ANZSCO 599915 临床编码员 Clinical Coder
Assigns codes to narrative descriptions of patients‘ diseases, operations and procedures in accordance with recognised classification systems to allow for easy storage, retrieval and analysis of health data.
ANZSCO 599915 临床编码员 Clinical Coder
599915 临床编码员职业描述 Job description
分配代码,照认可的分类系统描述病人的疾病、操作和程序按,以便容易储存、检索和分析健康数据。Assigns codes to narrative descriptions of patients‘ diseases, operations and procedures in accordance with recognised classification systems to allow for easy storage, retrieval and analysis of health data.
599915 临床编码员技术等级 Skill level
临床编码员的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。