ANZSCO 242111 大学讲师 University Lecturer
Lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conducts research in a particular field of knowledge. Registration or licensing may be required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2421-11 University Lecturer.
ANZSCO 242111 大学讲师 University Lecturer
242111 大学讲师职业描述 Job description
大学讲师为学生开讲座并针对大学一门或多门必修科目做专题报告,开展特定领域学问研究。需要注册或许可证。Lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conducts research in a particular field of knowledge. Registration or licensing may be required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2421-11 University Lecturer.