ANZSCO 611112 股票及站长代理 Stock and Station Agent
Provides advice to clients and acts on their behalf in relation to the sale and purchase of rural property, livestock, crops and agricultural products and services. Registration or licensing may be required.
ANZSCO 611112 股票及站长代理 Stock and Station Agent
611112 股票及站长代理职业描述 Job description
给客户提供建议,代表他们购买房地产、家畜、农作物、农业产品和服务。可能需要注册或许可。Provides advice to clients and acts on their behalf in relation to the sale and purchase of rural property, livestock, crops and agricultural products and services. Registration or licensing may be required.
611112 股票及站长代理技术等级 Skill level
股票及站长代理的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
611112 股票及站长代理所属职业列表
611111拍卖员 Auctioneer