ANZSCO 223113 劳资关系顾问 Workplace Relations Adviser
223113 工会官员 Trade Union Official
223113 协会组织者 Union Organiser
223112 招聘顾问 Recruitment Consultant
223113 劳资关系顾问 Workplace Relations Adviser
ANZSCO 223113 劳资关系顾问 Workplace Relations Adviser
223113 劳资关系顾问职业描述 Job description
Assists in resolving disputes by advising on workplace relations policies and problems, and representing industrial, commercial, union, employer or other parties in negotiations on rates of pay and conditions of employment. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2291-15 Industrial Relations Officer.
223113 劳资关系顾问职位别名
223113 劳资关系职员 Industrial Relations Officer223113 工会官员 Trade Union Official
223113 协会组织者 Union Organiser
223113 劳资关系顾问技术等级 Skill level
劳资关系顾问的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
223113 劳资关系顾问所属职业列表
223111 人力资源顾问 Human Resource Adviser223112 招聘顾问 Recruitment Consultant
223113 劳资关系顾问 Workplace Relations Adviser