ANZSCO 323214 金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class)
Sets up and operates machine tools to shape and form metal stock and castings to fine tolerances, using detailed drawings and specifications.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 4112-13 Metal Machinist (First Class).
323214 汽车机修工 Automotive Machinist
323214 金属机械安装工 Metal Machine Setter
323214 金属车工 Metal Turner
323214 磨砂机机修工 Milling Machinist
323214 钻工 Vertical Borer
323212 钳工和车床工 Fitter and Turner
323213 钳工,焊工 Fitter-Welder
323215 纺织品、衣服和鞋类机修工 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic
323299 金属钳工和机械师 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec
ANZSCO 323214 金属机械师(甲等) Metal Machinist (First Class)
323214 金属机械师(甲等)职业描述 Job description
金属机械师(甲等)负责用详图和说明书来设置和操作机床,以使金属制品和配件成型。Sets up and operates machine tools to shape and form metal stock and castings to fine tolerances, using detailed drawings and specifications.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 4112-13 Metal Machinist (First Class).
323214 金属机械师(甲等)职位别名
323214 飞机机修工 Aircraft Machinist323214 汽车机修工 Automotive Machinist
323214 金属机械安装工 Metal Machine Setter
323214 金属车工 Metal Turner
323214 磨砂机机修工 Milling Machinist
323214 钻工 Vertical Borer
323214 金属机械师(甲等)技术等级 Skill level
金属机械师(甲等)的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。323214 金属机械师(甲等)所属职业列表
323211 钳工(普通) Fitter (General)323212 钳工和车床工 Fitter and Turner
323213 钳工,焊工 Fitter-Welder
323215 纺织品、衣服和鞋类机修工 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic
323299 金属钳工和机械师 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec