
UNIT GROUP 2421 大学讲师和导师 University Lecturers and Tutors

ANZSCO 2421 大学讲师和导师职责概述
• 大学讲师和导师准备并开展讲座,在大学里为一门或多门必修课程做专题报告,并开展特定领域学问研究。 UNIVERSITY LECTURERS AND TUTORS prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conduct research in a particular field of knowledge.

ANZSCO 2421 大学讲师和导师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。需要注册或许可证。 In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing may be required.

ANZSCO 2421 大学讲师和导师主要职责 Tasks Include  
• 准备并做演讲,做专题报告,参与研讨会和实验室会议 preparing and delivering lectures, and conducting tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions
• 给论文、作业和考卷评分 preparing and marking essays, assignments and examinations
• 为学生提供学术或相关事宜建议 advising students on academic and related matters
• 参加部门和教职工会议、学术会议和研讨会 attending departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars
• 监督研究生,荣誉生以及个别辅导员的工作 supervising work programs of postgraduate and honours students and tutorial staff
• 参与课程设置和学位的要求,修订课程和学术规划 participating in setting course and degree requirements, curriculum revision and academic planning
• 任职于校董会、教务处、教师和其他委员会和教授委员会 serving on council, senate, faculty and other committees and professorial boards
• 对特定知识领域进行研究并担任顾问 conducting research and undertaking consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
• 鼓励和引导课堂讨论 stimulating and guiding class discussions
• 编辑参考书 compiling bibliographies of specialised materials for reading assignments

ANZSCO 2421 大学讲师和导师职位列表 List of occupations
• 242111 大学讲师 University Lecturer
• 242112 大学导师 University Tutor

242111 大学讲师 University Lecturer
• 为学生开讲座并针对大学一门或多门必修科目做专题报告,开展特定领域学问研究。需要注册或许可证。 Lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conducts research in a particular field of knowledge. Registration or licensing may be required.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

242112 大学导师 University Tutor
• 针对大学一门或多门必修科目做专题报告,开展特定领域学问研究。需要注册或许可证。 Conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university. Registration or licensing may be required.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 职业方向: Specialisation:
• 大学示教讲师 University Demonstrator