ANZSCO 441212 消防战士 Fire Fighter
Responds to fire alarms and emergency calls, controls and extinguishes fires, and protects life and property. Registration or licensing is required.
441212 防火官员 Fire Prevention Officer
441212 Leading Firefighter
ANZSCO 441212 消防战士 Fire Fighter
441212 消防战士职业描述 Job description
响应火警紧急呼叫,控制和扑灭火灾,保护生命和财产。需要注册或许可。Responds to fire alarms and emergency calls, controls and extinguishes fires, and protects life and property. Registration or licensing is required.
441212 消防战士职位别名
441212 消防工程师 Fire Engineer441212 防火官员 Fire Prevention Officer
441212 Leading Firefighter
441212 消防战士技术等级 Skill level
消防战士的技能等级为3(ANZSCO Skill Level 3)。