ANZSCO 233215 交通工程师 Transport Engineer
Plans and develops transport systems to improve infrastructure efficiency and the cost effectiveness of moving people and freight. Registration or licensing may be required.
233212 岩土工程师 Geotechnical Engineer
233213 工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor
233214 结构工程师 Structural Engineer
ANZSCO 233215 交通工程师 Transport Engineer
233215 交通工程师职业描述 Job description
交通工程师负责规划和完善运输系统以提高基础设施有效性以及流动人口和运费的成本效率。可能需要注册或工作许可。Plans and develops transport systems to improve infrastructure efficiency and the cost effectiveness of moving people and freight. Registration or licensing may be required.
233215 交通工程师职位别名
233215 公路建设与保养工程师 Roading Engineer
233215 交通工程师技术等级 Skill Level
交通工程师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
233215 交通工程师所属职业列表
233211 土木工程师 Civil Engineer233212 岩土工程师 Geotechnical Engineer
233213 工料测量师 Quantity Surveyor
233214 结构工程师 Structural Engineer