ANZSCO 452314 雪上运动指导员 Snowsport Instructor
Coaches, trains and instructs participants in snow skiing, snowboarding or other snowsports by analysing their performances and developing their abilities.Registration or licensing is required.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3993-27 Other Sports Coach or Instructor
452314 滑板指导员 Snowboarding Instructor
452312 体操教练或教员 Gymnastics Coach or Instructor
452313 骑马教练或教员 Horse Riding Coach or Instructor
452315 游泳教练或教员 Swimming Coach or Instructor
452316 网球教练 Tennis Coach
452317 其他体育教练或教员 Other Sports Coach or Instructor
452318 赛狗或赛马官员 Dog or Horse Racing Official
452321 体育发展主任 Sports Development Officer
452322 体育裁判 Sports Umpire
452323 其他体育官员 Other Sports Official
ANZSCO 452314 雪上运动指导员 Snowsport Instructor
452314 雪上运动指导员职业描述 Job description
通过分析运动员的表现和发展能力对其进行滑雪、滑板或其它雪上运动的训练、培训和指导。需要注册或许可。Coaches, trains and instructs participants in snow skiing, snowboarding or other snowsports by analysing their performances and developing their abilities.Registration or licensing is required.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3993-27 Other Sports Coach or Instructor
452314 雪上运动指导员职位别名
452314 滑雪指导员 Skiing Instructor452314 滑板指导员 Snowboarding Instructor
452314 雪上运动指导员技术等级 Skill level
雪上运动指导员的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
452314 雪上运动指导员所属职业列表
452311 潜水教练(开放水域) Diving Instructor (Open Water)452312 体操教练或教员 Gymnastics Coach or Instructor
452313 骑马教练或教员 Horse Riding Coach or Instructor
452315 游泳教练或教员 Swimming Coach or Instructor
452316 网球教练 Tennis Coach
452317 其他体育教练或教员 Other Sports Coach or Instructor
452318 赛狗或赛马官员 Dog or Horse Racing Official
452321 体育发展主任 Sports Development Officer
452322 体育裁判 Sports Umpire
452323 其他体育官员 Other Sports Official