ANZSCO 342414 电信技术员 Telecommunications Technician
Installs, maintains and repairs telecommunications equipment and appliances, such as telephones, mobile telephones, switchboards and data transmission equipment, in homes, businesses, telephone exchanges and other network sites.Previously referred to in ASCO as:4316-01 Communications Tradespersons - Supervisor and 4316-11 General Communications Tradesperson
342414 电信系统技术员 (陆军) Technician Telecommunication Systems (Army)
342412 电信电缆接线员 Telecommunications Cable Jointer
342413 电信接线员 Telecommunications Line Mechanic
ANZSCO 342414 电信技术员 Telecommunications Technician
342414 电信技术员职业描述 Job description
安装、维护和修理家里、企业、电话局和其它网点的电信设备,如座机、移动电话、配电盘和数据传输设备。Installs, maintains and repairs telecommunications equipment and appliances, such as telephones, mobile telephones, switchboards and data transmission equipment, in homes, businesses, telephone exchanges and other network sites.Previously referred to in ASCO as:4316-01 Communications Tradespersons - Supervisor and 4316-11 General Communications Tradesperson
342414 电信技术员职位别名
342414 通信技术员 Communications Technician342414 电信系统技术员 (陆军) Technician Telecommunication Systems (Army)
342414 电信技术员技术等级 Skill level
电信技术员的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
342414 电信技术员所属职业列表
342411 线缆工(数据通信) Cabler (Data and Telecommunications)342412 电信电缆接线员 Telecommunications Cable Jointer
342413 电信接线员 Telecommunications Line Mechanic