
UNIT GROUP 2493 母语为非英语学习者的教师 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

ANZSCO 2493 母语为非英语学习者的教师职责概述  
• 负责教授母语为非英语的学生英语 TEACHERS OF ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES teach classes in English to students whose first language is a language other than English.

ANZSCO 2493 母语为非英语学习者的教师 技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平(ANZSCO技能水平1级)。 In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 2493 母语为非英语学习者的教师主要职责 Tasks Include  
• 评估母语为非英语的学生学习语言的困难程度 assessing the extent of language difficulties in students for whom English is a second language
• 单独并以小组为单位在常规课堂外教授学生,并帮助学生布置教室环境 teaching students individually and in small groups out of the regular classroom, and assisting students within normal classroom settings
• 使用各种教学方法包括讲座和视频示范教授学生的英语语言技能 teaching students English language skills using a variety of methods including lecture and visual demonstration
• 通过为英文学习困难的学生设计特别教学方案帮助其他教师提高他们学生的英语水平 providing assistance to other classroom teachers by designing special teaching programs for students with English language difficulties
• 设计和制作教材,并改进现有教材 designing and producing teaching materials and adapting existing materials
• 制备教学大纲和教学目标 preparing course outlines and goals
• 排课、批改作业并为考试评等级 assigning lessons, correcting homework, and preparing and grading exams
• 分析、记录进度并向其他班的老师、家长和学生报告进度 analysing, recording and reporting progress to regular classroom teachers, parents and students

ANZSCO 2493 母语为非英语学习者的教师职位列表 List of occupations
249311 英语教师-以母语为非英语为对象 Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages
• 替代职位: Alternative Title:
• 英语为第二语言的学习者的教师 English as a Second Language Teacher
• 教授母语为非英语的学生 Teaches classes in English to students whose first language is a language other than English.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1