6121 房地产销售代理人



• 销售、出租和管理商业和个人的房产,一种坚韧的身份进行买卖。REAL ESTATE SALES AGENTS sell, lease and manage commercial and private properties, and broker the buying and selling of businesses
技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF 证书III级和至少两年的在职培训或AQF证书IV级(ANZSCO技术3级) In Australia: In Australia: AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3) 
• 在新西兰:NZ资格证4级(ANZSCO技术3级) In New Zealand: NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3) 
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required.
• 地产代理委托人/地产代理持牌人要有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。The occupation Real Estate Agency Principal (Aus) / Real Estate Agency Licensee (NZ) has a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF大专文凭、高级文凭或文凭(ANZSCO技术2级)In Australia: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2) 
• 在新西兰:NZ登记证书(ANZSCO技术2级)In New Zealand:NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2) 
• 至少3年的相关工作经验可以取代上述的资格证书。有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。At least three year of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed aboveIn some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification

主要职责 Tasks Include
• 接收和列出要出售和租赁的房产信息,进行检查,根据产权和出售租赁条款向买方提供建议。accepting and listing properties and businesses for sale and lease, conducting inspections, and advising buyers on the merits of properties and businesses and the terms of sale or lease 
• 对销售和市场选择的供应商提出建议,如拍卖和进行房屋检查。advising vendors of sales and marketing options such as sale by auction and open house inspections 
• 对出租与租赁的土地、建筑和交易分类和详述,并安排广告。cataloguing and detailing land, buildings and businesses for sale or lease and arranging advertising 
• 评估买主需求,从他们的角度为其寻找房子。assessing buyers' needs and locating properties and businesses for their consideration 
• 对买卖产权提供评估和建议;组织安置条款。offering valuations and advice for buying and selling properties and businesses, and structuring the terms of settlement 
• 从住户处收取租金,根据协议将其交给房主。collecting and holding rent monies from tenants, and remitting to owner on agreed basis 
• 监控和处理与租用条款和条件不符合的情况;索要拖欠的房租。monitoring and addressing non-compliance with terms and conditions of tenancy and pursuing rental arrears 
• 发展和执行用于代理的商业计划、预算、政策和程序。developing and implementing business plans, budgets, policies and procedures for the agency 
• 可能要安排资金、经济费、房屋的转让和维护。may arrange finance, land brokerage, conveyancing and maintenance of premises

职位列表 List of occupations

612112 物业经理 Property Manager 
• 代表业主监管出租房的租赁。Supervises the leasing of rental properties on behalf of owners. 
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing may be required. 
• 技术等级 Skill Level: 3 
• 职业方向 Specialisation: 
• 法人团体经理 Body Corporate Manager

612113 地产代理委托人/地产代理持牌人 Real Estate Agency Principal (Aus) / Real Estate Agency Licensee (NZ) 
• 管理房地产公司的全部活动。Manages the overall activities of a real estate agency. 
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing is required. 
• 技术等级 Skill Level: 2

612115 房地产代表 Real Estate Representative 
• 替代职位 Alternative Titles: 
• 房地产销售员 Real Estate Salesperson 
• 房地产副代理人 Real Estate Subagent 
• 安排房地产交易,如出售和租赁,代表代理人帮助买主找到最适合的房子。Arranges the conduct of real estate transactions such as sales and leasing, and assists buyers to find suitable properties, on behalf of an agency. 
• 可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing is required. 
• 技术等级 Skill Level: 3 
• 职业方向 Specialisation: 
• 物业营运主任 Property Portfolio Officer