

UNIT GROUP 2415 特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers

ANZSCO 2415 特殊教育教师职责概述
• 特殊教育教师教授小学、初中、以及中等学校的有学习困难、听力障碍、视觉障碍的学生,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS teach primary, middle or intermediate, and secondary school students with learning difficulties, hearing impairment and sight impairment, and promote students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.

ANZSCO 2415 特殊教育教师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。需要注册或许可证。 In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing is required.

ANZSCO 2415 特殊教育教师主要职责 Tasks Include
• 评估学生关于智力、体质、社交和情绪障碍、异常智力水平或者语言文化障碍等方面的能力与局限 assessing students' abilities and limitations with regard to intellectual, physical, social and emotional disabilities, exceptional intellectual gifts, or specific problems of language and culture
• 计划、组织并实施特殊教学项目,提供补救或高级教学 planning, organising and implementing special programs to provide remedial or advanced tuition
• 负责各种形式的评估并解释评估结果 administering various forms of assessment and interpreting the results
• 为听觉、视觉障碍学生教授基础学科及自助技能 teaching basic academic subjects, and practical and self-help skills to hearing and sight impaired students
• 设计教学材料、方法,以协助训练和康复 devising instructional materials, methods and aids to assist in training and rehabilitation
• 就特殊技巧的实用性和使用方法对家长和教师进行讨建议、教授和辅导 advising, instructing and counselling parents and teachers on the availability and use of special techniques
• 激励和开发学生的兴趣、才能、动手能力以及协调性 stimulating and developing interests, abilities, manual skills and coordination
• 与其他员工协商,为有特殊需求的学生计划并安排授课 conferring with other staff members to plan and schedule lessons for special needs students
• 编写和维护学生的资料和其他记录,并提交报告 preparing and maintaining student data and other records and submitting reports

ANZSCO 2415 特殊教育教师职位列表 List of occupations
• 241511 特别需求教师 Special Needs Teacher
• 241512 听障教师 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired
• 241513 视障教师 Teacher of the Sight Impaired

• 241599 其他特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers nec

241511 特别需求教师 Special Needs Teacher
• 通过使用各种技巧,为小学、初中以及中学有特殊困难的学生教授学习以及生活能力,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。需要注册或许可证。 Teaches academic and living skills to primary, middle or intermediate, and secondary school students with particular learning difficulties using various techniques, and promotes students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Registration or licensing is required.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 细分 Specialisations:
• 行为支持教师 Behaviour Support Teacher
• 矫正教师 Remedial Teacher
• 超常学生教师 Teacher of Gifted Students

241512 听障教师 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired
• 教授有听觉障碍的学生学习及生活能力,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。需要注册或许可证。 Teaches academic and living skills to hearing impaired students, and promotes students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Registration or licensing is required.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

241513 视障教师 Teacher of the Sight Impaired
• 教授有视觉障碍的学生学习及生活能力,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。需要注册或许可证。 Teaches academic and living skills to sight impaired students, and promotes students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Registration or licensing is required
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1


241599 其他特殊教育教师 Special Education Teachers nec

•这个职业组包括未分类的特殊教育教师。注册或许可是必需的。This occupation group covers Special Education Teachers not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing is required.

• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1


原住民教育教师(澳大利亚)  Aboriginal Education Teacher (Aus)

远程教育教师(澳大利亚)/函授学院教师(NZ)  Distance Education Teacher (Aus) / Correspondence School Teacher (NZ)

移民教师 Migrant Teacher