ANZSCO 322115 金属抛光工 Metal Polisher
Polishes metal to impart smooth, reflective and other finishes. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 4126-11 Metal Polisher.
322112 电镀工 Electroplater
322113 蹄铁匠 Farrier
322114 金属铸件工 Metal Casting Trades Worker
ANZSCO 322115 金属抛光工 Metal Polisher
322115 金属抛光工职业描述 Job description
打磨金属,制成光滑、有反射功能的产品或其他成品。Polishes metal to impart smooth, reflective and other finishes. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 4126-11 Metal Polisher.
322115 金属抛光工技术等级 Skill level
金属抛光工技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
322115 金属抛光工所属职业列表
322111 铁匠 Blacksmith322112 电镀工 Electroplater
322113 蹄铁匠 Farrier
322114 金属铸件工 Metal Casting Trades Worker