ANZSCO 612114 房地产经纪人 Real Estate Agent
Coordinates the activities of real estate representatives in selling and leasing real estate, ensuring compliance with legislative requirements. Registration or licensing is required.
ANZSCO 612114 房地产经纪人 Real Estate Agent
612114 房地产经纪人职业描述 Job description
协调房地产代表的房产销售和租赁活动,确保符合法律要求。需要注册或许可。Coordinates the activities of real estate representatives in selling and leasing real estate, ensuring compliance with legislative requirements. Registration or licensing is required.
612114 房地产经纪人技术等级 Skill level
房地产经纪人的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
612114 房地产经纪人所属职业列表
612111 生意买卖中介 Business Broker
612112 物业经理 Property Manager
612113 地产代理持牌人 Real Estate Agency Licensee
612115 房地产代表 Real Estate Representative