ANZSCO 451211 驾驶教练 Driving Instructor
Instructs individuals and groups in the theory and application of driving motor vehicles. Registration or licensing is required.
ANZSCO 451211 驾驶教练 Driving Instructor
451211 驾驶教练职业描述 Job description
教授个人和团体关于驾驶机动车辆的理论和实践。需要注册或许可。Instructs individuals and groups in the theory and application of driving motor vehicles. Registration or licensing is required.
451211 驾驶教练职位别名
451211 摩托车教练 Motorcycle Riding Instructor
451211 驾驶教练技术等级 Skill level
驾驶教练的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。