Occupation ceilings for the 2020-21 programme year
updated 2020-8-13
Occupation ID |
Description |
职业中文名称 |
Occupation Ceiling Value 2019-2020 |
Construction Managers |
施工经理 |
7,145 |
Engineering Managers |
工程师经理 |
1,474 |
Child Care Centre Managers |
幼儿中心经理 |
1,000 |
Health and Welfare Services Managers |
卫生与福利服务经理 |
1,666 |
Other Specialist Managers |
其他专业管理人员 |
4,188 | |
Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers |
演员、舞蹈演员和其他艺人 |
1,000 |
Music Professionals |
音乐职业人员 |
1,000 |
Artistic Directors, and Media Producers and Presenters |
艺术总监、媒体制作人和主持人 |
1,000 | |
Accountants* |
会计 |
1,000 |
Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers |
审计人员、公司秘书和公司财务主管 |
1,619 |
Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians |
精算师,数学家和统计学家 |
1,000 |
Economists |
经济学家 |
1,000 | |
Land Economists and Valuers |
土地经济学家和评估员 |
1,000 |
Management consultant |
管理顾问 |
4,526 |
Architects and Landscape Architects |
建筑师和景观设计师 |
1,452 |
Cartographers and Surveyors |
绘图员、测量员 |
1,000 |
Chemical and Materials Engineers |
化学和材料工程师 |
1,000 |
Civil Engineering Professionals |
土木工程 |
3,919 |
Electrical Engineers |
电气工程师 |
1,348 |
Electronics Engineers |
电子工程师 |
1,000 |
Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers |
工业、机械和生产工程师 |
2,682 |
Mining Engineers |
采矿工程师 |
1,000 | |
Other Engineering Professionals |
其他工程专业人员 |
1,000 |
Agricultural and Forestry Scientists |
农业和林业科学家 |
1,000 |
Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists |
化学师、美食美酒学家 |
1,000 | |
Environmental Scientists |
环境学家 |
1,295 |
Geologists, Geophysicists and Hydrogeologists |
地质学家和地球物理学家 |
1,000 |
Life Scientists |
生命科学家 |
1,000 | |
Medical Laboratory Scientists |
医学实验室的科学家 |
1,536 |
Veterinarians |
兽医 |
1,000 |
Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals |
其他自然和物理科学专业 |
1,056 |
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers |
幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 |
3,321 |
Secondary School Teachers |
中学教师 |
8,716 |
Special Education Teachers |
特殊教育教师 |
1,721 |
University Lecturers and Tutors |
大学讲师和导师 |
5,042 | |
Medical Imaging Professionals |
医用放射诊断技师 |
1,161 |
Optometrists and Orthoptists |
验光师 |
1,000 |
Orthotist or Prosthetist |
其他健康诊断和促进专家 |
1,000 |
Chiropractors and Osteopaths |
脊医和整骨专家 |
1,000 |
Occupational Therapists |
职业治疗师 |
1,461 |
Physiotherapists |
物理治疗师 |
1,685 |
Podiatrists |
足病治疗师 |
1,000 |
Speech Professionals and Audiologists |
语言病理学家 |
1,000 |
General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers |
普通科医生和住院医务人员 |
4,527 |
Internal Medicine Specialists |
全科医学专科医师 |
1,000 |
Psychiatrists |
精神科医生 |
1,000 |
Surgeons |
外科医生 |
1,000 |
Other Medical Practitioners |
其他科医生 |
1,168 |
Midwives |
助产士 |
1,333 |
Registered Nurses |
注册护士 |
17,859 |
ICT Business and Systems Analysts |
ICT业务分析是系统分析员 |
2,273 |
Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers |
多媒体专家和网络开发人员 |
1,000 | |
Software and Applications Programmers |
软件和应用程序的程序员 |
8,405 |
Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security Specialists |
数据库和系统管理员,信息与通信技术安全专家 |
2,667 |
Computer Network Professionals |
计算机网络专家 |
2,245 |
Telecommunications Engineering Professionals |
通信工程专家 |
1,000 |
Barristers |
法律顾问 |
1,000 |
Solicitors |
律师 |
4,535 |
Psychologists |
心理治疗师 |
1,545 |
Social Workers |
社工 |
1,862 |
Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians |
土木工程绘图员和技术 |
1,000 |
Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians |
电气工程绘图员和技术 |
1,000 |
Telecommunications Technical Specialists |
电信领域工程师 |
1,000 |
Automotive Electricians |
汽车电工 |
1,000 |
Motor Mechanics |
汽车技工 |
5,205 |
Sheetmetal Trades Workers |
钣金行业工人 |
1,000 |
Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers |
钢结构和焊接行业的工人 |
4,866 |
Metal Fitters and Machinists |
金属装配工和机械师 |
6,335 |
Precision Metal Trades Workers |
精密金属交易人员 |
1,000 |
Panelbeaters |
钣金工 |
1,000 |
Bricklayers and Stonemasons |
砖瓦匠和石匠 |
1,712 |
Carpenters and Joiners |
木匠和细木工 |
6,812 |
Painting Trades Workers |
油漆工 |
3,303 |
Glaziers |
玻璃工 |
1,000 |
Plasterers |
粉刷工 |
1,452 |
Wall and Floor Tilers |
墙和地板工人 |
1,000 |
Plumbers |
管道工人 |
5,861 |
Electricians |
电工 |
8,021 |
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics |
空调和制冷技工 |
1,581 |
Electrical Distribution Trades Workers |
配电行业工作人员 |
1,000 |
Electronics Trades Workers |
电子行业工人 |
2,047 |
Chefs |
厨师 |
2,256 |
Animal Attendants and Trainers |
饲养员和驯兽员 |
1,239 | |
Cabinetmakers |
木工 |
1,694 |
Boat Builders and Shipwrights |
船舶构造和维修 |
1,000 |
Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials |
体育教练,教练和官员 |
1,262 | |
Sportspersons |
运动员 |
1,000 |