种植者 grape grower | VETASSESS | |
11 | 121216 | 混合作物农民 mixed crop farmer | VETASSESS | |
12 | 121217 | 甘蔗种植者 sugar cane grower | VETASSESS | |
13 | 121218 | 草坪种植者 turf grower | VETASSESS | |
14 | 121221 | 菜农 vegetable grower (Aus) / market gardener (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
15 | 121299 | 其他未分类农作物农民 crop farmers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
16 | 121311 | 养蜂人 apiarist | VETASSESS | |
17 | 121312 | 肉牛农民 beef cattle farmer | VETASSESS | |
18 | 121313 | 奶牛农民 dairy cattle farmer | VETASSESS | |
19 | 121314 | 鹿养殖农民 deer farmer | VETASSESS | |
20 | 121315 | 山羊养殖农民 goat farmer | VETASSESS | |
21 | 121316 | 马饲养员 horse breeder | VETASSESS | |
22 | 121317 | 混合型畜牧业农民 mixed livestock farmer | VETASSESS | |
23 | 121318 | 养猪农民 pig farmer | VETASSESS | |
24 | 121321 | 家禽饲养员 poultry farmer | VETASSESS | |
25 | 121322 | 绵羊饲养员 sheep farmer | VETASSESS | |
26 | 121399 | 未分类畜牧业农民 livestock farmers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
27 | 121411 | 混合作物和牲畜农民 mixed crop and livestock farmer | VETASSESS | |
28 | 131112 | 销售市场经理 sales and marketing manager | AIM | |
29 | 131113 | 广告经理 advertising manager | AIM | |
30 | 131114 | 公关经理 public relations manager | AIM | |
31 | 132111 | 企业服务经理 corporate services manager | VETASSESS | |
32 | 132211 | 财务经理 finance manager |
| |
33 | 132311 | 人力资源经理 human resource manager | AIM | |
34 | 132411 | 政策和规划经理 policy and planning manager | VETASSESS | |
35 | 132511 | 研发经理 research and development manager | VETASSESS | |
36 | 133112 | 项目建造师 project builder | VETASSESS | |
37 | 133311 | 进出口商 importer or exporter | VETASSESS | |
38 | 133312 | 批发商 wholesaler | VETASSESS | |
39 | 133411 | 制造商 manufacturer | VETASSESS | |
40 | 133511 | 生产经理(林业) production manager (forestry) | VETASSESS | |
41 | 133512 | 生产经理(制造业) production manager (manufacturing) | VETASSESS | |
42 | 133513 | 生产经理(采矿) production manager (mining) | VETASSESS | |
43 | 133611 | 供应及分销经理 supply and distribution manager | AIM | |
44 | 133612 | 采购经理 procurement manager | AIM | |
45 | 134211 | 医疗行政人员 medical administrator (Aus) / medical superintendent (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
46 | 134299 | 其他未分类卫生和福利服务经理 health and welfare services managers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
47 | 134311 | 校长 school principal | VETASSESS | |
48 | 134412 | 区域教育经理 regional education manager | VETASSESS | |
49 | 134499 | 其他未分类教育管理者 education managers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
50 | 135112 | 信息和通信技术项目经理 ICT project manager | ACS | |
51 | 135199 | 其他未分类信息和通信技术经理 ICT managers (nec) | ACS | |
52 | 139111 | 现役国防军官 commissioned defence force officer | VETASSESS | |
53 | 139112 | 现役消防官 commissioned fire officer | VETASSESS | |
54 | 139113 | 现役警察 commissioned police officer | VETASSESS | |
55 | 139211 | 高级非现役国防人员 senior non‑commissioned defence force member | VETASSESS | |
56 | 139913 | 实验室经理 laboratory manager | VETASSESS | |
57 | 139914 | 质量保证经理 quality assurance manager | VETASSESS | |
58 | 139915 | 体育管理员 sports administrator | VETASSESS | |
59 | 139999 | 其他未分类专家经理 specialist managers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
60 | 141111 | 咖啡馆或餐厅经理 cafe or restaurant manager | VETASSESS | |
61 | 141211 | 露营公园和露营地经理 caravan park and camping ground manager | VETASSESS | |
62 | 141311 | 酒店或汽车旅馆经理 hotel or motel manager | VETASSESS | |
63 | 141411 | 持牌俱乐部经理 licensed club manager | VETASSESS | |
64 | 141911 | 住宿和早餐管理人bed and breakfast operator | VETASSESS | |
65 | 141912 | 养老院经理 retirement village manager | VETASSESS | |
66 | 141999 | 其他未分类住宿和接待经理 accommodation and hospitality managers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
67 | 142111 | 零售经理(普通类)retail manager (general) | ||
68 | 142112 | 古董商 antique dealer | VETASSESS | |
69 | 142113 | 投注代理处经理 betting agency manager | VETASSESS | |
70 | 142114 | 美发或美容院经理 hair or beauty salon manager | VETASSESS | |
71 | 142115 | 邮局经理 post office manager | VETASSESS | |
72 | 142116 | 旅行社经理 travel agency manager | VETASSESS | |
73 | 149111 | 娱乐中心经理 amusement centre manager | VETASSESS | |
74 | 149112 | 健身中心经理 fitness centre manager | VETASSESS | |
75 | 149113 | 体育中心经理 sports centre manager | VETASSESS | |
76 | 149211 | 呼叫或联系中心经理 call or contact centre manager | VETASSESS | |
77 | 149212 | 客户服务经理 customer service manager | VETASSESS | |
78 | 149311 | 会议和活动组织者 conference and event organiser | VETASSESS | |
79 | 149411 | 车队经理 fleet manager | VETASSESS | |
80 | 149412 | 火车站经理 railway station manager | VETASSESS | |
81 | 149413 | 运输公司经理 transport company manager | VETASSESS | |
82 | 149911 | 宠物旅馆管理人 boarding kennel or cattery operator | VETASSESS | |
83 | 149912 | 电影院或剧院经理 cinema or theatre manager | VETASSESS | |
84 | 149913 | 设施经理 facilities manager | VETASSESS | |
85 | 149914 | 金融机构分公司经理 financial institution branch manager | VETASSESS | |
86 | 149915 | 设备租赁经理 equipment hire manager | VETASSESS | |
87 | 149999 | 酒店、零售和服务经理 hospitality, retail and service managers (nec) | ||
88 | 211111 | 演员 actor | VETASSESS | |
89 | 211113 | 艺人或综艺艺术家 entertainer or variety artist | VETASSESS | |
90 | 211199 | 演员,舞蹈家和其他未分类艺人 actors, dancers and other entertainers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
91 | 211211 | 作曲家 composer | VETASSESS | |
92 | 211214 | 歌手 singer | VETASSESS | |
93 | 211299 | 专业音乐人士 music professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
94 | 211311 | 摄影师 photographer | VETASSESS | |
95 | 211411 | 画家(视觉艺术) painter (visual arts) | VETASSESS | |
96 | 211412 | 陶艺或陶瓷艺术家 potter or ceramic artist | VETASSESS | |
97 | 211413 | 雕塑家 sculptor | VETASSESS | |
98 | 211499 | 其他未分类的视觉艺术和手工艺品专业人士 visual arts and crafts professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
99 | 212112 | 媒体制作人(不含视频) media producer (excluding video) | VETASSESS | |
100 | 212113 | 电台主持人 radio presenter | VETASSESS | |
101 | 212114 | 电视主持人 television presenter | VETASSESS | |
102 | 212211 | 作家 author | VETASSESS | |
103 | 212212 | 图书或剧本编辑 book or script editor | VETASSESS | |
104 | 212311 | 艺术总监(电影,电视或舞台) art director (film, television or stage) | VETASSESS | |
105 | 212312 | 总监(电影,电视,广播或舞台) director (film, television, radio or stage) | VETASSESS | |
106 | 212313 | 摄影指导 director of photography | VETASSESS | |
107 | 212314 | 电影和视频编辑 film and video editor | VETASSESS | |
108 | 212315 | 项目总监(电视或电台) program director (television or radio) | VETASSESS | |
109 | 212316 | 剧务 stage manager | VETASSESS | |
110 | 212317 | 技术总监 technical director | VETASSESS | |
111 | 212318 | 视频制作人 video producer | VETASSESS | |
112 | 212399 | 电影,电视,广播和舞台总监 film, television, radio and stage directors (nec) | VETASSESS | |
113 | 212411 | 文案 copywriter | VETASSESS | |
114 | 212412 | 报纸或期刊编辑 newspaper or periodical editor | VETASSESS | |
115 | 212413 | 报刊杂志记者 print journalist | VETASSESS | |
116 | 212414 | 电台记者 radio journalist | VETASSESS | |
117 | 212415 | 技术作家 technical writer | VETASSESS | |
118 | 212416 | 电视记者 television journalist | VETASSESS | |
119 | 212499 | 记者和其他作家 journalists and other writers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
120 | 221211 | 公司秘书 company secretary | VETASSESS | |
121 | 221212 | 公司财务主管 corporate treasurer | CPAA/IPA/ICAA | |
122 | 222111 | 大宗商品交易商 commodities trader | VETASSESS | |
123 | 222112 | 金融经纪人 finance broker | VETASSESS | |
124 | 222113 | 保险经纪人 insurance broker | VETASSESS | |
125 | 222199 | 其他未分类金融经纪人 financial brokers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
126 | 222211 | 金融市场经销商 financial market dealer | VETASSESS | |
127 | 222212 | 期货操盘手 futures trader | VETASSESS | |
128 | 222213 | 证券经纪交易商 stockbroking dealer | VETASSESS | |
129 | 222299 | 其他未分类金融交易商 financial dealers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
130 | 222311 | 金融投资顾问 financial investment adviser | VETASSESS | |
131 | 222312 | 金融投资经理 financial investment manager | VETASSESS | |
132 | 223111 | 人力资源顾问 human resource adviser | VETASSESS | |
133 | 223112 | 招聘顾问 recruitment consultant | VETASSESS | |
134 | 223113 | 劳资关系顾问 workplace relations adviser | VETASSESS | |
135 | 223211 | ICT培训师 ICT trainer | ACS | |
136 | 223311 | 培训和开发专员 training and development professional | VETASSESS | |
137 | 224112 | 数学家 mathematician | VETASSESS | |
138 | 224211 | 档案管理员 archivist | VETASSESS | |
139 | 224212 | 画廊或博物馆馆长 gallery or museum curator | VETASSESS | |
140 | 224213 | 卫生信息管理员 health information manager | VETASSESS | |
141 | 224214 | 记录管理员 records manager | VETASSESS | |
142 | 224411 | 情报官 intelligence officer | VETASSESS | |
143 | 224412 | 政策分析师 policy analyst | VETASSESS | |
144 | 224611 | 图书管理员 librarian | VETASSESS | |
145 | 224712 | 图书管理员 organisation and methods analyst | VETASSESS | |
146 | 224911 | 选举官员 electorate officer | VETASSESS | |
147 | 224912 | 联络官 liaison officer | VETASSESS | |
148 | 224913 | 移民代理 migration agent (Aus) / immigration consultant (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
149 | 224914 | 专利审查员 patents examiner | VETASSESS | |
150 | 224999 | 其他未分类信息和组织专业人员 information and organisation professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
151 | 225111 | 广告专员 advertising specialist | VETASSESS | |
152 | 225112 | 市场研究分析师 market research analyst | VETASSESS | |
153 | 225113 | 市场营销专员 marketing specialist | VETASSESS | |
154 | 225211 | ICT客户经理 ICT account manager | VETASSESS | |
155 | 225212 | 信息和通信技术业务发展经理 ICT business development manager | VETASSESS | |
156 | 225213 | 信息和通信技术销售代表 ICT sales representative | VETASSESS | |
157 | 225311 | 公共关系专员 public relations professional | VETASSESS | |
158 | 225411 | 销售代表(工业产品) sales representative (industrial products) | VETASSESS | |
159 | 225412 | 销售代表(医药品) sales representative (medical and pharmaceutical products) | VETASSESS | |
160 | 225499 | 其他未分类技术销售代表 technical sales representatives (nec) | VETASSESS | |
161 | 231111 | 飞机飞行员 aeroplane pilot | CASA | |
162 | 231112 | 空中交通管制员 air traffic controller | VETASSESS | |
163 | 231113 | 飞行教练 flying instructor | VETASSESS | |
164 | 231114 | 直升机飞行员 helicopter pilot | CASA | |
165 | 231199 | 航空运输专业人员 air transport professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
166 | 231211 | 渔船船长 master fisher | VETASSESS | |
167 | 231212 | 轮机工程师 ship's engineer | AMSA | |
168 | 231213 | 船长 ship's master | AMSA | |
169 | 231214 | 船舶主任 ship's officer | AMSA | |
170 | 231215 | 海事检验员 marine surveyor | AMSA | |
171 | 231299 | 海洋运输专业人员 marine transport professionals (nec) | AMSA | |
172 | 232311 | 时装设计师 fashion designer | VETASSESS | |
173 | 232312 | 工业设计师 industrial designer | VETASSESS | |
174 | 232313 | 珠宝设计师 jewellery designer | VETASSESS | |
175 | 232411 | 平面设计师 graphic designer | VETASSESS | |
176 | 232412 | 插图画家 illustrator | VETASSESS | |
177 | 232413 | 多媒体设计师 multimedia designer | VETASSESS | |
178 | 232414 | 网页设计师 web designer | VETASSESS | |
179 | 232511 | 室内设计师 interior designer | VETASSESS | |
180 | 232611 | 城市和区域规划师 urban and regional planner | VETASSESS | |
181 | 234213 | 酿酒师 wine maker | VETASSESS | |
182 | 234311 | 自然保护官员 conservation officer | VETASSESS | |
183 | 234314 | 公园护林员 park ranger | VETASSESS | |
184 | 234411 | 地质学家 geologist | VETASSESS | |
185 | 234915 | 运动生理学家 exercise physiologist | VETASSESS | |
186 | 241112 | 毛利语老师 kaiako kohanga reo (Maori language nest teacher) | ||
187 | 241211 | 毛利人小学教师 kaiako kura kaupapa maori (Maori‑medium primary school teacher) | ||
188 | 241212 | 毛利人小学高级教师 pouako kura kaupapa maori (Maori‑medium primary school senior teacher) | ||
189 | 241213 | 小学教师 primary school teacher | AITSL | |
190 | 241311 | 中学教师 middle school teacher (Aus) / intermediate school teacher (NZ) | AITSL | |
191 | 242112 | 大学导师 university tutor | VETASSESS | |
192 | 242211 | 职业教育教师 vocational education teacher (Aus) / polytechnic teacher (NZ) | VETASSESS/TRA | |
193 | 249111 | 教育顾问 education adviser | VETASSESS | |
194 | 249112 | 教育评论家 education reviewer | VETASSESS | |
195 | 249211 | 美术教师(补习) art teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS | |
196 | 249212 | 舞蹈老师(补习) dance teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS | |
197 | 249213 | 戏剧老师(补习) drama teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS | |
198 | 249214 | 音乐教师(补习) music teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS | |
199 | 249299 | 私人导师和教师 private tutors and teachers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
200 | 249311 | 讲其他语言的英语教师 teacher of English to speakers of other languages | VETASSESS | |
201 | 251111 | 营养师 dietitian | DAA | |
202 | 251112 | 营养师 nutritionist | VETASSESS | |
203 | 251311 | 环境卫生官员 environmental health officer | VETASSESS | |
204 | 251312 | 职业健康与安全顾问 occupational health and safety adviser | VETASSESS | |
205 | 251412 | 视觉矫正师 orthoptist | VETASSESS | |
206 | 251511 | 医院药剂师 hospital pharmacist | APharmC | |
207 | 251512 | 工业药剂师 industrial pharmacist | VETASSESS | |
208 | 251513 | 零售药剂师 retail pharmacist | APharmC | |
209 | 251911 | 健康推广主任 health promotion officer | VETASSESS | |
210 | 251999 | 其他健康诊断和推广专业人 health diagnostic and promotion professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
211 | 252211 | 针灸师 acupuncturist | VETASSESS | |
212 | 252212 | 顺势疗法医师 homoeopath | VETASSESS | |
213 | 252213 | 自然疗法医师 naturopath | VETASSESS | |
214 | 252214 | 中国传统中医 traditional Chinese medicine practitioner | CMBA | |
215 | 252215 | 毛利人的传统保健医师traditional Maori health practitioner | ||
216 | 252299 | 补充性的健康治疗师 complementary health therapists (nec) | VETASSESS | |
217 | 252311 | 牙科专家 dental specialist | ADC | |
218 | 252312 | 牙医 dentist | ADC | |
219 | 253112 | 驻院医务人员 resident medical officer | MBA | |
220 | 253211 | 麻醉师 anaesthetist | MBA | |
221 | 254211 | 护士教育家 nurse educator | ANMAC | |
222 | 254212 | 护士研究员 nurse researcher | ANMAC | |
223 | 254311 | 护士长 nurse manager | ANMAC | |
224 | 261212 | 网页开发工程师 web developer | ACS | |
225 | 261314 | 软件测试员 software tester | ACS | |
226 | 262111 | 数据库管理员 database administrator | ACS | |
227 | 262113 | 系统管理员 systems administrator | ACS | |
228 | 263112 | 网络管理员 network administrator | ACS | |
229 | 263113 | 网络分析师 network analyst | ACS | |
230 | 263211 | 信息和通信技术质量保证工程师 ICT quality assurance engineer | ACS | |
231 | 263212 | 信息和通信技术支持工程师 ICT support engineer | ACS | |
232 | 263213 | 信息和通信技术系统测试工程师 ICT systems test engineer | ACS | |
233 | 263299 | 其他未分类信息和通信技术支持和测试工程师 ICT support and test engineers (nec) | ACS | |
234 | 271211 | 法官 judge | Agency that approves the appointment | |
235 | 271212 | 地方法官 magistrate | Agency that approves the appointment | |
236 | 271213 | 法庭成员 tribunal member | Agency that approves the appointment | |
237 | 271214 | 知识产权律师 intellectual property lawyer | ||
238 | 271299 | 司法和其他法律专业人员 judicial and other legal professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
239 | 272111 | 职业顾问 careers counsellor | VETASSESS | |
240 | 272112 | 药品和酒精顾问 drug and alcohol counsellor | VETASSESS | |
241 | 272113 | 家庭和婚姻顾问 family and marriage counsellor | VETASSESS | |
242 | 272114 | 康复顾问 rehabilitation counsellor | VETASSESS | |
243 | 272115 | 学生辅导 student counsellor | VETASSESS | |
244 | 272199 | 其他未分类辅导员 counsellors (nec) | VETASSESS | |
245 | 272314 | 心理治疗师 psychotherapist | VETASSESS | |
246 | 272411 | 历史学家 historian | VETASSESS | |
247 | 272412 | 口译 interpreter | NAATI | |
248 | 272413 | 笔译 translator | NAATI | |
249 | 272414 | 考古学家 archaeologist | VETASSESS | |
250 | 272499 | 社会专业人员 social professionals (nec) | VETASSESS | |
251 | 272611 | 社区艺术工作者 community arts worker | VETASSESS | |
252 | 272612 | 娱乐官员 recreation officer (Aus) / recreation coordinator (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
253 | 272613 | 福利工作者 welfare worker | ACWA | |
254 | 311111 | 农业技术员 agricultural technician | VETASSESS | |
255 | 311211 | 麻醉技术员 anaesthetic technician | VETASSESS | |
256 | 311212 | 心脏技术员 cardiac technician | VETASSESS | |
257 | 311213 | 医学实验室技术员 medical laboratory technician | AIMS | |
258 | 311214 | 手术室技术员 operating theatre technician | VETASSESS | |
259 | 311215 | 药房技术员 pharmacy technician | VETASSESS | |
260 | 311216 | 病理收集员 pathology collector (Aus) / phlebotomist (NZ) | AIMS | |
261 | 311299 | 其他医疗技师 medical technicians (nec) | VETASSESS | |
262 | 311311 | 渔业主任 fisheries officer | VETASSESS | |
263 | 311312 | 肉类检查员 meat inspector | VETASSESS | |
264 | 311313 | 检疫官员 quarantine officer | VETASSESS | |
265 | 311399 | 其他初级产品检查员 primary products inspectors (nec) | VETASSESS | |
266 | 311411 | 化学技术员 chemistry technician | VETASSESS | |
267 | 311412 | 地球科学技术员 earth science technician | VETASSESS | |
268 | 311413 | 生命科学技术员 life science technician | VETASSESS | |
269 | 311414 | 学校实验室技术员 school laboratory technician | VETASSESS | |
270 | 311415 | 水文工作者 hydrographer | VETASSESS | |
271 | 311499 | 其他科学技术员 science technicians (nec) | VETASSESS | |
272 | 312111 | 建筑绘图员 architectural draftsperson | VETASSESS | |
273 | 312112 | 建筑助理 building associate | VETASSESS | |
274 | 312113 | 建筑检查员 building inspector | VETASSESS | |
275 | 312114 | 建筑估算员 construction estimator | VETASSESS | |
276 | 312115 | 管道检查员 plumbing inspector | VETASSESS | |
277 | 312116 | 测量或空间科学技术员 surveying or spatial science technician | VETASSESS | |
278 | 312199 | 建筑,建造及测量技术员 architectural, building and surveying technicians (nec) | VETASSESS | |
279 | 312411 | 电子工程绘图员 electronic engineering draftsperson | Engineers Australia | |
280 | 312412 | 电子工程技术员 electronic engineering technician | TRA | |
281 | 312511 | 机械工程绘图员 mechanical engineering draftsperson | Engineers Australia | |
282 | 312512 | 机械工程技术员 mechanical engineering technician | TRA | |
283 | 312611 | 安全检查员 safety inspector | VETASSESS | |
284 | 312911 | 维修规划员 maintenance planner | VETASSESS | |
285 | 312912 | 冶金或材料技术员 metallurgical or materials technician | VETASSESS | |
286 | 312913 | 矿副 mine deputy | VETASSESS | |
287 | 312999 | 其他未分类建筑及工程技术员 building and engineering technicians (nec) | VETASSESS/Engineers Australia | |
288 | 313111 | 硬件技术员 hardware technician | TRA | |
289 | 313112 | 信息通信技术客户支持 ICT customer support officer | TRA | |
290 | 313113 | 网站管理员 web administrator | ACS | |
291 | 313199 | 信息和通信技术支持技术员 ICT support technicians (nec) | TRA | |
292 | 322111 | 铁匠 blacksmith | TRA | 是 |
293 | 322112 | 电镀工 electroplater | TRA | 是 |
294 | 322113 | 蹄铁匠 farrier | TRA | 是 |
295 | 322114 | 金属铸件工 metal casting trades worker | TRA | 是 |
296 | 322115 | 金属抛光工 metal polisher | TRA | 是 |
297 | 323111 | 飞机维修工程师(航空电子) aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) | TRA | 是 |
298 | 323112 | 飞机维修工程师(机械) aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical) | TRA | 是 |
299 | 323113 | 飞机维修工程师(结构) aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) | TRA | 是 |
300 | 323215 | 纺织品、衣服和鞋类机修工 textile, clothing and footwear mechanic | TRA | 是 |
301 | 323299 | 金属钳工和机械师 metal fitters and machinists (nec) | TRA | 是 |
302 | 323311 | 雕刻工 engraver | TRA | 是 |
303 | 323312 | 枪械工 gunsmith | TRA | 是 |
304 | 323314 | 精密仪器制造和修理工 precision instrument maker and repairer | TRA | 是 |
305 | 323315 | 电锯制造和修理工 saw maker and repairer | TRA | 是 |
306 | 323316 | 钟表制造工和修理工 watch and clock maker and repairer | TRA | 是 |
307 | 323411 | 工程制模工人 engineering patternmaker | TRA | 是 |
308 | 323412 | 模具工人 toolmaker | TRA | 是 |
309 | 324211 | 车身制造工 vehicle body builder | TRA | 是 |
310 | 324212 | 汽车翻修工 vehicle trimmer | TRA | 是 |
311 | 324311 | 汽车喷漆工 vehicle painter | TRA | 是 |
312 | 332111 | 地板工 floor finisher | TRA | 是 |
313 | 333311 | 屋顶铺瓦工 roof tiler | TRA | 是 |
314 | 342211 | 电气接线员 electrical linesworker (Aus) / electrical line mechanic (NZ) | TRA | 是 |
315 | 342311 | 商业机械技工 business machine mechanic | TRA | 是 |
316 | 342312 | 通信运营商 communications operator | TRA | 是 |
317 | 342411 | 线缆工(数据通信) cabler (data and telecommunications) | TRA | 是 |
318 | 342412 | 电信电缆接线员 telecommunications cable jointer | TRA | 是 |
319 | 342413 | 电信接线员 telecommunications linesworker (Aus) / telecommunications line mechanic (NZ) | TRA | 是 |
320 | 342414 | 电信技术员 telecommunications technician | TRA | 是 |
321 | 351111 | 面包师 baker | TRA | 是 |
322 | 351112 | 面点师 pastrycook | TRA | 是 |
323 | 351211 | 屠夫和肉类加工者 butcher or smallgoods maker | TRA | 是 |
324 | 351411 | 厨师 cook | TRA | 是 |
325 | 361111 | 驯犬师或训犬师 dog handler or trainer | VETASSESS | 是 |
326 | 361113 | 宠物美容师 pet groomer | VETASSESS |
是 |
327 | 361114 | 动物园管理员 zookeeper | VETASSESS | 是 |
328 | 361115 | 养犬人 kennel hand | VETASSESS | |
329 | 361199 | 动物服务员和教员 animal attendants and trainers (nec) | VETASSESS | 是 |
330 | 361211 | 剪切工 shearer | VETASSESS | 是 |
331 | 361311 | 兽医护士 veterinary nurse | VETASSESS | 是 |
332 | 362111 | 花卉 florist | TRA | 是 |
333 | 362211 | 园丁(普通) gardener (general) | TRA | 是 |
334 | 362212 | 树艺师 arborist | TRA | 是 |
335 | 362213 | 园艺师 landscape gardener | TRA | 是 |
336 | 362311 | 球场管理员 greenkeeper | TRA | 是 |
337 | 362411 | 托儿所职员 nurseryperson | TRA | 是 |
338 | 391111 | 理发师 hairdresser | TRA | 是 |
339 | 392111 | 打印装订工 print finisher | TRA | 是 |
340 | 392112 | 丝网印刷工 screen printer | TRA | 是 |
341 | 392211 | 图形印前行业工人 graphic pre‑press trades worker | TRA | 是 |
342 | 392311 | 印刷技工 printing machinist | TRA | 是 |
343 | 392312 | 小型胶印印刷工 small offset printer | TRA | 是 |
344 | 393111 | 帆布制品加工商 canvas goods fabricator | TRA | 是 |
345 | 393112 | 皮革制品制造商 leather goods maker | TRA | 是 |
346 | 393113 | 帐篷厂商 sail maker | TRA | 是 |
347 | 393114 | 鞋匠 shoemaker | TRA | 是 |
348 | 393211 | 裁缝 apparel cutter | TRA | 是 |
349 | 393212 | 服装打样师 clothing patternmaker | TRA | 是 |
350 | 393213 | 女装裁缝或男装裁缝 dressmaker or tailor | TRA | 是 |
351 | 393299 | 其他未分类服装行业工人 clothing trades workers (nec) | TRA | 是 |
352 | 393311 | 家俱商 upholsterer | TRA | 是 |
353 | 394211 | 家具润饰工 furniture finisher | TRA | 是 |
354 | 394212 | 画框制作者 picture framer | TRA | 是 |
355 | 394213 | 木材机械工 wood machinist | TRA | 是 |
356 | 394214 | 木材车床工 wood turner | TRA | 是 |
357 | 394299 | 木工机械师和其他木材技工工人 wood machinists and other wood trades workers (nec) | TRA | 是 |
358 | 399211 | 化工厂操作员 chemical plant operator | TRA | 是 |
359 | 399212 | 天然气或石油操作员 gas or petroleum operator | TRA | 是 |
360 | 399213 | 发电厂操作员 power generation plant operator | TRA | 是 |
361 | 399311 | 画廊或博物馆技术员 gallery or museum technician | TRA | 是 |
362 | 399312 | 图书馆技术员 library technician | VETASSESS | |
363 | 399411 | 珠宝匠 jeweler | TRA | 是 |
364 | 399511 | 广播发射机操作员 broadcast transmitter operator | TRA | 是 |
365 | 399512 | 摄影师(电影、电视或录像) camera operator (film, television or video) | TRA | 是 |
366 | 399513 | 灯光师 light technician | TRA | 是 |
367 | 399514 | 化妆师 make up artist | TRA | 是 |
368 | 399515 | 乐器制造工或维修工 musical instrument maker or repairer | TRA | 是 |
369 | 399516 | 录音师 sound technician | TRA | |
370 | 399517 | 电视设备操作工 television equipment operator | TRA | 是 |
371 | 399599 | 其他未分类演艺技工 performing arts technicians (nec) | VETASSESS | 是 |
372 | 399611 | 标牌撰写工 signwriter | TRA | 是 |
373 | 399911 | 潜水员 diver | VETASSESS | 是 |
374 | 399912 | 室内装潢师 interior decorator | VETASSESS | |
375 | 399913 | 配镜员 optical dispenser (Aus) / dispensing optician (NZ) | TRA | 是 |
376 | 399914 | 光学技工 optical mechanic | TRA | 是 |
377 | 399915 | 摄影师助理 photographer's assistant | VETASSESS | 是 |
378 | 399916 | 塑料技术员 plastics technician | TRA | 是 |
379 | 399917 | 羊毛分级员 wool classer | TRA | 是 |
380 | 399918 | 消防设备技术员 fire protection equipment technician | TRA | 是 |
381 | 399999 | 其他未分类技术人员 technicians and trades workers (nec) | TRA | 是 |
382 | 411111 | 救护主任 ambulance officer | VETASSESS | |
383 | 411112 | 重症监护救护车医务人员 intensive care ambulance paramedic (Aus) / ambulance paramedic (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
384 | 411211 | 牙科保健员 dental hygienist | VETASSESS | |
385 | 411212 | 牙科修复学家 dental prosthetist | TRA | |
386 | 411213 | 牙科技师 dental technician | TRA | |
387 | 411214 | 牙科治疗师 dental therapist | VETASSESS | |
388 | 411311 | 康乐治疗师 diversional therapist | VETASSESS | |
389 | 411411 | 在编护士 enrolled nurse | ANMAC | |
390 | 411412 | 育儿护士 mothercraft nurse | VETASSESS | |
391 | 411511 | 土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民保健员 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health worker | VETASSESS | |
392 | 411512 | 毛利人的健康助理 kaiawhina (hauora) (Maori health assistant) | ||
393 | 411611 | 按摩治疗师 massage therapist | VETASSESS | |
394 | 411711 | 社工 community worker | ACWA | |
395 | 411712 | 残疾人服务主任 disabilities services officer | VETASSESS | |
396 | 411713 | 家庭工作者 family support worker | VETASSESS | |
397 | 411714 | 假释或缓刑主任 parole or probation officer | VETASSESS | |
398 | 411715 | 安老院主任 residential care officer | VETASSESS | |
399 | 411716 | 青年工作者 youth worker | ACWA | |
400 | 421111 | 儿童保健组组长 child care worker (group leaders only) | ||
401 | 431411 | 酒店服务经理 hotel service manager | ||
402 | 441111 | 国防军成员 - 其他职级 defence force member ‑ other ranks | VETASSESS | |
403 | 441211 | 紧急服务工作人员 emergency service worker | VETASSESS | |
404 | 441212 | 消防战士 fire fighter | VETASSESS | |
405 | 441311 | 侦探 detective | VETASSESS | |
406 | 441312 | 警官 police officer | VETASSESS | |
407 | 442216 | 安全顾问 security consultant | ||
408 | 451211 | 驾驶教练 driving instructor | VETASSESS | |
409 | 451311 | 殡仪馆馆长 funeral director | VETASSESS | |
410 | 451399 | 葬礼工人 funeral workers (nec) | VETASSESS | |
411 | 451711 | 空乘员 flight attendant | VETASSESS | |
412 | 451799 | 其他未分类旅游服务员 travel attendants (nec) | VETASSESS | |
413 | 451815 | 急救训练师 first aid trainer | VETASSESS | |
414 | 452311 | 潜水教练(开放水域) diving instructor (open water) | VETASSESS | |
415 | 452312 | 体操教练或教员 gymnastics coach or instructor | VETASSESS | |
416 | 452313 | 骑马教练或教员 horse riding coach or instructor | VETASSESS | |
417 | 452314 | 雪上运动指导员 snowsport instructor | VETASSESS | |
418 | 452315 | 游泳教练或教员 swimming coach or instructor | VETASSESS | |
419 | 452317 | 其他体育教练或教员 other sports coach or instructor | VETASSESS | |
420 | 452318 | 赛狗或赛马官员 dog or horse racing official | VETASSESS | |
421 | 452321 | 体育发展主任 sports development officer | VETASSESS | |
422 | 452322 | 体育裁判 sports umpire | VETASSESS | |
423 | 452323 | 其他体育官员 other sports official | VETASSESS | |
424 | 452412 | 高尔夫球运动员 golfer | VETASSESS | |
425 | 452413 | 骑师 jockey | TRA | |
426 | 452414 | 救生员 lifeguard | ||
427 | 452499 | 其他未分类体育运动员 sportspersons (nec) | VETASSESS | |
428 | 511111 | 合同管理员 contract administrator | VETASSESS | |
429 | 511112 | 计划或项目管理员 program or project administrator | VETASSESS | |
430 | 512111 | 办公室经理 office manager | ||
431 | 512211 | 健康项目经理 health practice manager | ||
432 | 512299 | 未分类的实习经理 practice managers (nec) | ||
433 | 521111 | 私人秘书 personal assistant | ||
434 | 521211 | 普通秘书 secretary (general) | ||
435 | 521212 | 法律秘书 legal secretary | ||
436 | 541111 | 呼叫中心或联络组组长 call or contact centre team leader | ||
437 | 599111 | 财产转让员 conveyancer | VETASSESS | |
438 | 599112 | 法律行政 legal executive | VETASSESS | |
439 | 599211 | 法庭书记员 clerk of court | ||
440 | 599212 | 法院法警 court bailiff or sheriff (Aus) / court collections officer (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
441 | 599213 | 法院登记官 court orderly (Aus) / court registry officer (NZ) | ||
442 | 599214 | 法律职员 law clerk | ||
443 | 599215 | 信托员 trust officer | ||
444 | 599611 | 保险调查员 insurance investigator | VETASSESS | |
445 | 599612 | 保险理赔员 insurance loss adjuster | VETASSESS | |
446 | 599613 | 保险风险测量师 insurance risk surveyor | VETASSESS | |
447 | 599915 | 临床编码员 clinical coder | VETASSESS | |
448 | 611111 | 拍卖员 auctionner | VETASSESS | |
449 | 611112 | 股票及站长代理 stock and station agent | VETASSESS | |
450 | 611211 | 保险代理人 insurance agent | VETASSESS | |
451 | 612111 | 商业经纪人 business broker | VETASSESS | |
452 | 612112 | 地产经理 property manager | VETASSESS | |
453 | 612113 | 房地产委托代理 real estate agency principal (Aus) / real estate agency licensee (NZ) | VETASSESS | |
454 | 612114 | 房地产经纪人 real estate agent | VETASSESS | |
455 | 612115 | 房地产代表 real estate representative | VETASSESS | |
456 | 639211 | 零售采购员 retail buyer | VETASSESS | |
457 | 639212 | 羊毛采购员 wool buyer | VETASSESS |