ANZSCO 223311 培训和开发专员 Training and Development Professional
223311 教育主任(空军与陆军) Education Officer (Air Force and Army)
223311 培训系统主任(海军) Training Systems Officer (Navy)
ANZSCO 223311 培训和开发专员 Training and Development Professional
223311 培训和开发专员职业描述 Job description
Plans, develops, implements and evaluates training and development programs to ensure management and staff acquire the skills and develop the competencies required by an organisation to meet organisational objectives.
223311 培训和开发专员职位别名
223311 培训主管 Training Officer223311 教育主任(空军与陆军) Education Officer (Air Force and Army)
223311 培训系统主任(海军) Training Systems Officer (Navy)
223311 培训和开发专员技术等级 Skill level
培训和开发专员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)