ANZSCO 399918 消防设备技术员 Fire Protection Equipment Technician
399912 室内装潢师 Interior Decorator
399913 眼镜配制技师 Dispensing Optician
399914 光学技工 Optical Mechanic
399916 塑料技术员 Plastics Technician
399917 羊毛分级员 Wool Classer
399999 其他未分类技术人员 Technicians and Trades Workers nec
ANZSCO 399918 消防设备技术员 Fire Protection Equipment Technician
399918 消防设备技术员职业描述 Job description
Installs, tests and maintains fire protection equipment and systems such as extinguishers, hoses, reels, hydrants, fire blankets, exit lighting, fire and smoke doors, gaseous fire suppression systems, passive fire and smoke containment systems and foam generating equipment. Registration or licensing may be required.
399918 消防设备技术员技术等级 Skill level
消防设备技术员的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。
399918 消防设备技术员所属职业列表
399911 潜水员 Diver399912 室内装潢师 Interior Decorator
399913 眼镜配制技师 Dispensing Optician
399914 光学技工 Optical Mechanic
399916 塑料技术员 Plastics Technician
399917 羊毛分级员 Wool Classer
399999 其他未分类技术人员 Technicians and Trades Workers nec