ANZSCO 323316 钟表制造工和修理工 Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer
Makes, repairs, cleans and adjusts watches and clocks
323312 枪械工 Gunsmith
323313 锁匠 Locksmith
323314 精密仪器制造和修理工 Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer
323315 电锯制造和修理工 Saw Maker and Repairer
ANZSCO 323316 钟表制造工和修理工 Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer
323316 钟表制造工和修理工职业描述 Job description
制作、修理、清洗和调节手表和钟表。Makes, repairs, cleans and adjusts watches and clocks
323316 钟表制造工和修理工技术等级 Skill level
钟表制造工和修理工的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。323316 钟表制造工和修理工所属职业列表
323311 雕刻工 Engraver323312 枪械工 Gunsmith
323313 锁匠 Locksmith
323314 精密仪器制造和修理工 Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer
323315 电锯制造和修理工 Saw Maker and Repairer